Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2003389-Coincidence
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Religious · #2003389
A grief stricken man at the brink....
Dave Anderson, tired and feeling his age arrives at his home in a small town in western Arizona, walks through the back door and starts to call her name but realizes there is no one to answer, nor will there ever be again. Like having a dark, heavy blanket thrown over him, he is instantly overcome with a wave of grief. She's gone and all that awaits is another day of loneliness and memories of what was. Stunned, in a daze, not sure of where he is or what he's supposed to be doing, he goes and sits on his couch, stares straight ahead, not really looking, not really seeing. Absently he turns on the television. There is no picture, only snow because he hasn't bothered to turn on the Dish receiver, and only static for sound. Please God. No more.

As he sits there and reflects on these last six years watching his wife of 34 years waste away from her losing battle with cancer, he's unable to contain his grief. Every day he is plagued by guilt, shame and remorse with the feeling he could have done something more. Then it comes again . . . that image of her eyes! He was holding her hand that last day at the hospital as her life faded and she breathed her last breath. The color of her eyes dissolving from brown to a terrifying gray as her spirit left her body! Oh my God! Please take this memory away . . .no more! The sound of the static seems to say "ssssh', yet his sobs and cries become relentless, turning into uncontrollable wailing. He takes the small Beretta from the case in front of him and his cries become muffled and the taste of oil and steel are overpowering. A peace starts to wash over him as he realizes his terrible journey is at last nearing its end. The grief, loneliness and misery will finally be over. A sound suddenly interrupts him. The Doorbell? He stuffs the pistol between the cushions of the couch, stands up and goes to the door. He wipes his eyes, opens it. "Herb, what are you doing here?"

Herb is a friend who's never been to his house and yet here he is at the door. Herb tells him he was thinking and praying for him and felt he should check on him. What are the chances? Here, now?Coincidence?

They talk for a while, decide to get together and meet for lunch later in the week.
When Herb leaves, the man sits and reflects and realizes how close he came to doing something very foolish. Maybe God is there, looking out for him and has different plans for his future.

Years later, remarried and happy, he thinks back on this, wondering whether it was all a dream or real.

July 31, 2014

© Copyright 2014 Steven Alexander (doctordirt at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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