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by Poipoi
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2016768
Zell returns home after being dumped and is forced to accept something about himself.
* I don't own ff8 nor its characters. I do sometimes make fanfics of them! *

Zell just been dumped. Now he's being teased by Seifer. To move on, Zell must come to accept a part of himself.

His Favorite Toy
by Sailor Poison

Zell steps into the town of Balamb. It feels good to be back home again. Not just for a weekend or a week but three whole weeks! Bag over shoulder, Zell strolls along the street. People waving and smiling. Zell is a local hero! First, he was going to see his mom. Not his biological mother. Didn't matter really. She loved him as if he was flesh and blood. This place is special all because of her.

His eyes catch the sight of Seifer and crew. Zells jaw clenches a little. Why did the jerk have to settle here? Bad enough being picked on as a student of SeeD. He better not try it here!

Zell decides to ignore the jerk. This is his break and he needs it badly. Work has been stressful and his girlfriend dumped him. The three week break thanks to Balamb garden wouldn't be able to swing back for that long. Anything to just get away from the rejection.

Ma Dincht welcomes her son with a strong hug. Fussing over him like the good old days. It felt good to have someone fuss over him. Zell took some time to catch up with her. How there hasn't been too many monsters, thanks to Seifer. The neighbor with their problems. Zell loves how she's like a leader and mother to the little town. Then the sympathy to his recent rejection. For a moment, she almost looks as if she wants to ask something. She only says that Zell just needs to rest and not worry about girl. He just needs to be himself. When the time is right, he'll find that someone special. After all is said, Zell takes sometime along upstairs. Laying on his bed and looking at how things haven't changed.

The last girl seemed happy and so cute. The cutest girl in pigtails. Said something about things just not working out. There was no spark. He thought he was going good but apparently he sucks at being a boyfriend or something. Was he not good enough for her? Was he really that annoying once people got to know him? Thinks he can understand now why Squall avoided rejection.

Squall is always that cool calm guy. That guy a lot of people want to be like. Wearing an awesome leather jacket and pants that show off a perfect ass. Not that he sees himself into guys. He is into women and hot dogs! Plus, several people find Squall sexy. What did his mom really mean?

There is way more appeal to Squall then Seifer. Seifer who's always wore those long coats. Like he was some king of movie star. Cocky smirk and eyes that seem to pierce you. He's handsome till he opens his dumb mouth. There is nothing to like about that jerk! He better just stay away.

Zell, feeling little restless, decides to go for a walk. Ma Dincht reminding him when supper will be served. Zell takes a few steps away from home to enjoy that sea air again. His enjoyment cut short by the one person he doesn't wish to hear.

Seifer, by himself and carrying his weapon. “ Hey, Chickenwuss. “ Looking his target up and down in a slow linger gaze.

Zell's cheeks flush, “ Don't call me that! “ Sighs, “ What do you want? “

Seifer, “ Just come to welcome you home! Its been a while, right? “ Tapping his own gunblade against his shoulder, tip away from Zell.

Zell notices the lingering glances wondering if Seifer is planning something. He is ready for anything! “ You sure you want to be here without backup ? Cause I ain't taking your crap anymore. I'm even meaner now with my two guns! “

Seifer laughs, amused by how emotional Zell still gets, “ Calm down, Chickenwuss. Look, I don't have the time fight. I was on my way out to patrol with my posse. “ As he passes Zell, he whispers, “ You're too cute when you get all mad, chickenwuss. I decided you are my favorite toy! “

Zell's cheek blush, “ Dude! “ Backing away now, “ I ain't into that! “ Not that Seifer seems to stop or counter his claim. Zell watches Seifer walk away, still fuming from those words. What does Seifer think he is?! Some wimpy gay wussy boy?! “ Gah, I hate him so much! “

It has been 3 days since his return. Three days filled with meeting friends and helping his mom out. The only bad part is the teasing. Seifer watching Zell. Not even sure why the guy can't leave him alone. Each time, Zell tries not to blush. Tries not to squirm under his gaze. Despite Seifer's teasing, it's been quite peaceful. Peaceful to the point he is a little bored now. That is why, when Seifer sends an invite to meet him, Zell can't help but accept.

