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by Rayyna
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Dark · #2026107
The life and history of Morena
Squalling like any good healthy newborn, Yekaterina Petrovna entered this cold forbidding world, leaving behind forever the warmth of her mother’s womb to face her new existence in the frozen lands of her birth. Her parents, solid peasant folk, had lived alongside the stream for their entire lives, her family eking out a harsh existence in this land, safe from the marauding steppe raiders of the south, for as long as any of them could remember. It wasn’t easy, for nothing in that land came without a price, and yet they survived and that was enough. Svetlana, Yekaterina's mother, thanked the Goddess for the blessing of this daughter, pleased to finally have a girl in the family, while Petrov, Yekaterina's father, grunted approvingly. Blessed was this family that Yekaterina had not caused her mother or the family much grief in her birthing, and the family could return to work quickly, and thanks were given to the Goddess and Gods for this good luck. And then, Petrov gathered up his young sons, and all returned to work, for in this cold land nothing could wait for long.

Yekaterina grew intimately experienced with the cold that would ever define her life almost from birth. A late November baby, winter had already settled over the valley. Svetlana struggled hard that winter to keep her own health as well as ensure Yekaterina stayed warm in the dangerous first months of her life. Twice, during long heavy snows, the cold seeped deep into Yekaterina, threatening to steal her life force from her. Svetlana wept in her prayers, begging the Crone to spare her child; and although the Crone did relent her ultimate claim upon Yekaterina both times, still the child retained a chill to her skin that no blankets seemed able to warm away. Svetlana was concerned, but let her worry pass as Yekaterina strengthened again and all seemed well.

Life as a peasant growing up in the frozen lands of Novgorod was both hard and strangely pleasant. They worked hard in the short summers, laboring to get seed in the ground as soon as the soil thawed; tended the growing seedlings with care and harvested quickly and efficiently to beat the early snows. The summer warmth was short, but generations of her family had lived in these cold lands and long ago learned to survive. They weren’t rich, and their profits never went very far, but they made do.

​Yekaterina learned early the value of working hard. Her family took extreme pride in their farm, which they both relied upon to eat throughout the long hard winters, as well as to have something to sell for extra profits for other necessities. And it was only thanks to her family’s hard work that they were able to hold such pride in that farm, for the soil was difficult to work and the winters always tried to steal their crop yields early. Yekaterina’s mother and father also claimed that the goddess and gods were watching out for them, especially.

​Her family was close, and meant the world to her. Her mother oversaw the growing household, while her father oversaw the working of the fields and the house itself. Her two older brothers worked alongside her father in the fields all summer long. Her mother and Yekaterina would then join the men during the planting and harvesting weeks, ensuring everything happened quickly. Yekaterina’s oldest brother, Leo, had already married, and Father had given him a portion of the land to watch over specifically. He was building himself a house for he and his bride to live in, but for now everyone was together in her parents home. It made everything cozier, to Yekaterina. And it made her happy to have another woman in the house as well, one who loved to share gossip with her. And really, another member of the family just meant more hands and more love, especially with the promise of more on the way once she got pregnant. To Yekaterina, family was everything, as with them nearby she believed anything was possible.

​She was also taught from a very young age the practices of the family’s religion, which had been followed for generations. She was then taught the sad necessity of keeping her religious views secret. Her family was aware of the prevalence of the Christian Orthodox religion spreading throughout the lands of Rus. The Princes of Novgorod and his boyars had converted from paganism a long while back, but the religion was slow to penetrate into the peasantry who lived off the land more directly than the nobility. And even in those areas that demanded conversion on pain of death, most converts, at least for the time being, were in name alone. Her family had never been approached by any of the zealots forcing conversion; probably due to their village's isolation, and likely their relative position to the Novgorod/ Lithuanian border. The Lithuanians were proudly pagan, and no attempts at conversion had been successful in that country. Her family lived so close to the border between the two countries, that sometimes even they weren’t sure which country they lived in as border disputes waxed and waned. But mostly, it was a Novgorod tax collector that would scramble through the dense wood to their doorstep, and so to Rus they owed their allegiance. And in all truth, they were in no hurry to see their life change. Things worked as they were, and they truly believed that the gods and goddesses watched over their family, as even in their isolation they were successful for as much as they needed. And so, to protect what they had, Yekaterina’s father had obtained an icon that the converts seemed to pray over so desperately, and had hung it in a corner, mostly to gather dust. It helped the illusion that they might be Orthodox.. even though they most definitely were not.

