Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2001139-i-am-a-geniuss
by nina
Rated: E · Other · Other · #2001139

Helena Adkins Adkins 1
ENG 0990
Mr. Walter
18 July 2014
I am a Genius

Throughout my life there has been many people who gave me tons of inspiration. I believe that there was only one main person who made a extremely big impact on my life but I didnt realize it until the two thousand fourteen school year was over.This person was tall, female, african american, strict, and my english teacher for my ninth grade school year. She may have been stricked, mean, and outspoken but she has taught not just me but many people very important life lessons.
In the beggining when i first met her she was very harsh and crucial.She wanted everythng done then and there. She looked very professional everyday of the week. she wore nicey irned suits and skirts. she alys had her makeup done perfectly. when i first met her i didnt have any nice feelings twords her. i thought she was to mean and pushed me to far. all that change about one month into the second quarter of the school year.One day i was in her class crying. i was upset about what had happened to my little cousins. they had been taken away be social services for about two or three years now. I just could controll my emotions anymore. i didnt do any work and just had my head down for her entire class. she called on me to answer a question but i refused. she then pullled me out of class next period and asked what was wrong. i told her my whole situation. This was the frst time she had given me a valuable life leason. she said "some things in life you cant fix doll, live life now. Atleast you no they are doing good where thier at now and are happy."this gave me alot of courage to pick myself back pand go on throughout the day with a smile on my face.
almost each and every day Ms.Johnson gave me inspirational advice. She all ways told us Even day we would read a inspirational poem called I am a Genius. the whole class would yell " Iam a genius, i can do anything, if my mind believes it, i can achieve it, i will thrive, i will strive, because i believe in me!" If we didnt yell this loud enough she would make us say it agian. we did this each and every dar. believe she did this so that she can get us to believe in ourselves and not just other people who believe in us.She would push us to our limits, making us dothings we have never dne before.we didnt just learn english, we learned about romeo and juliet , we learned history, and we learned shakespherein her class.She was very tuff on us with her grading. When she said you have to earn a "A' she actually ment it. For the first simester i recieved two "B's" in her class. She gave us one final project that was worth five hundred points twords ur grde. i really needed these points so i went all out. She let us work wit partners on this prject. the partner i choose was my best friend She'Antay Crockett. She wasnt in the same class as me but we both had her as a teacher. Ms.Johnson new that we were absolutly best friends so she made a acception just for us. she gave us two weeks to do this project. Our project was on the Holocaust. We created a 3-D model of a concentration camp and a poster boad that described everything that we had going on in our model. She was absolutly amazed. she told us we would deffinitly goes somewhre in life. She gave us not one but two "A's" on this prject.
She always gave good advice on life. Every friday on school days in her class all we ould do is talk about life relationships and self confidence. sometimes she would teach us proper ellegence for important meetings and occasions. She even tought us how to react and answer questons when we get a job interview someday. She told us the rights and wrongs about a relatonship,and how two people are suppose to treat eachother. When i first got notifyed that i had a interview to get into high tech academy the first person i came to as her. She told me to always keep a smile on my face , think befor i answer the questions that are being asked, dress in appropriate clothing, and to be confident about myself. During my lunch time i would spend i would get my lunch and go dirrectly her class. We would practice doing little interviews to build up my confidence. She gave me alot of courge to try my hardest to get into this amazing program. When i got my acceptiance letter i nearly started crying. The first person i told was Ms.Johnson. she started crying for me saying "im so proud of you.You tried yur hardest and anted this oppurtunity and you got it. Congradulations Helena!"
My inspiration figure i look up to is Ms. A.V Johnson, my ninth grade english teacher. She has helped me through bad situations. she has helped me strive for want i believe in and want. She helped me achieve this goal of getting into Hiah Tech Acdemy. She mad a big inpact onmy life making me view it ina whole new perspective. tis women is now a big part of my ike and i am thrilled i got to have her as a teacher because if i didnt i never would of gotten into high tech academy. She is my inspiration.

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