Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1997725-When-the-Whistle-Blows
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #1997725
In the near future, a boy steals electronic data to save his family and "the agency."
When the Whistle Blows

"I need to hurry before I'm caught!", I thought to myself.
I quickly looked around, making sure that I was alone, then turned back to the computer. I grabbed the USB drive and plugged it into the computer. It made a "ding" sound and I looked up to double check that nobody had heard anything. I glanced back down at the device and saw that it was already 34% of the way done with copying the data.
"This is awesome! I can finally get us enough money! Mom and dad and the agency...they'll all be so-"
The device made another "ding" as it finished and I pulled it out of the USB port. I reached up to my head and removed the cap for the USB port on the left side of my head. I fumbled with the USB drive as I tried to quickly put it in and start the transfer.
I heard the faint sound of footsteps and looked up to see where the person was. I glanced down at my watch and saw that the security guard should be back in twenty seconds. I brought up the download bar on my iHUD (programed into humans and shows info. that moves with their face/eyes) and saw that it was only 65% done. I looked up again and saw the barrel of a gun slowly poke through the door.
"Crap! He's back too soon!"
I ducked down behind the table and anxiously waited for the thing to finish. A few seconds later, it made another "ding" sound. I froze and the guard pointed his gun in my direction.
"Who's there!!"
I left the USB drive in my head and took off running. I ran for the door that led outside 10ft away from me and ducked out as the man shot at me. I turned right and bolted down the street.
I didn't realize I was so close to the train tracks until I heard the roar of the engine. I looked behind me and saw the man with the guard yelling and running towards me. I turned back and ran as fast as I could to the tracks, an insane plan forming inside my head.
"I can't let him catch me! He can't know about the plans!"
The man was quickly gaining on me and raised his gun. I ducked and kept running as gunshots pierced the silence - you couldn't hear the train that much - and bullets wizzed over my head.
*ping* *ping*
Two of the bullets hit the stop sign next to me as I ran past it. I stole another glance back over my shoulder and I saw the man trip and fall.
"Yes!! I can make it! I'm almost to the tracks!"
The roar of the train was overwhelmingly loud all of a sudden, which may have been why I didn't hear any more gunshots. I realized that I had tuned out of it as I was trying not to get myself killed. I looked to the left and saw a glint of light from the train as it drew closer by the second.
An unusual wave of relief and calmness came over me as I got to the tracks. The train was only a couple hundred feet away from me and closing in fast. I had to get across the tracks, or else I was sure to be caught.
I began to cross the tracks when I felt a sharp pain rip through my stomach, beginning with my spine. It took me a few seconds to realize what had happened, as time seemed to slow down while I silently fell onto the tracks. My head hit that thick metal part - you know, where the wheels ride on - and rested on top of it.
"I was...shot?"
I was still in shock and blinked. My vision focused back to normal and I saw that I was facing left...where the train was coming from.
The train was practically "on top of me" - as the guys in those military games would say. I knew that I couldn't move because the bullet had hit my spine. I was paralyzed and had no chance of escaping my fate, which was sealed the moment I was shot.
"I've failed...mom, dad, everyone...I'm sorry."
At least the man wouldn't get the data that I had downloaded. I might actually be able to send it wirelessly before I go now that I think about it.
I felt weak and tired for some reason.
"I guess this is how everyone feels just before they die", I thought to myself.
I accessed the data in my head and selected the "FORCED EXPORT" option that popped up. I smiled, knowing that it would be safe and in the right hands.
I looked up and the train's light filled my eyes, getting bigger and brighter as it got closer - though my vision was beginning to dim. I thought I heard a man's voice yelling in the background as I drifted off into the light, and the train's wheels bore down on my head.

© Copyright 2014 Ryan Monahan (akaboy123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1997725-When-the-Whistle-Blows