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Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #2033951
A family raped up in greed and power will she leave the life or will she stud them all
          Jesse Quinn was coming off a lengthy stake out with his partner John Mckeon, everybody called him The Kid. John was new to the force and wet behind the ears, The kid was assigned to Jesse hoping Jesse twenty years on the force will give the Kid a backbone and not be so green, they were hunting a drug dealer whose connections with a mobster know as king pins, they were the top man in this town, Their leader King Pin himself no one made a move unless he say ok. The people of this small town have been holding their breath for a long time.  Jesse looked over to the kid he was balancing his pen on his upper lip, the pen fell then he tried to balance it on his nose.

         John felt Jesses eyes and tock the pen off his nose and looked over at him,

"What I'm  bored ?" Asked John and surged his shoulders

         Quinn just rolled his eyes. he felt a laugh coming on but held it back, he just shook his head, Jesses was just about to tell john to act his age, but a flash of light and gunshot sounded and stop Jesse thoughts,  a shadow ran across the window of the top floor where his witness was, Jesses yelled to John to call for backup he jumped out of the car and ran to the open side door,  he turn back with his gun drawn,

         "say behind me Kid and cover me, yelled Quinn. He ran up the stairs to the apartment where the witness was. slowly he creaked down the hallway, he can make out a light shining from under the door, he slowly push he door open and was blinded by the flash, he step back to see john and two more cops behind him, holding his arm in front of his face he walked in front of the light he felt his way though and found the top of the large spot light, he reach behind the light to feel for a switch, he found it,

         "Ouch Hell that's Hot, yelled Jesse

The light when out, it took a few minutes for the men to adjust to the mild lighting that was left in the room. Jesses and John stood in shock, the room was covered in blood spattered, sprayed all over the walls, Jesses looked around he didn't see a body, he turned to John

         “Look in the bathroom, and you man check the other rooms, said Jesses in a low whisper with his gun drawn, he moved around the room checking the closets and under the bed the man came back yelling all is clear, all they found was more blood, Jesses stood in the mild of the floor they were about to leave when he felt a drop of something hit his head, he wiped his head and saw it was blood, the men all looked up and stood in shock,

         "Well I was wondering where the body was, never did figure to look up," said Jesse

In the fan was his witness, her body was warped around the blades, each body part fit the shape of the blade, her head and up body was wrapped around the motor the motor had a low grinding sound, her gold neckless was use to tie her head into place as the rest of her body was broken to fit fan blades. Jesses radio in the kill and turn to see the room was empty,

         All the men plus the kid all had their heads in the trash cans gaging. Jesse when and grab John by the shoulders and help him to the car “if you want to make it in this filed Kid, you need to learn to have an iron stomach, otherwise you'll be gone before you get your feet wet. John looked at Jesse and just wonder what hasn't the mighty Quinn seen, and whatever did he experience to make him so stone cold and emotionless.  Jesses got John into the car he waited for CSI to show up, once they did Jesses walk over to agent Dexter the lead man of the CSI team.

"Even Quinn, what do we have tonight?" Ask Dexter

"A thirty year old female mangled in the fan, with some blood lost so you might need to  bring the mop, she was a witness in a case I was overseeing, be gentle with her she's in pieces Dexter." Said Jesse

"Ok Quinn will do, Ok man suite up and bring the mop this a messy one, " Dexter yelled to his team, Jesse hit the side of the van and when back to see how John was doing, John had his head between his legs breathing into a paper bag, Jesses got into the car

         “You ok kid? Were done here now, let get back to the station and do the paper work and call it a night. Said jesses he stared to pull out of the parking lot when a shadow ran in front of the car, he stepped on the brake and swore, " Rats," the shadow hit the Side if the car and Jesse jumped out to see if they were hurt, but the shadow ran off, Jesses yelled "Stop I'm a cop let me help you, but the shadow rain faster. Jesse got back into the car, “that’s just grate now I have to fill out a hit and run report too. It’s been a dame dandy night. Jesse mutter under his breath so John wouldn't hear him.

