Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2018308-Lets-Get-It-Started
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Experience · #2018308
The Ups and Downs of an average woman
So, here I am, another interesting day in the life of me. I woke this morning feeling all Bridget Jones-esque and thought today is the day to make some changes in my life.
Unfortunately, that lasted unitl around 8:30am when the first tantrum of the day started. Now don't get me wrong, I love my three year old but just recently the thought of giving him away has crossed my mind on more than one occasion. I am sure he has no idea what he is even screaming about half of the time.
Added to that was trying to get the other three ready and lunches packed for the excrutiatingly painful journey to school.
I know know what my mother was talking about all of those years ago and the words "you'll find out when you have kids of your own" rings forever true in my head.
Mike is the eldest, fourteen going on thirty and thinkd he knows everything. Especially the other day, when he tried to give me lessons on the facts of life. Every sentence starting with "Mum, did you know that in puberty?" as if I have never experienced that stage of my life.
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