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by Rayyna
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Dark · #2026113
The life and history of Kyrra, Hideous and Beautiful
Kyrra's History

1005 AD - Orphan child, living on streets; Sweet old man offers her sweet bread, and upon taking it, he promises her more if she comes with him; She is then taken down into a basement that leads into a vast network of tunnels and underground rooms where her life changes forever.

Start Story of Roman Time
Kyrra knelt on a small cushion within the bathing room. Her Mistress had sent her here earlier, making it known she wished to bathe soon and would need Kyrra's services shortly. Kyrra had prepared the bath, warmed the waters and the room, laid out the oil, scraper and the towels in readiness. Now she merely waited upon her Mistress' pleasure. She loved her Mistress, for her Mistress had given her a life when before she had none. She had stolen her away from the depths of despair, with no life, no love, no food, no shelter, and given her all of those things and more. Kyrra now had warmth, food, and a purpose to her life, and she also could believe. For her Mistress was a Priestess, a Priestess of Cybele. And it was Cybele's bloody hand that had guided her Mistress into finding Kyrra and bringing her into where she was now. She would always worship Cybele for her generosity, and offer her the blood in thanks for her great works.

As she waited, Kyrra's mind wandered over her night's activities, for night it was when their cult became active, in deference to their Mistress' wishes. She had just come back into the underground a short time earlier from checking on the flocks in the pastures. The cool mountain breeze that blew through their secluded valley had mussed her hair slightly, but a quick dip in the frigid mountain lake had cleaned most of the dirt and wind's effects away. She watched the mountain sky and knew that the Goddess Cybele watched over her, and she felt no fear as she wandered outside the safety of the underground rooms the Mistress ran. She knew there were villages on the other side of the mountain, villages that supplied her Mistress and them with the necessities they needed, but she had not seen them nor been allowed to visit them. Her place was with her Mistress, and she was content. The villagers were plebians, free men who worked honest livings. Mistress was a patrician, daughter of a senator, and extremely wealthy, and she relied on the villagers to provide her, trading her religious knowledge and touch to them in their times of need. Only Gaius, another of Mistress' slaves, visited the village to gather the supplies. Although at times villagers would visit them when they needed religious guidance.

Her Mistress entered at last in a wave of perfumed oils and her own lovely musk. She was tall and held a presence that drew the eye of all around her. She was beautiful, but almost with the hint of masculinity. But here, in her world beneath Rome, nothing could touch her beauty and presence. She wore an ankle-length tunic of finely woven linen, draped with a deep crimson shawl or scarf tied up tastefully at appropriate points around her body. A necklace of gold and glittering gems graced her neck, complimented by a dangling pair of matching earrings and the delicate clinking of bangles at her wrists. No sandals bound her feet, as she believed in always having direct contact with the ground she walks upon, a practice we all follow.

She drew close to Kyrra's kneeling form, sliding a finger beneath Kyrra's chin to raise her face and gaze into her eyes. "Such a beauty you are, little Kyrra, and such a pleasure to have here. You do enjoy your life here with me, don't you?"

Kyrra would have nodded, but her Mistress' hand kept her head tilted too high up, so she answered, "Yes Mistress, you are most kind and generous with your attentions."

Her Mistress smiles, tapping her chin gently. She stretches her arms up over her head, waiting. Kyrra rises off her knees quickly, her hands grasping the bottom of her Mistress' tunic and pulling it up over her body and over her arms. She folded the tunic and shawl, placing them on a side table, before returning to her Mistress and removing the golden jewelry from her neck, ears and wrists, leaving her body bare and enticing. Kyrra pulls out the oil bucket and starts smoothing the black oil over her Mistress' skin, scrubbing it in slightly so as to capture all of the dirt and sweat accumulated on her skin. Mistress stood calmly, watching Kyrra's body move around her.

As Kyrra pulls out the scraper and begins scraping off all the oil and dirt from her skin, Mistress spoke. "Kyrra, how old are you now?"

"Seventeen, Mistress."

"A beautiful age to go on a beautiful girl. I have been considering bringing you fully into our mysteries, now that you are of age. Would you be willing, my young Kyrra? Do you wish to learn?"

"Oh yes, Mistress. I live to serve you." Her hands tensed, her movements slowed as she thought about what was being offered.

"Excellent. Tonight then. Now, continue.." Kyrra nods, and begins working the scraper again, until her Mistress' body was scrubbed clean, then assisted her in stepping into the bloody bath to soak. The disturbance of the waters raised the scent of herbs through the room, while Kyrra busied herself in cleaning the area of the earlier tasks.

As her Mistress was finishing her bath, she asked Kyrra to bring her the chalice that sat upon the alter across the room. Doing as she was bid, Kyrra knelt by offering the chalice up to her Mistress. She took the cup in one hand, and raised her wrist to her mouth with the other biting into it suddenly, with the cup held beneath to capture the blood. Before Kyrra's eyes, she bleeds an adequate amount of blood into the chalice, and then she watches the wound close on its own. Her Mistress rises out of the tub, standing in all her magnificence with the blood of the bath streaming down her naked form, looking every inch the Goddess as she held out the cup to Kyrra. "Drink."

