Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2030766-The-Perfect-Reality
Rated: 18+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #2030766
A story of a group of friends who must fulfill their foretold destinies.
1- Perfect Reality...

Professor: Who are you? A new student? (A strange guy with messy black hair stands before him)
Guy: (nods)
Professor: What's your name? I'm Professor Noki. It's a pleasure.
Guy: My name is Tedo. Tedo Mashte.
Professor: Have a seat wherever there's an empty chair.
Tedo: (sits in a chair and a female with a long bright green ponytail and a long bang over her right eye that stops a little below her shoulder leans over behind him to whisper in his ear)
Female: Hey, just to let you know...that's Senji's seat. He's kinda harsh in the morning, but he's really a good guy.
Tedo: So?
Female: It's just-
(door opens)
Professor: Senji Watanabe. You actually came today.
Senji: Yeah sure Prof whatever. I-what the-? (looking at Tedo) Who's this guy?
Professor: That, Mr. Watanabe, is Mr. Tedo Mashte.
Senji: And? Why is he in my seat?
Professor: There are no permanent seats. You should've been here on time.
Senji: What?! Kid. Move.
Female: How rude, Senji!
Professor: Don't disrupt my lesson any further!
Senji: Prof. You can continue when I get my seat back! Kid. I'm gonna ask nicely 'one' more time. Move.
Female 2: (long curly pink hair) What are your definitions of ask and nice?
Senji: I didn't ask for your input, Hitani.
Hitani: I'm just asking...
Female: Is ask the word of the day or something?
Senji: No, Moroka. The word of the day is (to Tedo) MOVE.
Professor: Do you want to get kicked out of my class?
Senji: (scoffs) What? All I did was ask the kid to move! Is that a crime?
Tedo: I'm 20.
Senji: What?
Moroka: (giggles) I think he's saying he's not a kid.
Senji: Oh, really? (glares at him and he stares back nonchalantly) ...(scoffs) You got gall.
Hitani: Just leave him alone, Senji. I want the last of these notes. Please.
Senji: (looks at her) Fine.
Hitani: Now why don't you just sit in the seat NEXT TO HIM!?
Senji: Yeah, right. Like I want to sit next to that guy. (walks away)
Moroka & Hitani: (sighs)
Hitani: Sorry about that.
Moroka: I told him before he came that he's actually a pretty nice guy.
Hitani: Yeah, I suppose.
(A little while later)
Professor: See you on Tuesday everyone.
Moroka: So are we still going to the hot springs this Saturday?
Hitani: Yeah, of course. I need to relax.
Moroka: Oh, but first we've gotta all go out to eat together.
Hitani: Huh? You don't mean...
Moroka: Yeah, Senji is coming! It'll be like a date!
Hitani: Ugh! And how is that?! That just makes me a third wheel!
Moroka: (giggles nervously) Right...sorry! Huh? (notices Tedo walking away) Hey! (runs to catch up to him as he turns around to her)
Hitani: What are you doing? The guy's been bothered enough for the day. (walks over)
Moroka: You want to hang with us?
Hitani: Hang out and do what exactly?
Moroka: Oh. Um...there's this party tonight! You know Mikki.
Hitani: Uh...yeah. But-
Moroka: But what?
Hitani: It's just...this guy hardly knows us. Why would he want to go to a party with us?
Moroka: I'm just being nice! Try it sometime!
Hitani: No.
Moroka: So what do you say um...Mashte, right?
Tedo: No thanks. (continues walking)
Moroka: (slight gasp)
Hitani: Well...let's go.
Moroka: ...
Tedo: (walking down the street but stops when he hears a woman's scream and looks over in that direction) ...Nothing...but I heard-...(light gasp then looks forward to see a woman with long straight dark purple hair and red eyes in a long tight black dress and red pumps)
Woman: Are you ready?
Tedo: ...Who are you?
Woman: Let's go (a hole appears before him on the ground with a few visible steps)
Tedo: ...(backs up and the woman appears behind him and shadow-like handcuffs appear  around his hands behind his back) What the-?!
Woman: I truly am sorry. But if I must force you...(pushes his head and he falls down the hole through the steps; she smiles)
Tedo: (struggles to free himself from the handcuffs to no avail until he hits ground then his hands are freed) What-...what is this!?
Woman: (sitting on a throne in an otherwise empty room except for a small round table with a bottle and large half-full glass resting on it) You have been chosen. This is as fate decided. It is your duty to save this town before all its inhabitants are blinded by false realities that could only be existent as fantasies. You must see through deceit and help others to see as well.
Tedo: ...I don't understand...Who are you?
Woman: My name is Ria.
Tedo: Why did you bring me here? And the way you did!...
Ria: (closes her eyes and smiles) It will all become clear soon. I'll be seeing you in a little while. Please take the elevator to your left up and out.
Tedo: (looks to his left and the elevator appears) ...But-
Ria: Would you rather go up the way you came down?