Seifer! Sometimes, Zell can't decide what to think about Seifer. Seifer has been actually behaving well, aside the teasing. Now calling himself a Knight of Balamb. His dreams of knighthood never quite died.

Leaves the question of why the invite? His posse seems to be the only backup he needs. So why ask Zell along? The idea that Seifer wants to rumble does cross his mind. No, that's not it. Maybe Seifer needs help? Zell smirks at the thought. The high and mighty Seifer needs to ask Zell for help! Ha!

Zell meets up with the Posse and folds his arms, “ So what do you want now?”

Seifer goes from being annoyed and lights up, “ Not too much. “ Puts an arm around Zell's shoulder, “ All this quiet must be boring. I am here to save you from boredom! “ Seifer gestures out to the woods beyond and smiles. “ We have a new dragon in the neighborhood. I figured you might want in on the action! “

Zell is not used to such a friendly manner. Being this close to his rival. Man, he does smells kinda nice. Zell pushes that thought out of his mind as he elbows Seifer, “ You want my help? Aren't you Mr invincible? “

Seifer scowls, “ Oh, come on, stop acting like that. Okay, I admit, we need some extra help. Last time we came across something like this it didn't end pretty. “

Raijin breaks into the conversation, “ Yeah, I got my leg broke pretty bag. This is like a left over from the lunar cry, ya know? I thought Fujin was gonna.... “ He is cut short by Fujin kicking him in the leg.

Fujin, “ ENOUGH! “ Looks to Zell and has to concentrate, “ This is our home, too. “

Seifer nods approving his his posse, “ Yeah, what if that thing attacks the town? I'm not going to give it a chance! A knight must serve to protect. “ Swings his sword up in a salute, “ Besides, I won't let it hurt my favorite toy. “

Zell gives Seifer a dirty look. He could tell him to go off without! No, Seifer has a point on the monster. The town doesn't need a rampaging monster. This is also the first time Seifer ever admitted he needed help. If not for the danger posed to Balamb, he would be savoring this moment.

Zell, “ Tsk.. Fine! But stop calling me chickenwuss or favorite toy. “

Seifer, “ If we bring this down, I promise not to call you chickenwuss. “ Zell gives him such a cute look, trying to be a hard-ass, “ Can't make a promise on the other. “

Zell decides that's the best he'll get, “ Deal then! “ Wipes his hand and offers a hand shake. Not expecting it. No one shakes his hand. Not even his friends. Yet Seifer shakes his hand, giving it some strong shakes. Zell is a little shocked. “ Umm, yeah lets get moving. “

Seifer insists on driving. He still drives a little crazy. The others seem used to it. Zell still holds onto something, not watching. He knew he would say something and get called a chickenwuss. Today he is proving himself a real man!

The car seems to give a hard serve. Noise of something outside confirms that they found a monster. Zell expected a hunt or something.

Seifer yells back, “ Out now! “

Zell, Raijin, and Fujin hurry out. Raijin almost running Zell over in his excitement. His protest will have to wait, just getting out before the car is slammed into hard with a blueish fireballs. The car is sent rolling in smoke. The dragon itself is not right. Its still quick and its hide clearly harder then a normal scale. This is not a simple beast. As if someone took a dragon and dipped it into magma.

Zell takes a moment to look upon this thing in awe, “ Holy moley! “

Seifer already eager to fight, “ Yeah, lets put it down! “ Yells to his posse, “ Keep sharp. OH and Zell, stop gawking! “

Zell snaps out of it. The thing is hovering in the air. Hard for him to use his fists this way. Fujin and Seifer already dealing with the distance problem. Fujin throwing her weapon with follow up of bullets flying. The moment the dragon lands, Raijin, and Zell come in to attack. The dragon's attacks are followed with claw swipes and the ability to take hits. The last time a monster was this bad, was Ultimecia's castle. It jumps into the air a few more times, giving them a moving target. Then would come back down for more land attacks. Zell gets one good, hard blow on the dragon. Its enough to stagger it to its knees. The monster was not yet through.

Zell , “ What does it take to kill this?“ He can see the thing is not yet finished. Now he's too close to dodge the dragon's dying attack. Seifer pushes Zell out of the way as a fireball comes barreling towards them. Zell's head hitting the car and stunning him.