This all came to a staggering halt when their little out of the way village and farm came under suspicion of an ambitious priest. Daniel Stanislavich had recently been placed at a church in a larger village in northwestern Novgorod, and he knew it was in attempt to get him out of the way of another priest's plans. Nonetheless, he had no intention of being forgotten, and made it his mission to gain the eye of the Church leaders. And he began in the countryside villages that he knew were plagued with heathens.

Stanislavich amassed a following of devout makeshift crusaders, convincing them of the divine right that they must destroy the heathens that have plagued the church with their lying ways. And with these devotees, he began a ravaging crusade against the peasantry still holding on to their pagan roots. Word spread like wildfire of Stanislavich’s attacks, and Yekaterina's family grew worried. They dusted off the icon and practiced their hallelujahs, fearful that eventually their village would be visited too. They also quickly built a couple small hideaways under the beds and the floors for some of the family to hide should the village be invaded.

It did not take long. Stanislavich and his devotees swept into the village and dragged the families out into the village square. They required each member of every family to recite important passages of the Orthodox faith, and any who failed or even missed a single word, were immediately slain on the spot. The snowy square ran red with blood within minutes. Yekaterina and her youngest brother, hidden away in the secret compartments her father had built, silently cried tears of sadness and fear as they heard the failed recitations and screams of her family and village as everyone they had known and loved were summarily killed. At last, silence spread through the village. The thugs searched the homes one more time looking for final survivors, and upon finding none, the noises of them began to disappear. More silence, and then one final sound replaced the thudding boots of their attackers - the sounds of crackling fire. It wasn't long before the light and heat of the fires of her village burning wormed it's way into their hideout. But Yekaterina knew better than to leave their hole too early, else the raiders catch them as they escaped. And so they waited, coughing and sputtering, praying to the God and Goddess to protect them, waiting until the flames nearly licked at their hidden door before finally breaking out and jumping out of the burning home, racing for the forrest.

It was only by the grace of the goddess that Yekaterina and her brother, Leo, chose the right way to run, away from the Orthodox attackers, and safely escaped to the trees. And there they hid through the night, afraid to move lest they attract attention and bring the evil down upon themselves. But even that was dangerous, for the bitter cold seeped into their bones, threatening them with a different, slower death - the death offered to all by Mother Russia. Leo and Yekaterina shivered away the night in the hollow of a tree, their bodies their only warmth and that drained away quickly.

By morning, both struggled to wake, but wake they did, though weakened for it nonetheless. They visited the charred shell of a village, picking through the remains for anything that may have survived. Finding little to nothing, Yekaterina grabbed Leo' hand and they set out into the forest, heading for what she hoped was the closest village. Unfortunately for them, Yekaterina had never been far outside their little village. Her father had told her a little about the lay of the land - the Lithuanian border was to the west, Novgorod's capital to the north and east. But that first morning, she was so cold and disoriented by the previous day's events, she did not pay attention to which direction they travelled. And by the time she was able to draw her wits about her, clouds had rolled in and her ability to sense her direction had all but failed her. As such, she and her brother roamed through the taiga forest aimlessly.

One day passed as they wandered through the wood. Then another night and a day. It took Yekaterina twice as long to waken her brother the second morning. They continued walking, their directions aimless as they still has not seen the sun since their flight. Although they dug in the snow, searching for winter berries to ease their painful hunger, no food availed itself to their inexperienced hands. On the third morning, Leo did not awaken. No matter how she shook him, his frozen lifeless form remained immobile.

Yekaterina knelt over the body of her frozen brother, two tears falling down her cheeks to freeze against her icy face. She nearly frozen to death herself, she prayed to the Goddess one last time. "Spare my life, Grandmother Winter, take not your daughter with this winter's cold. Bring me to a home or village and warm me again, and I will serve as your daughter for all time." She prayed, her legs freezing beneath her, waiting for an answer that wouldn't come. Finally, she rose again, slowly stretching her frozen limbs, encouraging circulation back into them. She covered her brother's form with a few fallen branches, covering him as best she could. And then choosing a direction at random, she set off again, alone.

Her trek was slower than before, her willpower seeped from her bones, replaced by cold and winter frost. With each step, she felt herself fall further and further towards death's yearning grasp. As day's short hours passed and night's embrace enveloped the forest with Yekaterina at its heart, she placed her life in the hands of Grandmother Winter. Just as the last of her strength was seeping away, Yekaterina noticed the darkened silhouette of a cottage in the wood. Gathering every last ounce of willpower she had left, she trudged through the snow towards her last vestige of hope. She collapsed to her knees against the cottage's door, banging her frozen fist against its roughened wood. She cried out through cracked lips, begging for rescue, before the cold seduced her into its embrace at last.

