Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2019369-Pretty-Little-Liars-Kisses-Bitches
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Dark · #2019369
The girls in Rosewood are about to find out who A really is, and we say goodbye to.....?
Aria walks into the brew on a typically sunny day in Rosewood. She approaches the counter and orders her regular coffee and as it is being made the wind picks up outside and a sign across the road on a store catches her eye. It says everything fresh, time for a change. She quickly turns to the cute looking young boy barista and tells him “Wait! Can I make mine a latte instead, with two sugars?” He freezes on the spot and nods at her “Sure thing.” He replies. “Thanks.” She returns back at him. He phone vibrates and she takes it out of her pocket and reads the text message she has just got from Spencer. Still on for tonight, my place, 8pm? It reads.

Aria replies Sure, but I might be a little late. The young barista gives Aria her latte and before he can tell her how much she reaches into her purse and pulls out a $20 bill. “That’ll cover it.” She says knowingly. He takes it and gives her the change, which is an easy $16 back. Aria smiles at him and heads for the door when none other than Ezra comes walking in.

Fantastic I didn’t think I would see him here so soon, considering Maggie dragged him back into Malcolm’s life about a week ago. The awkwardness in the air was so ripe you could smell it from a hundred miles west of here. I didn’t want to say anything, I just wanted to walk away but for some reason my heart pounded and I think it skipped a beat, okay several beats. Then my mouth opened and it slipped out in a squeaky mouse type of way. “Ezra, Hi. I mean your back from Seattle so early.”

His eyes pieced through me as if he still knew I couldn’t get enough. Well the only to fix that was to not look him in the eye. Come on Aria just look down at the floor or something, anywhere other than his eyes. His gorgeous brown eyes, and pinkish lips, and short brown hair with no strands missing. What are you doing? The door is right there just walk out of it. “I came back to clean out my apartment. Maggie asked me to move in with her.” He tells him like he owes me an explanation. That’s the motivation I needed to walk away from him right now but I couldn’t. I just had to say something else. “Oh well I’m sure she has you on a tight leash. I better not keep her waiting. Goodbye Ezra.”

Did I just give him the biggest insult of his life, because he turned white in the face as he seen me leave and that goodbye he returned was like a stunned child after running into their favourite celebrity, only more heart ton over excited. Am I really still that jealous of Maggie? I can’t be. I am imagining my feelings right now because with the whole A thing over and done with I just feel kind of conflicted about what my purpose is. A has been the biggest part of our lives since junior high and now it’s over I have to remember to grasp a normal life but how? I’m not used to mundane, I’m not used to normal.

Spencer’s room is dimly lit as always and she sits on her white cane couch eating popcorn and watching TV. Hanna and Emily are also with her, they are having a regular girls night in. The movie they are watching is a horror and it’s at a point where everything is pretty much silence until, there is a loud knock at Spencer’s bedroom door that co-exists with the loud crash part of the movie. All three girls almost leap through the ceiling and Aria opens the door and walks in. “God what are trying to do, give us a heart attack?” asks a panicked Emily. “Sorry.” Aria replies quickly. “You didn’t text to say you were coming.” Says an out of breath Spencer and Hanna just sits there with Spencer’s pink silk blanket firmly over her head. “Is it over?” she asks from under the blanket. “Hanna chill its just Aria.” Tells Emily. Hanna pokes her head out slowly and when she sees Aria she shakes her head at her. “I almost wet Spencer’s bed.” She explains with a pitch in her voice. The others all gag a little and Spencer’s eyes grow. “Wait seriously? Those sheets are vintage.” She says worriedly. “I said almost.” Replies Hanna.

Aria joins Emily on the bed. “I’m sorry for scary you all but that’s what happens when you watch horror films at three in the morning. Why are here at three in the morning?” Asks a now concerned Aria. Spencer looks at the other girls and stands up in front of them like school captain. “We figured in celebration of nearly surviving senior year of high school that we would do what we used to do back in the day, a regular and totally normal girls night in. Complete with your favourite late night food popcorn.” Dictates Spencer. Aria grins and Emily passes her the popcorn bag. “Butterscotch right?” Asks Aria. “Of course.” Replies Emily.