         They drove back to station to report their finding to the Sergeant, after about an hour giving their statement over the murder seen they spent half the night filling out paper work, Jesse didn't seem it was fit to explain to the Sergeant. Some shadow hit his car, in his line of work the killer might have been watching the seen play out,  but never would they ever run into a cop car, how would they know he was a cop, they were in an unmarked car. All Jesse hopes is they are Ok, and hope to god they know what they were doing at three am, and in this town at three am its kwon to be no good.  By the time all the paper work was done Quinn can see the sunlight coming into the office. The phone buzzed and Quinn award it. "Yes sir we are all done with the paper work, Yes sir we will be there. Quinn hung up the phone and told the Kid the star-gent wanted to see them

         Both Quinn and John walked into the Sergeants office,

         'I’m sorry I need you to sit on this one, with no witness now you have nothing to go on, she was are only link to King Pin Himself and his ring of hit man, but I have something else, I need you to help the pool halls bust some hustlers, the pools halls were losing a lot money, someone called White Snake and a young kid name Cherry Blossom were hitting all the high rollers up and down the cost. They walk away with a cool 19,000 each time, I want the two bright in soon got me, and in the mean time we will keep an eye out for your hit man Quinn." said the Sergeant

         Quinn and John walk out of the room, Quinn told John he was going to do the leg work on the pool halls, as they headed to their two man desk in their small ten by ten office. The office was a duel shade of tan pant over the years Quinn was a smoker and the walls still showed the three packs a day residue. Quinn's good friend Doctor McGinnis finally got throughout to him to quite, so they gave Quinn a young partner to do the heavy work, not to put so much strain on his heart. It's been over 30 years since he's seen a doctor, ever since Doctor McGinnis died Quinn had no uses for them, Doctor McGinnis son now is head of the hospital now, young and full of himself, Quinn's god son, on his desk was a photo of Quinn and his god son, this was the day he graduated from Medical school top in his class all the hospitals where begging him to tack his resends at their hospitals as far as New Zealand, but Daniel McGinnis only had one place in mind Beach side General, where his father work, Quinn put the photo down and remember that was the year he lost his best friend to a crazed patient, the man’s wife died on the table and he blamed Daniel's father for her death, Daniel was in the room when the man burst in, he got off a few shots one hit Daniel in the shoulder.

         Daniel got down under his father’s desk and called 911, Jesse tock the call and headed to the hospital to talk the gun man down. But by the time Jesse got to the hospital it was all over, gun man shot Daniel father in the chest and then turned the gun on himself, Daniel was still under the desk and slowly peered out to see the room full of smock and the he saw fathers bloody body on the floor his life was pooling around him, Daniel didn't move from his spot, the loss of blood to his shoulder was making him weak and he blacked out form the shock,  Quinn kicked the door in and got Daniel out and he dropped down on the floor and wrapped his shoulder tight to stop the bleeding so they could save him.

         Daniel was in surgery for four hours and was place in ICU to be looked after. Daniel recovered and was dead set to stay in the hospital and work. The director made him Chef of staff the youngest in the hospital history, he had the mind set and the will to tack the staff and the hospital to the number One placement in all of Beachside. Quinn just smiles at the kid him once new and now how much of a man he has become and know his father would be proud of him. Quinn looked up and saw John looking at him.

         "You ok their Quinn you’re not going soft on me are you" asked john

         “Mind your business kid and get working on that list." Snapped Quinn

         "ok just checking, I see some of the bars are on the west and south side of the beach line, we will have to start with the south and work are way west and oh yah one or two on the north end as well, so what the plan on that then. Asked John looking over at Quinn still stating at his photo on the desk, Quinn didn't answer him.  Um Quinn what's the Plan on tacking done the hustlers, “John asked him.

