Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2000353-Farmis
Rated: NPL · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2000353
Aramis and Feng set out on a journey to save an unknown hostage. More of an inside joke.
         Feng woke up to the sound of his window opening. In his morning haze, he sat up, and saw the blurry figure step into his room from the window. Rubbing his eyes furiously, he looked up to see Aramis, dressed in a black morphsuit, covered with various equipment. "A-Armis?" Feng stuttered, surprised. He sat up in his bed, confused at why his Floridian friend was standing in his room, across the country. "How did you get here?" Feng asked. "Feng, I need your help." Aramis said, a serious look on his face. "I want you to be mine." Aramis kissed Feng, as Feng grunted in surprise. "I got a job, pays really good. But I need you to help me on this one job. I don't know the area, and I think I can use your skills. You'll get a share of the pay." Aramis explained, as he paced around Feng's room.

         "What is the job?" Feng asked, still waking up. Aramis opened the door to Feng's room and poked his head out, quickly looking around. The house was empty. Now Aramis could live out all of his fantasies with Feng and no one could stop him. Aramis came back into the room and closed the door behind him.

         "It's a blowjob." "We're saving a hostage. don't know who, but apparently they're important, or else we wouldn't be getting 3 million for it." Aramis sat down at the foot of the bed, letting out a tired sigh. "It'll be worth it if we do this."

         Feng's eyes widened. "THREE MILLION DOLLARS?" He exclaimed, his accent showing itself more than usual. "Who the hell is this person?" He jumped out of bed, a look of joy on his face. "Hell yeah, let's fucking do this!" Feng grinned. Aramis turned to look at him. "You realize that the three million dollars isn't for nothing, right?" He asked, a hint of worry in his voice. Feng's smile faded. "What do you mean?"

         "They're giving three million dollars because of how much trouble we're gonna have to go through to save this guy." Aramis said. "This isn't gonna be easy, okay? We're talking guns and shit." He stood up, gesturing to the equipment covering his body. "We could die."

         "WHAT THE FUCK?" Feng yelled out. "How did you get this job, you're like fourteen, what? I don't wanna die, come on, man, what the hell? How do you even shoot a gun, why'd you come to me?" Feng was pacing around frantically, his hands on his head, visibly stressed. Aramis waited for him to calm down. "I came to you because I know you can do it. We can do this, and we can get the money. And then we can go have sexy times in a really expensive hotel. I trust you, you little Asian boy." Aramis extended his hand to Feng, a reassuring smile on his face.

         Feng turned around to see Aramis' hand extended to him. He hesitated. He didn't know what he was doing, and if he lost his life, then what? He was only fourteen, and he had people he cared about. His family, friends, Jessica, what would life be like for them? What did he bring to the table that Aramis needed? "Why the hell do you need me?" He asked. Aramis replied almost instantly. "I need a good shotcaller. And someone to suck my d"

         "I'm being serious, Armis." Feng frowned. Aramis lowered his hand. "Alright, man. Honestly, I'm fuckin' dumb, okay? I get all nervous and shit, and I can't do anything alone." Aramis faced away from Feng, embarrassed. He felt Feng's arms reach around his waist, sensually caressing him. "Now will you help me?" He asked.

         There was a long silence, as Aramis stood looking at the ground, and Feng considered. "Yeah, I'll help." He finally answered. Aramis looked up and turned to face Feng, beaming. "Thanks." That's all that he could say, as he opened the door. "The car's in the front." He didn't look back as he walked out of the house.

          Feng let out a long breath. Now he could finally fap. He started getting dressed, and thought over what just happened in his room. What the hell did he just get himself into? Why did he even agree? His train of thought was interrupted by the sound of a loud engine outside. Feng processed what Aramis had said. He shouted in surprise, "CAR?!"