Zell sits up slowly. Fujin carefully tending to Raijin, who's arm had a nice burn mark. Raijin whining from the cream she potential applies. Seifer drinking a potion. Looks over and tosses Zell something. Fuijin working on the lower part of seifer's leg.

Seifer,“ Drink it, Are you okay? How many fingers am I holding up? “

Zell, “ Three fingers? “ checking his head for wounds. Only a slight bump and maybe bruising.

Seifer winces, “ Sorry about throwing you into the car. “

Zell, “ I could have dodged it. “ He knows he couldn't have. Looks to see the car is a wreck, “ Awww man, its ruined! Now we have to walk. Ah... Your foot! “ Just noticing that Seifer's foot.

Fujin, “ Hurt! “

Raijin, “ She means Seifer can't walk. His foot and ankle are too hurt to walk for a while, ya know.” His injuries were so minor, a potion took care of it.

Zell felt a little stupid for the walking comment now. Must have been that last attack. “ We can't wait out here. We need to get to the doctor, asap! Burns can get infected. “ He tries to jump to his feet and feels a little dizzy.

Seifer, “ Calm down, chi.. Dincht. Neither of us can walk anywhere right now. You need to rest a little bit. I'll be fine. “ Looks to Raijin and Fujin, “ You better start walking. The sooner you get back, the sooner you can bring us a ride home. “

Raijin and Fujin exchange glances. Worried looks for their comrades. Raijin, “ You sure? We really should stay here ya know. “

Zell has to admit the loyalty between the three is still impressive. Like how he friends over the rest of the gang, “ As soon as I'm up, I can make sure nothing touches him. Worse comes to worse I'll piggyback him home. “

Seifer protested, “ Like hell, You will! They won';t be gone for that long, Dincht. “ Too proud to be carried.

Fujin, “ TRUST! “ Followed by Raijin, “ Yeah, we trust you, ya know. “ The two heading down towards the road.

Zell looks over the damaged vehicle. Mostly hoping it can still be fixed. Maybe some new body parts? He decides to ask Irvine later for some connections. Zell sets it back on its tires. Always loved this car. Someday wanted one like it.

Seifer, “ Really? “ Amused Zell would go through that much effort.

Zell, “ This way we can tow it back later. “ Felt strange to not be called chickenwuss. Seifer kept his word and stopped. Seifer didn't stop watching him. It was just plain weird. Seifer does have rather striking features. Bad boy kind of handsome, as Selphie would call it. Seifer shamelessly lets his eyes lingering.

Zell cheeks getting pink, “ Will you stop staring at me! “

Seifer growls back, “ Well, excuse me! “ Tries to see if he can stand up.

Zell lectures, “ You need to lay down with that foot elevated. “

Seifer is a stubborn person. Manages stand and, little awkwardly, limp over, “ I can't help it. You are too darn cute when you blush. “ Seifer staggers forward , his hands bracing on other side of the righted car. They are so close that Zell can smell Seifer's sweat.

Zell finds himself frozen. Not sure if he should shove Seifer away. He should! Yet, he didn't want to. Captured by those eyes that burn with such confidence. A desire he has not even seen in his last girlfriend. Zell feels as if he could drown in those eyes. His own body heating up. Did he actually desire Seifer back?

Seifer whispers, “ You are so damn cute when you blush. “ Taking the chance to kiss.

What did he expect? Rough, bad kisser? Maybe. He gets a kiss that is both sweet and gentle. His own lips responding. So is this how a real kiss really feels? He has kissed girls before but nothing tops this. His whole body seems to feel a delightful shiver. Seifer tries to wrap his arm around the other, accidentally losing enough balance to pull them in. Zell being ontop, so Seifer got the worst of the landing.

Seifer winces, “ Damn it! Perfect moment ruined! “

Zell looks at Seifer and then starts to laugh. After a little sulking, Seifer can't help but laugh as well. They stay like this, Zell now being held against Seifer. It felt alright. Seifer once again kisses Zell on the lips. This time, Zell welcomes him more. Feel of tongues flickering. A hand cupping his ass, giving it a playful squeeze.

Seifer accidentally moves his foot wrong, hissing in pain “ Damn... That hurts. “

Zell remembers that Seifer is still wounded. “ Let me try something. “ The foot its properly bandaged. Zell is too afraid removing the wrap, so settles for relieving the pain. With all the adventures he had and shared memories from Ward, Zell knew what to mix to make the pain killer last longer. It amazes him how useful the dreams turned out. Ward and Kiros did have an accident prone leader. Its natural they had to learn to fix Laguna up.