It wasn't but minutes later that a soft glow fell over Yekaterina as the door to the hut opened, an older woman stepping out into the cold. The woman picked up Yekaterina's frozen body and brought her inside into the warmth of the fire's light.

The fire crackled nearby, it's warmth licking tendrils of heat against Yekaterina's skin. She lay under a thick palette of blankets, every attempt to bring warmth back into her being taken. But there was a chill deep within her that would never be filled again. For Winter had claimed her that night, and forever would she be Winter's Mistress.

As Yekaterina's awareness returned, the old woman came closer to view her young charge. She raised a rag warmed by the fire to her forehead, a small smile crossing her lips. "You live, young one. This is good. You have been blessed, this night". When Yekaterina made as if to speak, a fierce coughing fit drove the words from her lips. The older woman tsk'd and patted her back, encouraging her to calm. "No need for talking now," picking up a bowl of warm broth from a nearby bed stand and bringing it closer to the young girl as her coughing subsided. "Eat, rest, and we shall talk soon enough." Yekaterina laid her head back against the blankets and, closing her eyes, fell into a deep slumber once again.

Days came and went as Yekaterina slept, her strength struggling to recover in the old woman’s small cottage. Her rest was fitful, as nightmares of her attackers and their mad flee through the night haunted her. Even during her few waking moments, she saw the same images burned behind her eyelids. Her caretaker fed her warm broth in the few lucid moments she had, always encouraging her to slip back into the safety of sleep each time, a safety that Yekaterina did not, could not, believe in. And yet, the sleep dragged her under each time, and the nightmares would tear at her again.

Weeks passed, and still Yekaterina suffered, her body only barely stronger than the night the old woman had saved her from her doorstep. The woman sat at her bedside, like she had for many days and nights over the past weeks, praying to the gods and goddesses of the land. As she felt at Yekaterina’s forehead, worry at the chill still clinging to her skin, she finally let out a deep sigh, and prayed to the last goddess she had feared to contact.

“Goddess Morena, Grandmother of Winter, Guardian of Night, Warder of Death, this girl has balanced upon knife’s edge for these many weeks, and I fear for the pain she endures. I beg of you, claim her or release her, so that she may move past this pain, release her from this plight you have brought her to. She is so very young to suffer so.”

As her prayer ended, a blast of strong winter air blew open the cottage door, a tumble of snowflakes flying into the cottage warmth to circle around young Yekaterina and settle gently upon her face where they trembled, not melting. The old woman moved from the bed to shut the door, but as she was closing it, she thought she caught a glimpse of a womanly figure outside in the snow, though when she blinked her eyes, whatever she saw was gone.

To Yekaterina, however, she witnessed a good deal more. Caught in her dreams though she was, as the old woman’s prayer ended and the soft snowflakes lit upon her cheeks, her nightmares were blown away with the wind, calming to a snow-covered forest with Yekaterina seated on a log. Walking towards her, clad in the purest of white, was a beautiful older woman. She stopped as she reached Yekaterina, resting a hand gingerly upon the side of her face.

“Young daughter, do you know me?" When Yekaterina nodded, whispering with the wind 'Goddess Morena,' the Goddess nodded. "Yes. Why are you still here?"

Yekaterina frowned, looking around confused. "Here? I only just got here."

"No, my daughter. You hold on to this world, struggle through pain and sorrow when you could just release. Why are you still here?"

"I am Russian, Grandmother. We do not give in. We are stubborn. The world is hard, but we are built to survive it. And I will remain for so long as you let me."

The Goddess smiled at her answer. "And if I require even more from you, will you agree?" Yekaterina dropped to her knees before the Goddess. "Anything, Grandmother."

"Then I claim you as mine, young daughter. I will require much of you, but you will be mine. Is that understood? Now wake up, young daughter, you represent ME."

The next morning, the girl did awaken. The old woman raised her head off the edge of the bed when she felt her stir, where she had knelt all night in vigil. "You're awake! How do you feel?"

"Like a new girl. Thank you, Mother, for caring for me. I will never forget your kindness." the girl bent closer to her, laying a gentle kiss against her forehead.

"Oh, child, I only did what was right. And you will stay here till you are stronger. Now, what is your name so I may know who I've been caring for?" The girl take the woman's hand in hers, squeezing gently. "You may call me Morena, Mother."

Morena remained with the old woman, whom she came to know as Mama Yelena, for some few days as she began to regain her strength. The Goddess’ touch on her was something of a miracle, taking Morena from the knife’s edge of death to just this side of healthy. For the next few days, Morena slept as much as she had while she was ill, with Mama Yelena at her side each time she woke, for a few sips of broth before healing sleep dragged her under again.