***End Chapter One***

         Feng opened the door to the black SUV to see Aramis sitting in the driver seat. Then Aramis' enormous d exploded from his pants and attacked Feng. Climbing into the passenger seat, Feng looked around the inside of the car. The windows were tinted to be almost an opaque black, and the back of the SUV was emptied out to become a full arsenal. The walls were adorned with various rifles, magazines, and knives.

         Feng looked at Aramis with wide eyes. "What the hell is this?" He asked, jaw dropped from the mobile armory that he was sitting in. Aramis used this opportunity to get into Feng's mouth. He closed the door, and Aramis started driving. Feng buckled the seatbelt, and watched the houses pass by. "The people who gave us the job are pretty rich, if you couldn't tell. Gave me all this stuff. They reaaalllly want this job done." Aramis explained as he drove. He didn't have a license, or much driving experience, but he had enough experience to know what he was doing.

         Feng was still confused. "Why did they pick you? They could've gotten one of those, like hitmen or something. They have money, so why did they pick you?" Aramis shrugged. "They just called me up one day, and did some freaky shit to convince me. They were set on getting me to do it. They put 3,000 dollars in my mom's bank account, and they sent a helicoptor to pick me up. I can't just decline that, man. They mentioned you, too. They dropped me off this morning, a block away from your house."

         Feng thought over what he was being told. Aramis was acting as if this was all normal, a part of their everyday lives. He was across the country right now, driving a car that he didn't own, filled with weapons he didn't own, and he was trying to save some hostage he didn't know from potentially dangerous people. Feng sat back in his seat, taking a deep breath. "I don't know what the hell your plan is, but you better know what you're doing, Armis." He sighed, closing his eyes.

         "You're not worried about your family, huh?" Aramis asked. Feng immediately sat up, eyes ASIAN AS FUCK wide, and turned to Aramis. "What the fuck happened to them?" He questioned. The house was empty when he left, but his mind was too occupied to notice. He mentally facepalmed. How was he that stupid? As they left Feng's neighborhood, Aramis chuckled softly. "I murdered them all. Don't worry, they're asleep. The company came in while you were sleeping, and gave them some sedatives." He said casually, leaning his seat farther back.

         "The company? That's what you're calling them? Are they like a fucking corporation or something? Is it Riot?" Feng joked, but his expression betrayed his worry. "Do you even know what kind of people they are? What if they want to kill us or something?"

         Aramis shook his head. "I've been with them for a while, they're a bit shady, but I know they wouldn't do anything evil. They do want to have sex with your mom though." Feng sat back in his seat, and looked at Aramis. "I'm trusting you, okay? Trust." He said, eyes shimmering. "Trust." Aramis repeated, glancing at Feng. Then, in that tender moment, they brought their faces together and kissed.

         Aramis kept driving, occasionally asking Feng if he was okay. After a few hours, Feng finally gave in to the feeling in his stomach. He leaned over, and stuck his tongue in Aramis' ear. "I'm hungry now." he announced. Aramis nodded. "Yeah, I haven't eaten anything yet. Too much excitement, you know?" He pointed to his pants. "What do you feel like? There should be some Asian food around." He looked around the city, but he looked lost. Feng furrowed his brow. "Are you trying to be racist, bitch?" He said sarcastically. Aramis smiled and looked back at Feng. "No, I just like Asian food. Like your cock I just thought that you'd eat Asian food too. If not, we can go get Mexican. Like my cock." He explained, turning onto the exit ramp.

         As they drove through the city, Aramis felt something was wrong. There was no one on the streets, and every store was closed. An eerie silence loomed over the area. Feng looked around warily, confused. "This place is usually packed with people. This isn't normal, man." He explained, glancing back at the rear of the car, eyeing the firearms. Aramis nodded, continuing to drive slowly through the street. "They mentioned people might try to stop us. I didn't think it would happen this quickly."

         Feng turned to Aramis, shocked. "What do you mean? How do they know about us?" He jumped into the back of the car, and grabbed a handgun and ammo.
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