Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1997294-Red
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest · #1997294
It is a time of revolution.


We are in the gathering area of the town. Gathered one by one, we stand as one in support of each other. There was a call for this gathering by the King in particular because he does not like it when you defy him. We as a collective group have had enough and thought it is time for a stand. The purpose of this gathering is judgement for those particular individuals named. Usually, the outcome of this type of even is death and everyone in the audience knows this.

Standing on the cobble stones, the crowd looks up at the stage area with my daughter in front of me who I am holding onto for dear life. There is the feeling of fear everywhere in each of us gathered here today. I know that this not going to be a happy day for us, I can feel this in the depth of my being. My husband, Red is up on the stage talking to all of us and it is difficult to hear him where are; I know he is telling people truth that they need to hear and what is going to happen because we all know why we are here. We have all been fighting the King in every way that we can because what he wants us to do is not right we are being treated like slaves and we know this will never stop if we do not do something. As a group it has been decided together as a town we are standing for us and the future for our children so this has brought us all here today.

A short stocky man approaches the back of the crowd and reads out loud from a scroll, "Here ye! Here ye! By the power of his majesty everyone who was not called to be here must leave at this time. The ones who have been called must stay."

Majority of the crowd stampedes towards the only way out with fear and worry because they all know what the outcome of the events of the day entail. Fear and panic come over me for my daughter. I decided that if we were going to die she will live so I pushed her as hard as I could into the throng of people leaving. She did not understand what I was trying to do because she fell on her knees and was not going to get up and told her, "Go Cassie. You must go with everyone else." This is the hardest thing I have had to do in my life.

She did what most kids do when they are told to do something they do not want to do and gave a big sigh and stood up walking very slowly dragging her feet towards where all the others had gone. I watched my beautiful precious blond child walk away from me and knew I would never see her again. As soon as she crossed over the invisible separation line the portcullis fell down just missing her. I walked towards her and told her, "Mommy loves you Cassie. You need to go with these other people right now." I gave her one last kiss goodbye. I was grateful to see our neighbour Doris come up and put her arm around my Cassie and lead her away.

I am feeling overwhelmed of so much emotion. There is so much anger towards my husband because if he hadn't led this revolution than we would not have been in this situation at all. I would still have my daughter, my home, and my life. I walk towards the stone wall and lean my back on it and slide myself down to the ground and cry. I cry because of the pain of what we have endured and loss that is going to happen. My daughter will not have her mother. These feelings are selfish I know.

Sitting there with my face buried in my knees as I am crying my heart out I see some movement and look up to see the crowd part like the parting of the Red Sea. Someone in the crowd had told Red I was crying and he jumped down off the stage and if you were in his way you were tossed on the ground like a piece of paper. In this moment nothing else mattered to me except the love I have for my husband Red. I see the worry lines creasing on his face as he is barreling towards me like chicken with its head cut off. Feeling overwhelmed with emotion I feel the gentlest hands around me and all I can say, "She is gone. She is gone."

Red looks at me with this look of loss and pain because he knew what I meant and also what I did and he holds me and starts to cry as well. Together sharing in the release of emotion for a moment the two of us exist in our reverie. In this moment I realize that being with my husband is the most important decision. I love him more than anything, he is my soul mate. Everything he has been doing has actually been for the benefit of all people and our country and no one else has stepped up to contribute as he has; I love him for who he is. As he holds me I realize that he is my soul mate and forever I will be with him. He finally says to me, "Love, it will be alright. I love you."

© Copyright 2014 TJ Marie (snow_hawk at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1997294-Red