One night, however, this month out of time had to come to an end. As Morena was finally showing the strength to live again, Mama Yelena wrapped her in blankets, set her in the back of a sled, and away they went through the snow-covered night. They traveled for hours, Morena slipping into wakefulness rarely, as if in a drugged sleep that kept her under for almost the entirety of the trip. At last, the sleep began to wear away as they neared their destination. Morena could see what appeared to be a huge city coming into view in the darkened night, all lit up by torchlight.

Novgorod was a large city, third largest in the land to be known as Russia. Moscow, new city of power that it was, had recently surpassed it in size, mostly due to its sudden fame in defeating the Mongols at the Battle of Kulikovo. Novgorod, felt oppressive and grand to Morena all at the same time, there was so much of everything, and everything was so close together. She took it all in as they wended through the streets of the cold city of the north. Mama Yelena took her to a large building near the center of the city. There, she beseeched another peasant woman, Arina, to take Morena on as her daughter. Arina, apparently a long time friend of Mama Yelena, agreed readily, mentioning that the boyar family she supported had a young boy just Morena’s age and they would get along splendidly. And within the hour, Mama Yelena bid Morena fairwell and was gone. And as suddenly as the magical month with Mama Yelena had begun, it was over. And Morena’s new life in the city was beginning.

Morena fell into step easily at Arina’s side in the Novgorod household. She learned the boyar family, Vasilyev, did indeed have a son, Alexi Lyovich, who was just her age. He was ambitious, and playful, and they got along splendidly. Soon, Morena was practically adopted into the boyar’s family, learning alongside Alexi whenever she could. The family was glad Arina had been given this girl child, as poor Arina had recently lost her own daughter during the past winter, that this new child was almost like a miracle for their trusted servant. Morena fell into the rhythms of the household easily, learning her place as both childhood playmate and serf of the household. And together with Alexi, they grew up.

By sixteen, Morena had blossomed into a beautiful young girl. She was still paler than the Russian snow, skin chill to the touch in a way that would never be warm, but she was healthy and hale nonetheless. Alexi, too, had begun to show signs of a handsome face, if still hidden behind the gangliness of a young man.

The Vasilyev family practiced religion in much the same way that Morena’s peasant family had. Paganism, hidden under the veil of Orthodoxy. As was done by “Old Religion Orthodox” followers in later years, Pagan practitioners continued their own worship quietly behind closed doors. No reason to shut out beliefs simply because someone else says you must - simply keep quiet, keep living, and worship.

As Alexi and Morena reached adulthood, it was accepted that suitable partners were sought after for both of them. Alexi’s parents sought a suitable match for him among the other boyar families in Novgorod. The Vasilyev family also found an extremely good match for Morena, marrying her to a man in the service of a rival boyar family who was well in favor. Morena was dutiful and agreed to the marriage, though she was saddened to leave her adoptive family and Arina behind; she couldn’t help but wonder why they had sought outside the Vasilyev service for this marriage.

Alexi’s luck, however, was not so good. Alexi could not afford a pagan wedding, needing to keep his religious views secreted from his future bride, until the wedding was finalized. And although there were several eligible girls to choose from, Alexi was none too satisfied with most of them. In truth, his heart belonged to another as well, another whom he believed he would never be able to share it with. In the end, Alexi’s parents chose a young girl and bade Alexi wed her. They did - a proper church wedding - and Alexi’s wife joined the Vasilyev household. Marisha, Alexi’s wife, and her devotion to the Orthodox faith proved as stubborn as his own pagan beliefs. While he admired her dedication, he knew that they could never be truly together with such a hurdle between them. The hope and understanding had been that she would be accepting of their Old World beliefs, but this had not been the case. Making matters even worse, Marisha had been unsuccessful in pregnancy, despite many efforts. By 1393, there had been 2 miscarriages with no hope for a change on the horizon. Alexi’s family was certain that Marisha’s faith was the cause, that their gods would not supply their blessing to a non-believer.

Shortly after their marriage, Morena’s husband was gifted with land and title by his boyar for his service to him, a rare gift. Suddenly, Morena was no longer a simple peasant, but was officially nobility-what odd luck. In the next year, Morena did manage to have a child by her husband, though he would not live long. Both Morena’s husband and the child caught a bit of the plague and died during the spring of 1393. Several people died that winter, and Morena lost her second child through miscarriage. Suddenly, Morena was alone again - but in charge of land and peasants herself and quite unsure of what to do.