I was happy to be here with just them. This is something we hadn’t done since it all started but I couldn’t shake this sadness on the inside and looking at Spencer’s all to fake smile I knew something was wrong. I didn’t want to ruin the night but after all we’d been through I had to ask.

“Is everything alright you guys?” I ask them. Not one of them said anything to start with but then Spencer spoke up. “Sure why wouldn’t it be?” She enquired. I sigh my usual come off it guys sigh and stand up next to Spencer. “Nice try. You guys might be pretty but your horrible little liars.” I tell them. They knew the gig was up and besides Hanna had depressed written all over her, not that I could see it but I could see her gorging down the popcorn and she only eats like that for two reasons. Either she’s scared or depressed. “It’s just. We’re all going to be going off to collage soon and we’re not going to be that close to each other and after everything that has happened these past couple of years I guess we’re just.” Emily pauses to let some light tears out.

“What Em means Aria is that. We’re not going to get to do this for too much longer and we wanted you here with us.” Hanna finishes. “What about Ali.” I ask. “We asked her but she hasn’t left the house in days maybe even weeks. She’s still convinced it’s not over.” Explains Spencer. I look to her with a serious glare. “Well it is. I mean I we killed A. We all saw it happen.” I remind them of what I did. “I shot her right in the head.”

Emily stands up and walks over to me. “We know it’s just that Ali needs a little time to adjust to a life where she can actually feel safe. A normal life.” Emily tells me. “We could all use the adjustment” Backs up Spencer. “So why are standing around talking, let’s finish the movie.” Suggests Hanna. We all crowd together on the bed and I reach into the bowl for popcorn but there’s none left. I look to Hanna and shrug at her. She shrugs back and says. “What? You left the bowl near hefty Hanna. What did you think would happen?” We all just laugh and Spencer continues to play the movie. Then all of our phones go off simultaneously. We look to each other, wondering. I’m the first to check mine and it’s when the others see me throw it across the room that the night becomes something else once more. Emily reads hers out loud to the rest of the group. You thought you could kill me, now I’m back to eat your soul. Kisses bitches, -A.

The kettle whistles loudly in Spencer’s mostly marble kitchen and all the girls are sitting around with mugs in front of them looking tired and drained. Spencer brings the kettle over to the other girls and begins pouring the boiling hot coffee into the mugs. Hanna is the first to start sucking down on hers. “Oh that is so good.” She compliments. Aria sits twirling her mug around in circles and in deep thought. “Aria? Are you okay?” Asks Emily.

Aria looks up from her mug and directly at her friends. “No. How could this happen? We ended this six months ago. We were all there when I shot her.” Tells Aria in an almost tearful voice. “We all saw Cece Drake die that night in Ravenswood.” She continues. Spencer leans on her counter after a few sips of her coffee. “Maybe she didn’t.” Adds Spencer and perhaps only trying to make Aria feel better. “She got shot in the head. What are the chances of surviving that?” Asks Hanna who seems to be seeing things from Aria’s point of view.

Emily looks to Aria then to Spencer as if waiting for an answer. “It’s not impossible. It just doesn’t happen often but on the chance that it did.” Spencer answers and before she can finish Emily cuts in. “Cece would be pretty pissed at us. All of us.” Emily adds. “Especially me.” Says a now even more concerned Aria. Hanna looks down past Emily into Aria’s eyes. “Aria. What exactly do you remember from that night?” I didn’t say anything at first because it was mostly a blur but A was back and I needed the closure and so did my friends. I have to remember what happened in Ravenswood with Cece Drake. “We followed A’s message to Ravenswood cemetery and when we got there it was empty. We split up to look for clues and that’s when we found Mrs Dilaurentis’s body in the open grave.” Aria explains. She sips her coffee several times before pressing on. “I remember Cece showing up wearing the black hood and holding that pistol at Hanna’s head. I saw red when I got there and knew I had to do something.” Aria’s face turns pale as she completely flashes back to the night and it’s events.