Tedo: (gasps then walks toward the elevator)
(The Party...)
Mikki: (short black hair in bright red dress) Hi everyone! Enjoy the party! (sees Moroka and Hitani) Oh...you two...
Hitani: What's with the nasty look?
Mikki: I don't know what you mean. Come. Have fun. Where's Senji?
Moroka: Probably training like usual.
Mikki: Yeah...I kind of miss him.
Moroka: (frowns and glares)
Hitani: Oh, do you? Well that's nice. Let's get a drink, Moroka. (pulls her away)
Moroka: (growls)
Senji: (walking down the street and sees Tedo) What the-?! What's that kid doin' out here? Hey!
Tedo: (looks over at him) ...(eyes widen) Move!
Senji: Huh? (turns around and is hit back) Ugh! What the hell?!
(A lady in a black cat suit chuckles to herself)
Tedo: Who the heck-?!...
Lady: Are you bad boys ready?!
Both: ???
Lady: Follow me to the glorious world of wonder!! (runs)
Senji: Hey, you're not about to get away from me that easy! (runs after her)
Tedo: Wait!
(Later...          Inside an old building)
Senji: Where'd she go?!
Tedo: What are you trying to do?! Fight her?
Senji: You're smarter than you look.
Tedo: She wanted us to follow her. Something weird is going on.
Senji: I know. You're talking to me. Stop.
Tedo: Can you just listen to-
Senji: What the heck is this?
Tedo: What? (sees Senji before a room with a giant pool)
Senji: This looks brand new...
Tedo: This building is old as dust though...(brushes past Senji into the room)
Senji: Hey, watch it.
(The lady's head pops out the water)
Lady: Hey!
Both: (scream)
Lady: Come on in, boys!
Senji: Wait a minute...that's a swimsuit...How'd you change so fast?
Lady: It's a secret! (laughs and descends under the water)
(After a while...)
Tedo: Is she okay?
Senji: I hope so. So she can get her just dues. I'll check. (takes off his shirt)
Tedo: Hey, wait! You don't-
Senji: (jumps into the water)
Tedo: No-ugh! ...(waits a few seconds then jumps in after him) ...(Bright lights shine and his eyes close; when he opens them he is in what looks like an evergreen forest) Where am I? (walks until he trips over something) Ow. Ugh...thank goodness no one saw that...Huh? (sees a wallet on the ground) What's this? (picks the wallet up and opens it) "Senji Watanabe..." This is...his wallet...so he's here too...but where is here? This is confusing...
Lady: Hey again!
Tedo: (surprised grunt and jump) You!...
Lady: Mm-hmm! That's right! By the way. My name is Mitsuki, but you can just call me Suki if you like!
Tedo: Uh...
Suki: What's your name?
Tedo: ...Tedo-
Suki: Hey Tedo! Can I ask you a question?
Tedo: ...Sure. I don't see why not.
Suki: What are you doing here in my world?
Tedo: Wha-..."your world"? What do you mean?
Suki: (surprised reaction) So you don't know where you are?
Tedo: No. Could you tell me?
Suki:  This place is called Perfect Reality. It's home to human thought, dream, and desire.
Tedo: Uh what?
Suki: You need to leave now, okay? Bye bye!
Tedo: ...But I can't leave yet.
Suki: Of course you can. See that body of water? (points to a pond) You can leave through that portal.
Tedo: What? Just-...I gotta find a friend. Have you seen him? (shows her Senji's wallet photo)
Suki: No...I'm sorry. I haven't seen him. But I might be able to find him! What can you tell me about him?
Tedo: Oh...uh...he's a little obnoxious from what I can tell...
Suki: Obnoxious?
Tedo: Uh, no. Forget I said that. I don't...really know much about him...I just met him today, you see?
Suki: (gasps) You can meet people and be their friends in one day?! People are that nice to you?!
Tedo: ...Well...uh...yes?
Suki: Oh cool! Can you teach me how to be that likeable?!
Tedo: I don't think that's something I can teach you.
Suki: Aww!! (sniffles)
Tedo: You don't have many friends?
Suki: I don't have any friends...I've never had friends...even when this place was flooded with beings...
Tedo: Why were you...in my world, I guess.
Suki: I wanted to see people. I've seen many people come from your side and they told me about so many things I wanted to see for myself. But I never dared try to go. Until today...and it wasn't anything like I expected. The land and sky were beautiful. The lights. The colors. The conversation I overheard. But...everyone was rude to me...I was ignored, yelled at, pushed, and teased...
Tedo: But you seemed so happy when we saw you.
Suki: Of course! That's my character! I always try to make the best out of every situation! And...I can't stay sad forever, can I? Or at least...I can't act that way...around others that is. Which actually isn't very often.
Tedo: ...I'm sorry.
Suki: (smiles) It's okay! Let's focus on finding your friend! Okay!?
Tedo: ...(nods)
Suki: Now tell me all you know!

© Copyright 2015 Erica Sharp (ericasharp19 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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