Not a month later, Mama Yelena paid a visit to Morena. It had been so many years since Morena had seen the old woman, and yet her babushka savior appeared not to have aged a day. With her, was a good looking gentleman also visited the Vasilyev household, introducing himself as Uncle Leo. They visited with Morena for a time, but then beckoned her to return to the Vasilyev estate with them to drown her sorrows, which she readily agreed.

Upon returning to the Vasilyev estate, the visiting pair spent the next month in deliberation with Alexi’s parents, and then having long discussions with Alexi and Morena individually. Then one night disaster struck and Marisha, Alexi’s wife, was found just inside the forest line with her throat ripped out. The family was shocked, save for the two visitors, and preparations were made for a funeral and hunt for the feral beast. Once all proper respects had been paid to Marisha’s family, Alexi and Morena were shocked by the almost immediate suggestion that they be married. Alexi was most uncertain about how they would explain such a marriage without bringing suspicion and questions onto their Family. Morena was a servant of the house, so could not possibly marry into the family without raising concerns from the other Noble families. He began to quickly see the pattern, and with it it, the plan that had begun three years prior. Morena had been married to a man in a rival family, this much he knew. But he discovered that not only had he recently passed due to illness, but his Boyar had gifted him with title and land just shortly before his death. And now, suddenly and strangely, so too had his wife died leaving him the opportunity to wed Morena, whom now represented the acquisition of land, title, and wealth from a rival family. This marriage could thus be explained as either a marriage of alliance, or as a power play to steal their land.The only thing he couldn’t piece together, was why all of this had been set up...why his family and these two visitors cared so much about the union of a noble and a peasant. Despite not understanding the motives, both of them were all too happy to go along with the situation. They were immediately married in the pagan manner, and before the summer's close after witnessing the mourning period, Alexi and Morena were married in the church to uphold the Orthodox appearances.

Together, Alexi and Morena had many children. ***

It was at least a decade before Mama Yelena and Uncle Leo returned to visit, again showing no signs of aging. But this time, they had a very specific agenda, and they did not dance around it. They brought with them a young couple that Morena and Alexi did not recognize, but they could see some resemblance to the Vasilyev family. The couple was given charge of the Vasilyev children while the four closeted themselves in a discussion.

Mama Yelena opened the conversation. "Alexi, Morena, you know we have been watching over the two of you for years. We have been preparing you for this day."

"Our family is hand chosen," Uncle Leo added, "and personally groomed to be a good fit. You two, descendants of Konstantin himself, are now ready to join us. You will be leaving your family in the hands of your cousins, and they will take excellent care of them. And you will be joining us, and our family, in your new existence."

"For now, collect yourselves and go say goodbye to your children, and tell them you will be going on a trip and their aunt and uncle will be caring for them while you are gone. No need to tell them you will not return." Mama Yelena finished.

Alexi and Morena were somewhat blown away, and yet even so there was an almost mystical level of conviction and understanding that this was going to happen and everything would be okay. They wished farewell to their children, and then left with Mama Yelena and Uncle Leo. They took them to a hidden hovel within Novgorod, where pagan ritual items were laid about. And through a very intricate ritual, Alexi and Morena were embraced into the dark world of Vampirism.

Morena and Alexi are brought into the vampiric fold slowly, with serious teaching of all aspects - blood, social, political, mundane and religious. Morena is specifically taught intricacies of the Circle of the Crone and Cruac. Alexi gets a thorough training in the tenants of the Invictus and their political maneuvering. Although both tend to learn a good deal of the other’s specialties as well.

Eventually, both are released from their training and welcomed to vampire society as full vampires in their own rights. In keeping with their Yagnatia heritage, they pledge themselves to one another, binding themselves together - he to protect her, she to support him.

During their early years, Russia underwent few changes. Russia had begun its shaking free of the Mongol yoke during Morena’s childhood, but little was certain about that for decades. It wasn’t for nearly a century later that Russia finally shrugged off the Mongol tithes completely and claimed itself a free nation at last (though the Mongols continued to argue that point). Once that freedom was established, however, Russia started on a path of constantly trying to define herself and how she would be perceived in the world. And living through all of those changes created very defining ideals within Morena and Alexi. This next section outlines those major moments throughout Russia’s history and how they affected them. But otherwise, it is a very quick glance at a historical timeline for Morena and Alexi.