         Quinn looked up from his daydream and looked at John,

         “You know what Kid, lest start with the south end and work are way north. Said Quinn,

And he got up and head to the door, “oh yah kid you drive, it will give you an idea of the layout of the beach. “With that Quinn walked out the door leaving John still sitting there in the office taping his pen on the desk and wonder.


         A loud speaker sounded Paging Doctor McGinnis, line one Doctor McGinnis, a tall man of med bullied and tan skin tone came to the first nurse station he saw, he pick up the phone

         “Doctor McGinnis what is the problem, he asked the voice on the line

         Ok, I will be there in two minutes give him five units of morphine and start him on a bag of fluids to keep him comfortable. Said doctor McGinnis and hung up the phone, he when back to his office where he was given all the ER files to look over as each new case came in, the call was for a young boy about 15 and was hit by a car on his way home from school, the mother was on her way Doctor McGinnis looked at the clock on the wall of his office is now 3 p.m. in the afternoon, Daniel McGinnis looked around the room and tock a deep breath and head out into the ER were nurse Handy was standing by.

         "Afternoon Nurse Handy, what do we have to work with, asked Daniel?

         “Afternoon Doctor, here are the ex-rays of his leg. Said nurse handy Daniel looked over the ex-rays and then. At the boy he was sleeping due to the pain medicine the nurse gave him, he looked back at the ex-ray and nodded to himself

         "their no way around it, I'm sorry but the leg will have to come off, but only up to the kneecap, the rest of the leg is ok, all the bones from the knee done are in pieces, said Daniel and he turned to the nurse, before he could speck the boy wimpier in pain, Daniel went over to him,

         'Hi son, what your name? He asked him

         Timmy Marten said the boy

         Well Timmy I'm Doctor McGinnis, but if you like you can call med Danny or just Doc, I hear you have had a little accent, can you tell me about what happen? Ask Danny

         Well Danny I was running after my friend we were play cops and robbers, we want to be cops someday like my friend the mighty Quinn. So he was the robber and I was old Quinn and we got to the street and the cars came out of no were and then I saw max my friend get hit and before I could run back the car hit me. Is Max ok ask Timmy with a worry look on his face

         Danny turned to Nurse handy, she looked at Danny and then the boy and shock her head,          "I'm sorry Timmy he didn't make it, we couldn't stop the bleeding and max died on the way in said nurses handy and turned and walk out of the room.

         Danny looked at Timmy he was overwhelmed with the news of Max, but Danny was able to get him to relax, he put his hand on his head and said it's ok, Timmy Max was a good fried to you and I need you to do someone for him, now said Danny, Timmy looked over at Danny and said What can I do,  asked Timmy, Danny smiled and said I need you to be brave, because we needed to take part of your leg due to the crash, it crushed your bones but you will have a new leg and foot to walk on in a few week and will be running around again, now can you do that not for me but for Max Timmy can you pleases " asked Danny looking down at him kindly.

         Timmy sniff back the tears and nodded and said Ok I can do that for Max.

         Good boy, said Danny he called the nurse and he told him to tack Timmy down to surgery and prep him, he asked the nurse where nurse handy went,

         Um I saw her go into bed 10 doctor said the male nurse

         Thank you, said Danny and head out to bed ten.  Danny starred to head to bed ten when the nurse’s station stopped him, “Dr. McGinnis said the nurse you have a phone call on line 3

         Danny stopped and picked up the phone " hello this is Dr. McGinnis said Danny

         " Danny this is Steve, I have a favor to ask you can you meet me tonight on the beach ?" asked Steve, "Steve, i haven't heard from you in years any time you call it’s for money and this time I'm saying NO and goodbye Steve, said Danny and he was about to hung u[ but Steve stopped him, "NO, it about Katrine, I need you to look after her I will be going on a long trip for work and I don't want her to be by herself for so long, can you Danny, she is your niece in all,? Asked Steve come on big brother help me out? Danny was going to say no again but he has seen Katrine since she was three, "OK Steve I look after her for you, how long will you be a way" asked Danny before he got his answer the phone went dead.