Kyrra knelt higher and held her hands over her Mistress' to help guide the cup to her lips and drank of her Goddess' blood.


1022 AD - The nights continued, and Kyrra, as a ghoul to Caecilia, learned what exactly her Mistress was, and what the mysteries of Cybele had gifted them all with.


1140 AD - ((**to be written out**)) - Caecilia embraces Kyrra during a complicated ritual to attempt to stave off the coming of her torpor.

1145 AD - Caecilia falls into torpor, Kyrra and other embraces also enter torpor, not wanting to be alone without their Sire.

Note: Caecilia was an elder vampire from Ancient Rome who created a necropolis in southern France in an attempt to recreate Ancient Rome as she remembered it. Her cult was effectively brain washed into believing that they were actually in Ancient Rome.


1400 AD(?) - Wakes up from torpor to find necropolis destroyed, Sire and other elders disappeared. Meadhbh finds the necropolis and the vampires and wakes up Kyrra; Kyrra studies under Meadhbh to re-learn Cruac and learn of the changes to the world since Rome.

1400-1450s - France

integrate with nearby Court and Circle; part ways with Meadhbh when she finds link to cauldron elsewhere; head northeast to find other circles to spread faith;

1450s-1475 - Germanic territories

1459 AD - meet with Ma'am (Cat Rinaldo) (Galloi) in Northern Germany; compare beliefs in Cybele, and join together for a time; "Avuses" Kyrra by reminding her of her bloodline

1475-1600s - traveling Europe (open for ties)

early 1600s-1690s - Mexico/Yucatan Peninsula

hear stories about New World; book passage to New World and travel there

Found a few villages of those following the old ways, and ingratiated herself in with them to become first a priestess of the goddess and gods, and later as generations changed, an image of the goddess herself, to be worshiped and revered, until the village populations eventually died out even with her assistance.

1670s- As Kyrra's cult of followers began to deteriorate, the diseases waning their numbers, Kyrra sends runners out to other parts of the Yucatan to find if anyone has found a cure. The runners come back telling her of the city where you come from, the city harbors under Spanish control, but the people are healthier and there are still a great many that believe in the old ways. We pack up and move to the city. In arriving, and seeking assistance, Kyrra meets Atsu and Kissa and realize they are much much alike.

They question Kyrra about why she travels alone, and have not a partner, and she explains her past, in which her Sire did not assign them as partners, but rather as a large collective, and in the long sleep they all lost each other. She had been traveling without ever since. Kyrra learns of their ways, and the value of having a partner. In a way, Atsa and Kissa remind Kyrra of her tie with Cybele, teaching her another aspect of Cybele's worship and mysteries. Another form of "avus" for Kyrra.

She remains nearby until their Sire sends them away, by which time Kyrra's own cults have dispersed within the city and she needs to move on as well, but rather than join them as an awkward third wheel for all time, she goes back to Europe to find her own partner.

1700-1800 - France

Settles down in a small village south of Paris, creating a small cult of worshipers around her in the village, at peace to live the calm life for a while and let the mortal wars wash away around her.

1715 - Analiese (Jeannie Starcher) appears at her doorstep one night, asking to join in the worship of Cybele. Kyrra welcomes her, and invites her to stay. Analiese remains, and together they create a cult within the small village of dedicated worshipers of Cybele. Eventually, upheaval in France brought outside villagers in to break up the beautiful cult that Kyrra and Analiese had set up and they were spread apart in their flight.

1810-1875 - England

1817 AD - meet William Carter (Matt Smithwick) and learn of his lineage of Galloi, though he himself is not of the blood; assist him with coming to terms with his religious viewpoint, as well as a meaning to his (un)life when he decides the Ordo is the best place for him

1875-1990 - America (open for ties)

run into Theroq (Tim Guinn), a member of the Crone, and join him on a few fights to deal with some local nasties

1900- New Orleans

Meet up with family of Nosferatu, who call themselves "Dom Izgoyev". Learn about the power of being Nosferatu, and what fear can do. Specifically meet Danah (who also reveres Cybele) and Elijah and they encourage her to get to know the rest of Dom Izgoyev. Get adopted into Dom Izgoyev.

1970- Southern California

Joins Circle and particularly takes one young crone under her wing, Victoria (Sarah Lazenby); Teaches Victoria what the Crone can be, particularly the dark and proper worship Cybele demands. While teaching Victoria, spawns a new cult of worshipers around them.

1989 AD - Cult of worshipers is destroyed, all of them killed - bodies torn apart, messages written in their blood on the walls. Kyrra fled the city, but never learned who destroyed her cult.

1990-Present - Texas / Ft. Worth

2001 AD - meet Star Lite, learn of her somewhat radical belief in Hope and consider it as an alternate viewpoint to Cybele's worship, encourage Star Lite to go out and follow her belief, then return to her to tell her of her trials and outcomes

2004 AD - meet with Daggothus (Dustin McPherson), a brother to William Carter, and connect with him and the local circle, agreeing that Cybele's worship is paramount to the local circle; chooses to remain underground for a short time, focusing her attention to worship rather than politics, but agrees to help Daggothus should he need it.

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