Kievan Rus had strong beginnings. The boyars and princes built a country from little to nothing. Strength of arms and respect through fear led to a good leadership. It was a good beginning. Unfortunately, that strength was not enough to hold back the Mongol Horde when it decided to take over. And for 250 years, Russia was strangled under the yoke of foreign leadership. All except the Novgorod Republic. The Mongols never cracked the northernmost republic and brought them to bear. As such, Novgorod was able to grow independently, away from the center of what used to be Kievan Rus. Likewise, while under Mongol rule, power centers moved around. Moscow grew in prominence thanks to smart leaders that worked the Mongol system against them.

Coming from a time still under Mongol rule but on the verge of shrugging that off, played a big role in shaping Morena and Alexi. The elders still shared stories of Pre-Mongol rule. Everyone felt a sincere need to remove foreign rule and strong nationality. They grew up in an atmosphere of trying to regain what they had lost, of proud of what they were and wanting to regain it, wanting the traditional. They also heard nothing but stories about might makes right sandwiched alongside political maneuverings. It was a strong era to grow up in.

Under Ivan the Great, Novgorod fought a long war with the grand prince of Moscow before being annexed into the greater Russia. No longer independent, Novgorod was still a large province and had a great deal of its own identity, mostly from its history of remaining free from Mongol rule. Additionally, Ivan the Great officially ended Mongol rule, and laid the grounds for Russia to be ruled as one country by one ruler. On the downside, Ivan the Great also set Moscow as the new seat of power of the Orthodox Church, further increasing the oppressive control of the church over Russia.

Ivan influenced Morena and Alexi in competing ways. It was a struggle to lose Novgorod's independence, which was something of a precursor of future problems between Moscow and Novgorod. Additionally, the further strengthening if the church brought endless problems to the pagan worshipers who always needed to protect that secret. But then they had been worshipping in secret for centuries so was it really that much more? However, there was also some pride in the country being pulled together, shrugging off the Mongol yoke, and being controlled by a single autocratic power - a concept that felt right and good to the Invictus-minded kindred. Morena and Alexi both felt a strong connection with the autocratic Tsardom and it's rulers hip over their beloved Russia, and looked forward to its future.

The years under Ivan the Great were some of the most formidible in Morena and Alexi’s political development. Fifty years after their embrace, Ivan the Great’s rule was what they cut their teeth under as freshly released Kindred. Their mortal lives and vampiric training period were during the early formative years of Russia under Moscow rule, struggling to grow and free the country from Mongol control. Then, under Ivan the Great, and finally as released full-fledged members of vampiric society, Russia became Russia FOR Russia. As is expected in a highly influential period in one’s development, Morena and Alexi developed a mindset heavily attributable to that period. Ivan the Great, with his strong anti-Catholic sentiment, brought down a heavy curtain between Russia and the rest of Europe, and this focus on Russia for Russia was a highlight for the new vampires which colored the remainder of their unlives.

If Ivan the Great influenced Morena and Alexi to love the dream of Russia for Russia, Ivan the Terrible taught them how to execute that dream. Ivan the Terrible, contemporary with the Tudors of England, strengthened the position of the Tsar to an unprecedented degree, as he ruthlessly subordinated the nobles to his will, exiling or executing many on the slightest provocation. A rule of strength and fear led to a strong country led by a powerful fully-autocratic ruler that brought the Vasilyevs a level of admiration for the man and a will to imitate such within Kindred society.

The admiration held for Ivan the Terrible’s success ended suddenly, however, when the Vasilyevs felt his wrath quite directly. In the late 1560s, Ivan created his oprichnina in the old Novgorod Republic as an effort to curb rumors of treason within Novgorod. The oprichnina, and its personal guard the oprichniki, led to mass upheaval within Novgorod, mass forced resettlement due to aims to undermine the landed nobility, and encouraged reliance back upon the tsar for all things. This upheaval worsened when the oprichniki began executing boyar families on accusations of conspiracy, eventually culminating in the Massacre of Novgorod, killing many many people within the city, of all class levels.

The Vasilyev family was not summarily spared of this disaster, although Morena and Alexi were able to protect a contingent of the lineage. They had not been directly involved in the treasonous talks with Poland, though they had heard the rumors. But when it was learned of the Moscow vampire’s involvement and pressure behind the oprichniki’s actions, then Alexi and Morena knew they had been outmaneuvered. The Ventrue Lancea Sanctum of Moscow had pulled the right strings and brought immense damage to the Yagnatia stronghold in Novgorod (as well as other lines that called Novgorod home) that would take decades to rebound from. The Vasilyevs were certain, however, that the Lancea of Moscow had finally made an open attack against the Circle of the Crone. The involvement of vampiric influence allowed for Alexi and Morena to eventually look back to Ivan the Terrible’s reign with nostalgic memories, still considering his autocratic rule to be a strong ideal, even if it did eventually turn against them, it wasn’t without due cause. It merely requires that they be the ones in power under autocratic rule, as it does indeed work well.

