Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2011048-The-Complaint
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #2011048
Young man tries to return a hypnosis DVD he purchased for his mother. Fart/hypno fetish.
Warning, this is a disgusting tale of fart fetishism and hypnosis. Read at your own risk.

This story is a follow up to these two manips:

http://hypnohub.net/post/show/19552 (Part 1)
http://hypnohub.net/post/show/19646 (Part 2)

The Complaint

"Hello, welcome to Sleazy Sal's! What can I do for you, young man?"
"I happen to have a complaint. It's about this hypnosis DVD I bought here yesterday..."
"Ah yes. The HypnoLabs Admirer-Repellant program. Excellent choice."
"Well, not exactly. I am not satisfied with it."
"Oh? That's a shame. Did it not work on your subject of choice?"
"Well, it sort of did. But the... outcome was still not satisfactory. It was not what I had hoped to achieve."
"What had you hoped to achieve then?"
"That it... cancel out her inappropriate infatuation with... uh... someone close to her."
"That's not really what the DVD is laid out to do. Who was the subject, if I might ask? A rival in love?"
"Uhm... not exactly."
"So..? Who was it then?"
"My... my mother."
"Your own mother?! Why on earth would you do that to her? Do you dislike her new boyfriend that much?"
"No, that's not it. Thing is, she's sort of... attracted to me."
"Oh. Wow. Uhm, well, these things happen I guess. To each their own."
"I don't like it! And she's not herself any more."
"So what happened to her that she has that... newfound interest in her son?"
"It's because of another DVD which I had carelessly left lying around. Which she watched by accident. It was supposed to be watched by someone else entirely. I don't appreciate her sexual interest in me... matter of fact, it bothers me a lot and I wanted to undo it."
"With this DVD that you bought yesterday."
"You bought the wrong one then. This one just makes the subject... well, do repulsive things whenever the most desired person is around. It can't cancel out anything, that's just not how these things work."
"Ugh. You know what it does? I'll tell you what it does! It makes my mom fart all the time! Yes, you hear me correctly! Whenever I'm close to her, or looking at her, she lets one rip. It's disgusting!"
"I think that's a tad bit amusing. At least to hear about it. But I see how it's dissatisfactory for you."
"And the worst part is, she doesn't even seem to realize that it's not a normal thing to do. It's like she's trying to get my attention that way."
"Well, passing gas is a normal thing. Entirely natural."
"To pass gas every now and then, yes. But not all the time and not to freakin' attract someone!"
"So you want her to try attracting you in other ways?"
"No! I want a normal relationship with her. A mother-son relationship. Without sexual desire, without... uncontrollable flatulence."
"I said it before and I'll say it again: You bought the wrong DVD then."
"What can I do?"
"You could pile another DVD on top of her conditioning, but I wouldn't recommend it. Her subconscious mind seems to be pretty messed up already and by your success rate, I'd guess she'll be a complete lunatic by the next DVD you feed her."
"But there's got to be something I can do!"
"You could... you could get a DVD for yourself maybe."
"What good would that do? This isn't about me!"
"It could be."
"I don't understand. What do you mean?"
"Well, you want to fix your relationship with your mother. Right?"
"And it's not recommended that you do any more conditioning on her side. Right?"
"I guess so."
"Which leaves us with one other person who's involved in said relationship.... you."
"What are you implying?"
"You could make yourself accept how it is. That she's into you and the way she expresses her desire."
"That's batshit crazy. I'm not going to hypnotize myself into an incestual sicko."
"Suit yourself then. And enjoy being grossed out by her whenever she's around."
"But... that can't seriously be the only way out of this situation!"
"Okay son. Tell me something, what was the exact purpose of the very first DVD she watched. The accidental one you made for someone else."
"It was a custom one I had made for the head cheerleader at my school. She caught me staring at her ass a couple times and she hated me for it. I wanted to make her desire my attention rather than despise it."
"So it basically makes the subject desire that you check out her ass a lot. Right?"
"Right. That's the gist of what it does."
"So your mother probably just wants you to check out her caboose then. And maybe compliment it every once in a while."
"Possibly. But that's sick. I can't say nice things about my mom's butt!"
"Is it that bad?"
"Her ass? Are you kidding me? It's freakin' huge!"
"A mother's ass often is. But big butts can be sexy, you know! It just takes some... adjustment on your side perhaps to realize it."
"I repeat myself: I'm not going to brainwash myself into liking big butts! Much less that of my own mother!"
"Okay, okay. I gotcha. There is one last thing you could try... but it's experimental."
"I'll do anything to avoid having to hypnotize myself into a pervert."
"Good. Then take this."
"A bottle. What's in it?"
"An experimental drug. Just put a couple drops into your mother's teacup and with any luck, the situation will improve rather quickly."
"Is it safe?"
"It's... experimental. Like I said. No guarantees."
"Very well then."
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