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Rated: 18+ · Assignment · Erotica · #2023816
Description of characters and description of couple #2's first kiss
Part 1: Create two sets of characters. Couple #1 is an established couple. Couple #2 is just starting out together. Name your characters. What do they want? How do they feel about their partner and the relationship? Introduce us to each character with a few sentences from their point of view.

Couple #1: Jacob Wind and Karen Schaeffer

Jacob Wind

I am a business professor at the University of South Florida. I am a thirty-five-year-old Native American male with long black hair, dark brown eyes, and russet colored skin. I received my bachelor’s degree at the age of twenty-two from Stetson University, and a master’s at the age of twenty-four from Florida State University. I run a tight ship in my classroom and in my own business. I own a small sports bar called Jacob’s Den. In the back of the sports bar I have set up a BDSM club for people who wish to indulge in safe kinky fun. This is where I met my life partner Karen Schaeffer. I say life partner because we are only legally married and do not behave like a typical married couple. We both have dominant personalities so we accept the fact that at any given time we will each be engaging in sexual acts with another person who is considered a submissive. Karen started out as my submissive, and then gained a dominating personality of her own.

Karen Schaeffer

I am an English professor at the University of South Florida. I am a thirty-four-year-old, tall, tanned, blonde with blue eyes, and curves in all the right places. I met Jacob Wind at his BDSM club in Tampa Florida. I started out as his submissive but eventually became to dominant for him. After training me as a dominant he let me take a submissive of my choosing. We became very close as we explored both aspects of our personalities, and found we could co-exist very well outside of his club. We live together as a legally married couple.

Couple #2: Michael Lancing and Laura Jones

Michael Lancing

I am a psychology professor at the University of South Florida. My focus is psychology and sexuality. I like to push the envelope when it comes to challenging societal norms. I am not apposed to a committed relationship, but I would like a partner who is willing to explore different avenues, and sometimes include others in the fun. I met Jacob when I first started teaching at the university. We got to talking about what I teach and he offered to show me his club. I tried both roles of submissive and dominant under the tutelage of Jacob’s partner Karen, and decided neither role suited me. I am thirty-four years old, a bit shorter than the average man, and have short cropped brown hair and blue eyes. My skin is tan from spending lazy days laying naked on a raft in the middle of the pool in my backyard. I met Laura at a party Jacob and Karen hosted in the front of Jacob’s Den. It was their version of a wedding reception.

Laura Jones

I am thirty-three years old, tall, tan, blonde, and blue eyed. I am very proud of the size C implants I managed to persuade my father into buying me. I don’t feel a need to work since I am young and beautiful, and men are willing to buy me what I want. I have been friends with Karen since college, but I’m not a fan of her husband. He is too domineering for my taste, and he doesn’t have the means to provide Karen the lifestyle she’s been accustomed to most of her life. She gave up her father’s money to be with him under some delusion she is in love. How can she be in love with someone who has sex with other women? How can she live a lifestyle we’ve both been raised to view as immoral? Oh well, it’s her life I’m just glad we’re still friends. I met Michael at Karen and Jacob’s wedding reception which was held in the bar Jacob owns; not my idea of an appropriate place for a reception, but whatever floats their boat I guess.

Part 2: Take couple #2 (your new couple) and in 1,000 words, get them to that first kiss. Only use one characters point of view, no head hopping. Make sure to include their thoughts and emotions, expectations and what that kiss feels like to them. Focus on the kiss, that one moment in time that will be cemented into their memories, be descriptive, bring us along for the ride.

“Mind if I join you?” He inquired.

“Not at all,” she flashed him a set of white perfect teeth framed by a pair of full red lips.

As Mike settled into the chair he took a moment to admire how her little black dress framed a pair of breasts, which were a bit too firm and round to be natural. Implants were not a turn off for him, but he preferred the real thing. She slid back from the table, and turned in her chair, giving him full view of her smooth legs, which were revealed by an almost indecent hem line. Mike’s cock came to life in his Dockers at the sight. He caught the sweet scent of vanilla as he inhaled to calm his nerves.