Cece Drake the blonde bombshell struts around in front of a scared Hanna, Emily, Spencer and Alison. She holds a silver pistol to their heads and they all bunch together like a group of terrified mice. Cece begins yelling and shouting at the girls until she becomes red in the face. “How dare you!” She shouts at them, putting Alison in tears. “Cece stop please.” Begs a vulnerable Ali. “Why? Why should I stop Alison? What have you ever done to deserve the love and devotion of these girls?” Cece asks her with a serious tone to her voice. Spencer steps forward with her hands raised. “Get back!” Cece yells. “Okay Cece listen to me. I know how Ali has made some people feel in their lives but shooting anybody isn’t going solve anything.” Spencer says to her trying to help her see reason.

Cece begins breathing harder as she walks over to Spencer and hits her in the face with the gun, knocking her out. The other girls scream out “SPENCER!” “Shut up all of you!” Screams Cece. Hanna, Emily and Alison all stop in their screaming as Cece draws nearer to them. “Your all so pathetic. Look at you standing there like you need people to actually care about you. I bet you’re all so happy that this has happened to you.” Cece lectures. Alison shakes her head at her in disbelief. “How could you even say that.?” asks a distraught Ali. “Cece we know what Mona went through and we can help you. Radley can help you.” Reasons Emily. Cece just smirks then begins to laugh out loud. “Radley! That place can’t even help itself. Radley is a farce of an asylum just squeezing the money and life out of the patients who they are supposed to care about.” Explains Cece with a certain amount of passion in her voice. Spencer starts to stir and Hanna bends down to help her up. “Hey! Make one more move Hanna Marin and I will blow your head clean off.” Warns Cece. Hanna goes to stand up but Cece puts the gun right in her face.

“No. You can stay on your knees like the dog you are.” Continues Cece. “Cece please you can let us go now and it won’t be to late.” Ali bargains. “Oh you know what Alison I’ve heard enough out of your stupid mouth. Get on your knees now. You and lady lover let’s go!” Order Cece as she sticks the gun closer to Alison’s eyeball. “Cece.” Emil asks before she cut off by a banshee like scream from Cece in her face that causes Emily to break down into tears. “What the hell is wrong with you.”? Asks a frustrated Hanna. “What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with YOU! For the first time in a long time I see things clearly. I see you all for what you really are. A hazard to the people of this town and a threat to people like me.” Cece explains.

Cece begins pacing again and Emily looks over at Hanna and signals down at Spencer’s pocket. Hanna notices Spencer’s phone is just popping out. “Cece is somebody making you do this.” Asks Ali. “Making me. Nobody makes me do anything.” Replies Cece. “It’s okay. You can tell us because we know about A. We know what she does to people.” Ali continues her distracting speech but it fails, as Cece grows impatient again. “Just shut up Alison! A has nothing to do with this. This is all about me and you and what your little group of compulsive liars does to people.” Elaborates Cece. Suddenly a rustle in the bushes behind them gets Cece’s attention and whips around with the gun. As soon as her eyes are off them, Hanna reaches into Spencer’s pocket and takes her phone then gets up and runs off up the road. “HANNA!” Emily and Alison shout.

Cece turns back around to them and is infuriated when she sees Hanna is gone. “Where did she go!” screams Cece. “To call for help. You’re going away Cece. For a very long time.” Warns Emily. “Oh yeah. Then I’m taking you all with me.” Replies an angry Cece. She cocks the gun and puts it on Alison’s head. “Any last words Ali.” Asks Cece. Ali and Emily both close their eyes and a voice from behind Cece shouts. “Hey!” She turns to see Aria standing there with a pistol of her own. Cece raises her gun to Aria and then BANG! BANG! Emily and Alison scream and Cece drops her gun then falls down dead at Alison’s feet. Aria is trembling as she tosses her gun into the bushes and starts to cry. Spencer slowly wakes up to see a dead Cece on the ground in front of her. “Oh my god.” Spencer whispers. The girls rush over to Aria who is in complete turmoilShe just steps back from them and repeats to herself “I shot her, I shot her, I shot her.” Over and over like a broken record.

