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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1998548
Just a short, sexy story I wrote for a friend.
         We’re lounging on the couch watching Frozen, Katie’s cuddled up to me like she normally is when we’re together. I’ve been meaning to watch this movie, but I still can’t seem to pay attention with her so close. It’s been too long since I last saw her, it doesn’t help that this is the first time I’ve actually been single since we met. The more I try to block it out of my mind, the more I feel my face burning red. I wrap my arm more tightly around her body, trying to hug her a little closer without being obvious.

         She smiles and nuzzles closer, making me blush harder and squirm a little. I look down at her to ask something about the movie, but I’m caught in her eyes as she giggles at my cut-off sentence. I draw a blank and before I know it, my mouth is pressed to hers, and nothing else exists for the moment. I pull away, trying to catch my breath and calm my rapid heart.

         She doesn’t give me much of a pause, but instead climbs on top of me and kisses me again. I feel sparks across the surface of her lips, and tingling at every point where our bodies meet. I slide my hands up body slowly, slipping her shirt over her head with a smile. Softly, I kiss her cheek, down her neck, and across her shoulder. She shivers and leans away a little, giving me the chance to take my own shirt off.

         Still sitting up, I slide my hands up her back and trace my lips along her chest, while unclasping her bra. I look up to see her blush a little before I move to run my tongue around her nipple. I hear her breath catch as I slip her nipple into my mouth and softly dig my fingers into her hips, trying to get a little rocking motion going. I shift so I can kiss down her stomach, and undo her pants with my mouth, one of my few “hidden” talents.

         Tugging her pants off, I smile warmly up at her. She seems a little nervous, but I know I can make that fade soon enough. Giggling a little, I kiss up the inside of her thigh, and then back to her waist. She wiggles beneath my lips, my teasing getting to her. I use my teeth to smoothly slide her underwear off, then sit back for a moment to just look at her, bare before me. Once I have her image set in my mind, I move in to steal sweet kiss on her forehead.

         My body takes over again as I kiss her deeply, sliding my hand up her thigh and towards her sex. I press my palm to her, not yet ready to give in to her desire, wanting to see at least a small amount of begging in her eyes. I move my hand slowly and break the kiss as I feel my face from that smile. The one where my grin spells confidence, my dimple shows pleasure, and my eyes simmer with dominance. She’s never seen this smile, this side of me before, but it triggers her to give me the signal I was waiting for.

         I slide one finger over her clit slowly, she sucks in a breath as I finally begin. Still just teasing, I kiss her cheek and nibble her ear, letting out a short, whispered laugh. She moans quietly, causing me to whimper a little as well. I start to tease her a little faster and when she moans again I take my chance and slide my finger inside her. She lets out a sound almost like surprise, then I feel her hips starting to move in sync with my hand. Not wanting to completely give in yet, but never one to disappoint, again I take her nipple into my mouth.

         As she grows wetter to my touch, I press another finger into her, working my hand a little faster. When I feel I’ve gotten to the right pace without being too rough, I take her hip with my other hand, keeping her thrusts and mine in time with each other. After a few moments, as she grows closer and closer to that point, I move my mouth from her breasts and start trailing gentle bites down her side. Just as I feel her body prepare to give way to orgasm, I move my hand away from her and lean back to watch her face. Again, that smile plays on my lips.

         I can see a look of disappointment about to cross her face, but I cut it off as I kiss right above her sweet spot. She gasps softly, so I flick my tongue over her clit, loving every sound she makes. I press my mouth into her warmth, getting a small taste of my woman. She bucks softly, so I take hold of her legs and wrap them around my shoulders as I slip my tongue inside. Finally, I have her full flavor, and I swear it could drive me mad if I let it.

         I work my tongue and lips, doing my best to bring her back to the breaking point. Her fingers run through my hair then grip it roughly, causing me to moan into her sex. I move my tongue back to her clit and slide my fingers back inside her, wanting only to pleasure her as much as I can. I pump my hand more roughly and feel her getting ready to climax, her body tensing, her moans growing louder and faltering. I press my tongue flat against her clit and thrust the final time as she bucks one last time and finishes.

         As her body relaxes, I wrap my arms around her and roll us so that she’s on top of me. Very softly, I trace my fingers up and down along her back, my cheek pressed to the top of her head. She nuzzles my chest and I laugh a little before I lift her chin to look at me. I touch my nose to hers, then kiss her slow and sweetly. Her smile is adorable and her eyes are the most dazzling sight in existence. I can’t help but smile back, loving and innocent once more..
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