Seifer starts to relax again as the pain becomes manageable. Gives a grateful and surprised look. “ You really know your first aid. “

Zell, proud, “ Yeah, I know a lot of things. And that kiss was an accident! Yeah! Heat of battle! Never happened! “

Seifer raises an eyebrow, “ No, it was not. You liked it. “ Rolls his eyes as he lays back, “ You liked it a lot... “

Zell interrupts, “ Don't even call me that word. “

Seifer protests, “ I was not going to call you, Chickenwuss. “

Zell feels a little stupid, “ Oh... “ Silence between them, “ What were you going to say? “ Curious as a cat.

Seifer sits up a little pulling Zell down again, “ My favorite little toy. “

Zell breaks the grip. “ I am not a toy! “ Asks rather passionately, “ Why do you have to be such a jerk. Always teasing and jerking my chain! What did I do to deserve it? “

Seifer looks away. “ I .. had a crush on you, okay? “ Look back at Zell, “ I'm not good at the mushy stuff. Its just... I can't help it. I love the way you are. Happy, sad, mad.. you are so alive. Hell, you're the only thing I miss from Garden. “ Seifer looking away again.

Zell never seen Seifer open like this. This man, who is the opposite of Squall, maybe had something in common after all? He doesn't even know how to respond. The guy admitted having a crush. Zell never thought of himself like that! He likes girls. Right? Yet, he never been close to any girls. The Seifer's admission was strangely good.

Seifer pulls Zell close, “ What are you afraid of? People might reject you? “

Zell, “ People will think I'm a fag! I don't wanna be one! “

Seifer, “ Its okay. No one who matters will judge you! “ Catches a look of fear, “ I met your ma. She is not going to stop loving you. Heck, I wish I had a mom like her! Maybe I might not been a screwed up as I'm now. “

Zell still dealing with his new reality, “ I don't know. “

Seifer, “ Then don 't worry. “ His fingers brush Zell's face, along the tattoo. Then, careful holds him close. The both of them just rest like this. “ Damn you're making my dick cramp. “

Zell is again looking too damn cute with flushed face, “ Oh... ? Oh.... ! “ Realizing that Seifer had a boner.

Seifer laughs, his fingers tracing Zell's spine. The pain meds being stronger now do make him a little sleepy. “ If I can't call you chickenwuss.. what can I call you? ”

Zell sighs, “ I suspect you got other names lined up. “

It its time for Zell to head back to Balamb garden. Can already see it approaching the land from sea. This has been a rather good break. Its arrival just seems to fast. Time itself cruelly being a bitch. It was a wild three weeks. Discovering he's gay. Telling his Ma, who seemed to know already. All she would say is Zell needed to realize it himself.

Zell Dincht is reluctantly heading to the gate of the city with his bag over his shoulder. Not even sure when he'll be back. Only regret is having to say goodbye. Seifer limps over with a crutch. Just needed to stay off his foot a couple more days.

Zell scratches his neck, “ I guess this is Goodbye. “

Seifer, “ Its not goodbye, you idiot. You will call and till visit. “ Giving Zell a look suggesting he won't take no.

Zell puts his bag down, “ You are such a bossy boyfriend! “ His protests cut short by a hungry kiss. “ What should I tell the others? “ Would they accept him?

Seifer, “ If they give you grief, leave them to me! Remember: Call me. “ His lips curl in that playful tease. “ My favorite little toy. “

Zell scowls at his new nickname, “ I almost miss chickenwuss. No, you can't go back to calling me that! “ This time it's Zell who grabs onto the other blond. To think, when Zell arrived he would have never dreamed of doing this. It still felt so right. “ You better come up with a better nickname!”

Zell picks up his bag and heads out through the gate. Trying not to look back. Keeps telling himself to not look back. Don't do it! He has to. Has to look at Seifer one more time. When he does, he sees Fuijin and Raijin next to their brave leader. Raijin waving sadly. Fujin being Fujin. Then Seifer having to have one last say, “ You will always be my Favorite Toy! “

Zell's cheeks going red, “ Damn it.. “

The End
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