Three decades later, all of Russia fell into the Time of Troubles with the loss of a certain tsar successor. Novgorod, still recovering from the destruction of its ruling class and many of its people, was hit the hardest. At the same time, some of the worst winters to hit Russia plagued the land causing terrible famines. Foreign interests invaded, taking control, and the entire country was thrown into turmoil. Although the Vasilyevs had been struggling to help their region rebound from Ivan the Terrible’s attack, the Troubles exacerbated the situation to the point that they were forced to step back and fall into torpor rather than tax their herds further. This mutual torpor lasted for about one hundred years before they awoke safely again.

Peter the Great began the long slow decline of Russia-for-Russia, at least in the eyes of the Vasilyev line. Peter, who had traveled and studied in Europe, began a forced indoctrination of western practices into Russian life. The Vasilyevs struggled against these changes as much as they could, encouraging their kine to do the same for as long as possible. Peter’s requirement that the Russian appearance be rejected in favor of German was a vile blow to the Russian confidence. In essence, while the West might praise Peter as a “Great” for bringing Russia more ‘modern’ and more in line with European ideals, many within Russia especially the traditionalists, despised his changes and what they did to Russia. And Peter was just the beginning.

If the Tsar’s rule did not have such a direct impact on the kindred and their resources within Russia, likely the Yagnatia line would have tried to ignore mortal politics completely - but the constant changes to society verily forced the issue. Catherine the Great was readily despised by the Vasilyevs immediately due to her German-born heritage, and made them question what went wrong that let a foreigner sit on the Tsar’s throne. Catherine, however, was skilled enough to hold it, but not without major societal shifts that threw the country into turmoil again. Her policy of freeing the serfs was bad for all classes, although she did re-strengthen the nobility to an extent. Her expansionist strategies did bring Russia into something of a world power, but it also brought in groups of people, particularly the large Jewish populations, that would be endless trouble for Russia in the future years. All in all, the rule of Catherine the Great was both good and bad, but overall just continued the trend started by Peter the Great in changing Russia to be more Westernized - a fate the Vasilyevs loathed.

By this time, Morena believed it was time to embrace, as the lineage must grow to be powerful. She found a young Konstantin descendent, whose noble line had become destitute. Alisa had been ‘sold’ into a loveless marriage to the first person who wouldn’t require much of a dowry from her. Morena saved her from the painful marriage and embraced her. She trained her as a Crone initially, but Alexi recognized Alisa’s skills in politics and convinced her to go Invictus, much to Morena’s chagrin.

The Napoleonic Wars further influenced Russia with Western ideals. The Vasilyevs had been struggling for the past century to slow the encroachment of Western influences, but with the wars leading Russians west in larger numbers than ever before - the influence was wider and more immediate than anytime previously. And Russia was forever changed as a result. Russian soldiers, fighting alongside other European countries against the French, were introduced to modern technology and weaponry, as well as liberal ideas (especially considering the contemporary thinkers of that time). And they brought all of that knowledge home with them. These would generate political movements within Russia, which eventually led to the craziness of the 20th century.

After seeing Alisa properly trained in the ways of vampiric society, Alexi and Morena decide that Russia is no longer the country they remembered, and set off to travel for a time as very little is holding them down any longer. And maybe they would learn some value in their travels, since obviously traditional Russian methods are quickly going extinct.

Before they left Russia, Alexi sired one of his family whom he had been watching with great interest. Already he had passed a number of hidden tests and showed great promise. Mikhail was placed under the shroud and left Russia with Alexi and Morena in 1810.

1848-1856 - They travel to France, wherein Morena meets Desserai, a young Daeva with no Sire and little training; Morena witnesses an interest in Desserai in something beyond herself and from this, Morena decides to introduce Desserai to the Goddesses and the Crone. Few in the city seemed to have any interest in the young vampire, and with no Sire to speak of, Morena took Desserai under her wing, inducted her into the Circle and taught her cruac. Alexi finished the training of his childe Mihail in 1850 and returned to Russia to enter torpor.

1878-1903- Morena and Mikhail return to Russia in the late years of the 19th century. Alexi wakens and joins Mikhail again, while Morena falls into torpor to rest after their long sojourn through Europe. Alexi and Mikhail attempt to resettle into their old ways, but things have changed much too quickly (and continue to change even faster) for them to accept them. By 1905, once Morena awakens again, the political situation in Russia hits a dangerous high, Morena and Alexi leave Russia for America, choosing Dallas as their final destination.