Back in the kitchen Aria is the last to finish off her coffee and she does so in a final gulp. She pushes her mug away and heads over to the couches where the other girls are now seated, covering their cold bodies with blankets. “Are you okay?” Asks a concerned Emily. “I really thought Cece was A. I thought it was over and that we had our lives back.” Explains an upset Aria. Hanna rests her hand on Aria’s knee attempting to comfort her. “You did what you had to that night. If you hadn’t come along who knows what Cece would have done.”? Says Hanna reassuringly. Aria just looks around the room at the other girls who look back her with their beady eyes. “We have to tell Ali it’s not over.”

Alison tosses and turns in her bed before shooting up with a loud scream that almost wakes up the neighbourhood. She sits in bed sounding exhausted and worn out, despite having slept until 1.30pm. Ali drags herself out of her expensive pink Saturn sheets and walks over to her gorgeous looking white lace curtains to a window that looks out over her foggy front yard. After a few seconds of staring out into the unknown abyss Alison closes her curtains and walks out of her room.

As she creeps down the wooden stairwell it creaks like a rusty old bike chain in need of serious oiling. Her shadow is cast on the wall as she enters the living room looking very cautious of her surroundings. Ali begins checking all nearby windows and doors then proceeds to lock the ones that are not already locked. She finds a note on the kitchen sink and picks it to read it. Ali I’ve gone to the coast for a few days to see dad. I’ll give him your best even though you don’t want me to. Love Jason.

Ali sighs as she scrunches it up and throws it in the bin. She flicks the switch on her kettle and then her phone rings. She is startled by the sudden noise of it and won’t budge from her current position for at least a few seconds. Then she rushes to answer it but stands silently listening to the other end at first.

After a gulp and feeling the fear scroll down her throat Ali works up enough courage to answer. “Hello” She says in an expecting the worst tone of voice. “Alison.” The gentle female voice rings back. “Hanna? Is that you?” Enquires Ali. “We’ve been worried about you. We know you haven’t left the house in days.” Hanna confesses. “Days. Try weeks. I’m too scared to go anywhere since Jason left for the coast again.” Ali confesses back. “You’re alone?” Asks Hanna. Alison peeps through her velvet white curtains to check on the front yard, it’s empty and still rather foggy. “Look you girls have to stay away from me. I don’t want you to get hurt anymore.” Ali tells her. “Ali I’m putting Spencer on.” Informs Hanna.

Alison’s hands begin to shake as she continues peering out the front. “Alison. Listen to me. We need to talk to you about something and we need to talk today.” Spencer says seriously. “No I can’t see you, any of you. I’m too dangerous to be around.” Ali implores. “It’s not an argument. We will be over to yours tonight, 8pm sharp. Be expecting us.” Orders Spencer then before Ali can negotiate Spencer hangs up. “No! Spencer dammit!” Alison throws her phone against the wall in a fit of rage.

Ali starts to pace back and fourth in her living room, her eyes gliding over at the clock with every step. It’s 7.15pm. Alison rushes into her kitchen and opens the fridge door violently. She pulls out a bottle of beer with Jason’s name written on the label. Ali opens the bottle and begins chugging the beer like it’s a can of soda then like a crazy homeless person she starts talking to herself. “Maybe if I’m drunk I won’t make sense when they get here.” She repeats to herself easily a dozen times. Footsteps make their way up her gravelled pathway heading for the front door. Ali is too busy rummaging for more adult like drinks. A gloved hand reaches for the outer doorknob and twists slowly. Alison finds what she is looking for in a bottle of whiskey stowed away in the top cupboard over the oven. She brings a tall glass out of her drainer and unscrews the bottle, pouring whiskey half way up the glass and without even mixing it with anything Ali slams down the whiskey in one gulp. She pours several more and drinks, drinks, drinks. The front door is now wide open and the wind is strong enough to almost lift the think curtains off of their rods.