         Danny put the pone down and shock his head, same old Steve, he said to himself, he walked into room ten where Brenda was sitting on the bed with her back to him, Danny walked over to her and put his armies around her and pulled her close to him. Brenda push him away, "You can be so sweet and caring when you have a sick person to care for and then other times you are a self-centered person looking after only you and push every one away even me, " said Brenda still with her back to him, Danny try to calm her down by kissing her neck and holding her closer, she tried to pull away put didn't try too hard to break free, she loves when he does that every time they have a disagreement she would run off and be mad, and he would kiss her to calm her down. She turned and looked at him and picked up a pillow and tried to hit him with it but he ducked “Stop I need to tell you something “said Danny

         "Ok What then? Asked Brenda looking at him puzzled

         "Well I just got off the phone with Steve, and he wants me to look after Katrine for a while I don't know how long, he said' he is going on a trip for his work so we are going to have a house gust for a while what do you say? Asked Danny

         You don't look to happy about it, what's wrong Danny asked Brenda

         I don't know, I just have a felling Steve is some kind of trouble and he knows Katrine will be safe with me, funny thing is I don't know what she is like, the last time I saw her was when she was three and Steve was divorcing her mother for running off with the pool boy, so it’s going to be a wild ride. Said Danny 

         "Ok, so we look after her, when is she coming?

         Tonight, Steve will bring her by on the beach, said Danny

         'OK i will finish my rounds and then head home and get dinner ready, so when she does come and you’re on your way home dinner will be all done OK Danny?" asked Brenda

Danny still looked worried but he had no other chose.  OK get everything ready maybe i can get Steve to tell me what the heck is going on.

         as the night when on Danny and Brenda where able to leave the hospital together and head to the beach house up the cost, the were able to get the gets room set for Katrine and Brenda was starting dinner, Danny was still on edgy about Steve and he told Brenda he was going for a run and he hope the night air will help calm him down after the long day at the hospital,

         The cold air felt god on Danny's face as he ran down the beach, His little brother Steve was always in some kind of trouble Danny was the one Steve called to bail him out of jail for lifting a stolen car, for a deal in a pool game, unknowing to Danny Steve was selling drugs to pay off his dealer for all the pool games he lost. One of staves pool games was a high roller the pot was over 20,000 Dollars to the highest player. There is a move Steve can do in order to win each game, it’s a one shot, he shoots all eight ball fall into the pockets and he wins the pot. But on some of the nights his one shot didn't go over so well and he lost over one million dollars to a undercover cop hunting for poll hustlers. the undercover cop was Jesses Quinn, Steve gave Quinn Danny's name and number, this was the first and not the last and not the last time Danny and Jesses meat in the police station,  Brenda was the first one to tell Danny to let Steve go and make his way in life, he was not going to help him anymore but Danny was thing more of Katrine then of Steve he know the girl was about 15 now and living in a unstable home, it was heart breaking to Danny then all the time Steve use Danny in the past, Now he has to keep Katrine safe and hope she will be in a better mind set then her father self-center life.

         the more Danny thought about Steve the faster he ran, he was running so fast the he didn't see the shadow on the beach and he trip over the large lump, Danny flays over the Lump and hits the sand he turns over to see what he fell over, and was shocked to see it was a girl, he ran over to see if the girl was alive and he bent over the girl to feel if she had a pulse as Danny was feeling for her pulse the girl jumped up and punch Danny in the face Danny flays back and yells,

         " OH may God i am a DOCTOR, the girl was trying to stand up and fell backed down and yelled in pain, Danny moved over to her and put up his hands "Its ok I am a doctor I’m  going to help you. said Danny moving close to her , he bent down and saw her leg was cut badly and the skin was in a jagged cut, the girl was scared and wasn't sue about Danny, Danny asked what her name is She wasn't sure if she should tell him,

         "What your name man, and show me some ID if you’re Doctor like you say you are" said the girl

          "Ok My name is Danny McGinnis " said Danny what is yours, the girl was stunned by what he said she throw her arms around he and yelled UNCLE Danny I am so glad to have found you, dad left me and I can’t find him all he said I was to go to the beach and he will come back with you but that was over a day ago, said Katrine

         "What, Danny said I just heard from Steve today what do you mean he left you a day ago?"  Katrine what is going on?          