1908 - The Trinity River floods, killing several and leaving thousands homeless. Dallas loses power for three days, all telephone and telegraph service was down, and rail service was canceled. West Dallas was hit harder than any other part of the city, as indescribable suffering plagued the area. Much to the horror of residents, thousands of livestock drowned in the flood and some became lodged in the tops of trees – the stench of the decay hung over the city as the water subsided. The chaos of the flood masks a violent Kindred struggle, and marked the deaths of many of the Carthian founders of the city by the Invictus. Alexi Leyovich Vasilyev takes control of Dallas, leaving only one member of the Carthian coterie alive.

1912 - Crucible Begins. The mystical effect of Cadence settles into the world. Dallas becomes an official Praxis under Prince Alexi Vasilyev with Morena as his Herald. The local population of Kindred rally around this Prince, and this marks a general time of peace among the local Kindred. Sole surviving member of the original Carthian coterie awarded title of Seneschal and permitted to Embrace.

1930 - Morena and the Circle of the Crone celebrate the first Unmasking in Dallas. On the Longest Night, the Kindred of the city openly hunt on a single night of indulgence and feasting. Over the years, this tradition grows into a folk-lore level phenomenon, and the city grows to dread the Winter Solstice, even when a Prince does not support the tradition. The streets empty on this night, and those foolish enough to venture out are seldom missed. Hunters and other predators take to the night as well, and several Princes have offered rewards to those brave (or stupid) enough to capture one alive.

1950 - Alexi relinquishes praxis to his Childe Mikhail Alexiovich Visilyev, after stabilizing the city, due to a deep need to sleep. He enters torpor, leaving Morena to watch over their assets in the city. They request the aide of a Libertinarian ally to secure his torpor.

1953 - Morena follows Alexi into torpor from a similar need to sleep herself, asking Khent ibn Kephra to waken her first if their aide is needed.

1964 - Khent ibn Kephra wakens Morena shortly after the assassination of JFK due to growing instability in the city that he believes her presence can help allay.

1987 - Prince Mikhail is killed when a large mob of mortals storm his personal haven during the day. Blame is placed upon Emma Quinn, a close companion of his, and the only non family who were aware of his secondary Haven. She is hunted down immediatly, and her ashes presented to the new Prince and Mikhail’s childe, Gavril Mikhailovich Visiliyev.

1990 - There is an extensive conflict with a large contingent of Lupines. After 5 years of guerilla warfare with them, Gavril organizes an assault against the leader. With their leader removed, the packs descend back into territorial disputes. This ends their combined aggression with the Kindred of Dallas, but has the adverse effect of solidifying each individual packs control over their personal territories in Collin County.

2000 - The Prince of Dallas, Gavril Mikhailovich Vasilyev, Alexi's grandchilde through Mikhail, is murdered by a new coterie Kindred assailants. A group of the usurpers attacks the Elysium and scatters many of the Court into hiding. Unlike other violent Praxis seizures, no clear leader emerges in the chaos, and the city plunges into anarchy and violence. Morena calls upon their Libertinarian ally to awaken Alexi early to retake the praxis. The city descends into civil war as two sides emerge, those allied with the new Cotierie and a hope for opportunity, and those loyal to the Dynasty of House Visilyev’s rule.

2005 - The opportunists are defeated. 3 of the coterie are killed, as are any whom are responsible for any kindred deaths. If their hands are unbloodied, they are instead exiled. Opportunist leader and 2 of his coterie escape, but are rumored to have fled to a nearby border town.

2012 - It is discovered that Gavril’s Sheriff and Master of Elysium, kept by Alexi, had been secretly allied with the opportunists. The evidence is examined thoroughly, by Alexi, his the entirety of the Prisci Counsel.

3 things remembered 1374 - 1603
-Alexi is Morena’s second husband. Remembers a household full of children with him.
-Ritual Embrace and Mama Yelena’s Training about Kindred, Yagnatia, Crone, and Leadership.
-Meeting Astra and the start of a long-term association and alliance
Torpor 1603 - 1703
4 things remembered 1703 - 1850
-Peter the Great’s western ways 1715
-Embracing Alisa and losing her to the Invictus 1797
-Meeting and training Desserai in France 1850
-((left open for future tie opportunities))
Torpor 1878 - 1905
5 things remembered 1905 - 1953
1908 Conquering of Dallas
1912 Dallas Praxis is formed, Seneschal is Lydia Simmons
1930 First Unmasking Event
1935 Meeting Khent ibn Kephra of the Ordo Dracul, interested in pyramids and death
1950 Mikhail assumes Praxis of Dallas

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