The clock now reads 7.35pm and Ali sits at her kitchen table hunched over and looking as white as an albino. She leans forward in the leather chair to try and make out the clock but her vision is blurry and she just starts to laugh at it hysterically. Suddenly a dark hooded shadow appears at the entrance to the kitchen and Ali just smiles at it and stumbles to her feet. “Guys I told you I was okay.” She slurs her words like a raving hobo.

The shadow does nothing and Ali draws nearer and nearer. “You know Spencer. I really wish you wouldn’t hang up on me the way you did. It’s rude and uncalled for.” Ali goes on the explain. “Now give me a hug Aria.” Ali attempts to hug the shadow but it sidesteps her and she lands flat on her face. Ali sits up slowly, cradling her head. “Ouch. What was with the moving Hanna.”? Ali asks becoming more gullible by the second. The shadow stands in front of the drawers and opens the top one up. Glistering in the moonlight is a large butchers knife that the gloved hand reaches in and takes out.

The shadow turns around and faces Ali who is seated on the floor with her legs wide apart like a two year old. “You know what we should do? We should play murder in the dark like we used to in seventh grade. Everyone hide.” Initiates Ali. She uses the nearby door frame to help herself up and the shadow is now standing right in front of her.

Ali looks down and sees the knife then she starts to giggle. “Nice touch Spencer. Always the dramatic one right.” Ali continues to spill. “I haven’t even turned the lights off yet.” Ali rubs the shadows head and the hood slips off. Ali looks deep into the eyes of a mask that looks exactly like her own face. The shadow is revealed as having long blonde hair. Ali playfully reaches for the mask and pulls it off. She grins like a chuckling child. “Ah not Spencer.” She says rather surprised. Then a shick sound is heard like something being stuck into a melon. Alison gasps and her eyes widen.

Spencer and the girls minus Hanna arrive at Alison’s front door. Aria begins knocking and they wait a few minutes, there is no answer so she knocks again and still no answer. “Maybe she went to bed.” Says a plausible Emily. “At eight O’clock? It’s Ali. Her version of an early night in is midnight plus.” Elaborates Spencer. “Well you said she was freaking out right. Maybe she isn’t home.” Adds Aria. “Where is Hanna? She should be here by now.” Says a concerned Spencer. “Did you SOS?” Asks Aria. Spencer just gives Aria that look she gives when she knows you’ve just asked a stupid question.

Suddenly a set of headlights brightens up the street and out of the car comes Hanna. She rushes over to the others. “Sorry I’m late. Got held up scrapping the old skin off Caleb’s grandmother’s feet.” She says in a monotone way. The others just cringe on the very thought and Aria knocks again. After her third stern knock the door lightly creaks open. “Oh that can’t be a good sign can it?” Asks a now creeped out Aria. “Normally not.” Adds Emily. Spencer is the first to tip toe inside and the others all follow on close behind her.

Hanna’s fingers are rubbing on the back end of Spencer’s expensive plaid skirt. “Dude can you get your nails off of my butt please.” Says Spencer in a we’re just friends sort of tone. “Sorry. I’m scared.” Replies Hanna. The girls bunch up as they head into the dark living room.

Emily reaches for the light switch and turns it on. The living room is almost in one piece aside from a picture of Alison and Jason lying near the piano, broken. They move towards the kitchen. “I got a bad feeling about this.” Adds Hanna as if not making the feeling any easier. “Quiet. It’s probably just Ali getting ready to scare us or something.” Replies Spencer. “Scare us. Spencer the girl has been traumatised. We all have. I don’t think she’s the same Ali she used to be.” Follows Aria. “A leopard never changes their spots Aria. Even if you prod and poke them.” Adds Spencer.

