Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2023837-After-Happily-Ever-After
Rated: 18+ · Other · Satire · #2023837
Inspired by Into The Woods
"You do realize that it was 28 years ago," I said to the Blond haired, blue eyed woman staring at me. How could she forget me, and the kindness that I had shown her? When she was but a wee child, her father had gone and got himself murdered and I allowed her to stay in my home. Sure, some sour grapes argued that it was her father's house but I had married to him and that made the house mine. "That I gave you shelter after that horrible tragedy that left you an orphan."

"You mean that you made me a slave and tortured me. And wasn't it uncovered that you cast some sort of spell to kill my father, Stepmother? Or as Prince C and I refer to you Wicked Stepmother."

"Why in the world would you call me Wicked? What have I ever done to you?" It felt like I should be insulted but somewhere deep inside of me it felt really good that she thought of me as being a bit evil. "All I did was try to help you build character. Think about it, my girls were blessed with bosoms as large as watermelons and hair the color of gold. You weren't blessed with those things, so I was helping you develop a personality! And look you landed the Prince."

"That's because the Prince and I are soulmates, not because you made me a slave in the house of my Father. So to answer your question, no I will not take you in. You cannot stay in this palace, but I hear there's an Old Witches commune in the Forest."

"How dare you?! Aren't you supposed to be a Disney Princess?" I shouted as she walked away from me. Her head swiveled around long enough to let me see that she was laughing, and then she was out of sight. "At least I didn't need a Fairy Godmother, I'm my own Fairy Godmother!"

I would make dear old Cindy pay for turning me out. An idea formed in my head, I would have her thrown out of the Castle and I would take her place. Right now, I was an old lady with skin that practically fell off of my bones. As the plan took shape in my mind, I could see everyone toasting and dancing, while I seduced the Prince away from that ungrateful stepdaughter of mine.

Normally I would have asked my best friend Maleficent for help in turning my 80 year old body into one that a 30-something Prince would lust after. But ever since Angelina Jolie played her in a movie, that bitch had been insufferable. She was right, I was a little bit jealous that even Betty White had turned down the movie about me. All of this is to say that I was on my own.

This didn't worry me because I was one of the most powerful sorceresses in the Kingdom. Now to decide on who to look like, Raquel Welch was a good choice. Everyone thought that she was beautiful. With my eyes closed, I began chanting the incantation to change the way I looked.

Once it was complete, I went to the mirror that had hung in my bedroom when I was married to Snow White's father. "Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?"

"We already know what happens if I don't say you," What was with all the back talk? Maybe I needed to remind people of who I was and what I was capable of. "Madame you are always the most majestic woman in all the land."

Pleased with what was said, I decided to make my way back to the castle. I imagined the faces of the people when they realized that this was not the evening they expected. When I came to the gates of the castle, I noticed the security guards checking me out. My plan would work.

Music swelled around me. I was passed from partner to partner, as I danced my way to the Prince. Cindy kept her eyes on me the whole time, she was already jealous. As the Prince took my arm, I puckered my lips. My eyes closed in this momentous occasion, he had rough lips like a rugged man. His mustache tickled my upper lip, and then I realized that he hadn't kissed me at all. He had used his hand as a mouth. Horrified, I looked around the room I realized that there was

more laughter than tears. The ones that did have tears in their eyes, only had them because they were laughing so hard.

If they wanted to see me mad, then they would pay the consequences of angering me. As I once did when my friend The Wicked Witch of the West needed help getting that farm girl to Oz, I began spinning around in a circle. The dizziness was overwhelming and my body was careening out of control. Soon I would be an epic tornado that would destroy all of these people.

"Nice breeze!" Cindy yelled at me. Like that Elsa chick, apparently my stepdaughter couldn't just let it go. Maybe my magic was on the fritz but I would make her pay for treating me so shabbily. "Guards take this woman away. Have her sent to the Old Witches Commune."

"This isn't over!" I shouted as two burly guards grabbed an arm each. What had happened? Why hadn't I turned into a force of nature like I would have in the good old days? Clearly I had underestimated Cindy, she was more my child than my real daughters. One of the guards was speaking to someone that I couldn't see, "...Yeah the Princess says this woman is insane."

Insane? How was that an adjective to be used for an old woman, who simply wanted to steal her stepdaughter's husband? Fine it might have been apt description. I vowed to myself that vengeance would be mine.

© Copyright 2014 Author Ed Anderson (spaz11081 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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