“I don’t believe we were properly introduced,” Mike held a hand out to her. “I’m Michael Lancing.”

“Laura Jones,” she gripped his hand lightly but did not shake it. She let out a soft sound of surprise when he turned her hand palm down, and brushed his lips over her smooth white knuckles. “How charming.”

“Charming is my middle name,” Mike teased. He rested their clasped hands on the table, and casually slid his thumb over her smooth slender fingers.

“Is it?” Laura inquired.

“No,” Mike chuckled, “but my middle initial is C.”

Laura laughed softly, and reached for her bottle of beer. Mike took a pull on his own beer as she sipped hers. He watched with a growing desire to tangle his fingers in her curly blonde hair as she tossed it back with her free hand. He also found himself wanting to kiss those full red lips and explore the soft inside of her mouth. He did his best to shake those desires and focus on the conversation.

“How long have you known Karen and Jacob?” He asked.

“I’ve known Karen since college,” Laura answered. “I met Jacob through her.”

Mike could tell from her tone she was not too pleased. “You’re not a fan of Jacob?”

“Like I said I don’t know much about him except what Karen tells me,” Laura prefaced. “How do you know them?”

“They are professors at the University where I teach,” Mike explained. “I met Jacob my first day on the job, and he introduced me to Karen.”

“I didn’t know Jacob was a professor,” Laura admitted. “I mean Karen might have mentioned it, but I guess I forgot.”

“What did you study in college?” Mike asked. He could tell she was not interested in talking about Jacob. It bothered him a bit, but Jacob wasn’t for everyone.

“I started out as a Liberal Arts Major, but decided college just wasn’t my thing,” Laura admitted.

Mike did his best to hide his disapproval. He reminded himself she was not his student, and changed the subject.

“What do you do for a living?” He asked.

“I do a lot of volunteer work,” Laura explained. “My family is pretty well off so we do our best to give a little back.”

“That’s commendable,” Mike agreed. He considered asking how she supported herself, but did not want to offend her, and possibly blow his chance of getting laid. Instead he waited to see if she would ask about him.

“What do you teach?” Laura inquired.

“Psychology,” Mike answered.

He moved to a chair beside Laura when the volume of the music increased. They spoke directly into each other’s ears to be heard. Her breath on his ear tightened his growing erection. He ventured to rest his hand on her smooth thigh. When she did not object he slid his hand over her soft skin, teasing the hem line of her skirt with his fingertips. Laura did not seem to mind his touch. In fact she scooted closer, pressing her hip to his.

“Wanna get out of here?” She breathed in his ear.

“Let’s say good-bye to the happy couple first,” Mike suggested.

After they said their good-byes Mike led Laura out of Jacob’s Den to a silver late model Acura. He opened the passenger door for her, and assisted her into the seat. He followed her directions to a large house on the outskirts of the upper side of Tampa.

“Thank you for the ride,” Laura smiled.

Mike was confused. He thought ‘wanna get out of here?’ was an invitation to come home and have sex. Apparently Laura simply wanted a ride home. While he did not care for the misleading invitation he decided he might be able to make it a memorable evening after all. He unclipped his seat belt and scooted closer, sliding his hand over the thigh she’d let him touch in the bar. He leaned in and touched his lips to hers. When she did not pull away he parted his lips, and teased hers with the tip of his tongue. Laura slowly parted her lips, and slipped her tongue out to greet his. Mike inhaled through his nose and slid his tongue deeper into her mouth. She moaned in her throat as he licked slow and deep in her mouth. His heart sored as she wrapped her arms around his neck and climbed onto his lap. He wanted to slide his hands all over the terrain of her curvy body as they kissed, but as soon as he slid his hands down her sides she broke the kiss. She slid off his lap, and pushed open the passenger side door.

“Good night, Mike,” she smiled, and then closed the door. She walked to the front door, it opened, and she disappeared inside.

As Mike drove he could still taste her and smell her. When he reached his home he gave his body a moment to recirculate the blood before getting out of his car. When he was sure he wouldn’t fall he climbed out of his car and went inside.

© Copyright 2014 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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