They reach the kitchen door and push it open gently. “Emily get the light.” Asks Hanna. “Why me?” Asks a reserved Emily. “Well because you’re the sporty one.” Adds Hanna. “WOW could you think of a worse excuse?” Asks Emily. Emily turns on the kitchen light and all their hearts skip a beat. Aria lets out a loud horrified scream and Hanna pukes. Emily shoots into tears and Spencer just stares.

Rosewood Police Station-A Few Hours Later.

Aria is seated in the interrogation room and is still shook up and shaking. The coffee mug in her hands looks like a major earthquake is attacking it. Officer Holbrook walks in slowly and sits across from her. “Aria. I’m so sorry I have to ask but can you recount what happened for me?” He asks her tenderly. She looks up at him very faintly and tries to open her mouth but only crying comes out. “I know this is difficult but it’s important if you want us to get the person who did this to Alison.” He explains.

Aria takes a few deep breaths and steadily opens her mouth. “I knocked, a few times but there was no answer. After a few more knocks the door just creaked open and we went inside. It was dark so we turned on the lights and when we got to the kitchen we.” Aria starts to cry again. Holbrook looks at her with sympathy passing through his eyes. “Spencer said there was a note. What did it say?” He asks her. Aria looks up at him and with a horrified look on her face she whispers “Kisses Bitches.”

Holbrook sits back stunned at what he has heard. “Aria listen to me we are going to get the person who did this to Alison you hear?” Holbrook says quite confidently. “Can I please go now?” Aria asks him gently. He gives her the okay nod and she picks up her bag and heads out into the corridor. Ella is waiting for her and upon sight Aria runs to her mother like a five year old child after dinging up her knee. She bursts into tears in her arms. “I know, I know come on. Let’s get you home huh. You could use a rest.” Ella tells her in a motherly way.

They head out to Ella’s car and get in to drive away. As they take off up the dark road from out of the bushes surfaces A. She watches them leave from a careful distance.

Aria and Ella arrive home to be met by Byron and Mike who both throw their arms around Aria in hopes of comforting her but it only makes her cry more. “I’m so sorry honey.” Says her father in his best sympathetic voice. Aria just toddles over to the stairs and heads up to her room. “I’m worried about her Ella.” Explains Byron. “She’s been through a lot but she’s a tough girl. She’ll pull through. She always does.” Retaliates Ella.

Aria opens the door to her room and enters slowly, heading straight for the bed. She falls onto it like a piece of mail being thrown and slides herself over towards the wall. Aria then continues to sulk to herself and she reaches under her pillow and takes out a picture of her and all of friends. The picture describes Alison and the others as relatively happy group of girls. Aria struggles a little smile out but manages to get there but it is followed up by more sulking and tears.

Hanna sits at her kitchen bench almost in total darkness eating from a tub of ice cream. The light switches on and in walks her mother Ashley. “Another late one. Why don’t you try and get some rest?” Urges Ashley. Hanna just scoops more into her mouth and looks at her mother with sad eyes. “Alison isn’t sleeping mom. Alison is dead and it’s for real this time.” Says Hanna as she packs up the ice cream and heads up stairs. Ashley sighs and watches her walk depressively up to her room, bang! The door slams shut.

Emily lays in bed wide-awake despite her clock reading 2am. The window is rattling from the high velocity winds outside and she gets out of bed and walks over to close it. On her study desk next to her computer she finds a small photograph of her and Alison kissing. Emily’s eyes begin to well up with tears and she takes it back over to her bed and gives it a gentle peck before placing it under pillow and actually trying to get some sleep.

Spencer is surfing the internet looking for signs of A activity in Ravenswood. She is drowsy and her searches are not that successful. Spencer shoots awake and takes a sip of her coffee and continues to sift through the tonnes of info on her laptop screen. All hope seems lost and Spencer is about to close her laptop when an email sound prompts her to open it back up and she does with haste. Spencer opens the email, which is from Anonymous and she reads it: If you are seeking information about who killed your friend meet me at the lake tomorrow night at 9pm. Come alone. Anonymous.

“Whoa.” Spencer Gasps.

© Copyright 2014 Kevin Dean (kevindean19 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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