         I don't know Danny but if he called you today then he must be gone to where ever he was going, said Katrine

         " OH OK well let’s get you to the house  I need to look at your leg and make sure it’s not broken or infected too, and Brenda has dinner already let go home now and we will talk about this latter to night ok? Said Danny

         OK Danny I'm so glad you find me, I have been walking this beach for days or hours i don't remember when i was dropped off said Katrine

         Danny helped Katrine up she was unable to stand on her leg so Danny was able to pick her and carry her all the way to the house and up to the deck he could see Brenda in the kitchen thru the door, he taped on the glass to get Brenda's attention, she turned around to see him and Katrine on the deck and her leg was bloody and red. Brenda quickly opened the door and let Danny bring her to the sofa.. Before Brenda could say anything Danny spoke up

         "Brenda I would like you to meet my nice Katrine, I found her on the beach as i was running, well I tripped over her and she punched me because she thought i was a creep. Said Danny Brenda was looking at Katrine’s leg and relay didn't hear what Danny said

         "Ok Danny we need some towels and some rubbing sprits to clean the cut so i can see how deep it is and if she will need some stitches, so put her down and  get me the supplies now, " Ordered Brenda Danny did as he was told and when to get the medicine for Brenda. Danny came back with the medicine and sat down next to Katrine on the sofa. “Katrine, can you tell me what going on, why is your leg all cut and where is you dad"? Asked Danny in a demanding tone Katrine know very well. " I am sorry Uncle Danny, I was walking on the rocks by the sore that’s where dad left me to go get you, so i slipped and fell on the stones, I was able to get up and make my way to the sand but it was getting dark and I didn't see Danny where. that was three days ago, i tried to find you house but I didn't know which one it was, it would be kind of crazy for me to knock on every door I until I found you right? so i did the next best thing I waited for you to find me, I know you run the beach some times and i was hoping you came out soon. and the ting with dad is I don't know, he has been acting odd lately ad just out of the blue he tells me i going to spend time with you and Brenda so he dropped me off and hear i am" said Katrine shrugged her shoulders

          Danny was stunned at what Katrine just told him, the fact that Steve just dropped her off and to be three days ago and one thing is odd, Katrine if your dad dropped you off three days ago why did he just call me today letting me know you were coming tonight? asked Danny Katrine shocked her head "Like i said I don't Know, i mean you know dad better then i do so why don't you go and figure it out said Katrine getting angry now. :OK I will just do that, in the meantime relax here and rest that leg, he looked down at Brenda who didn't say word and asked is she going to be ok? Brenda looked up and nodded, I can’t see and major cuts just some bruising and one small cut, her leg in not brooking but it’s going to be sore for a few days. Said Brenda smiling at Katrine. Danny nodded and looked at Katrine "well i glad your all right and you did brake your leg, I have known Steve to be a flake on everything his life but the day you were born, i saw a change he would do anything for you and if it meant killing for you he would, but he known I can keep you safe in any case if he was to get into deep waters. "Said Danny he put his arm around Katrine and hugged her tight, "so let eat and i will help you to your room and you need to get some rest let worry about your dad latter.

         Brenda and Danny helped Katrine to the table and Brenda had a whole spread fixed, roosted lamb, sweet potatoes mashed with, marshmallows and brown sugar, pork chops and green beans, and even some fried chicken. Danny looked at the table and then at Brenda, "Who were you expecting the brandy bunch? said Danny " No i didn't know what food Katrine like so I made a light bit of everything so let dig in before it all gets cold, and knowing your appetite Danny the food would not go to waste, Said Brenda pulling out a char for Katrine to sit on,. So Danny and Brenda and Katrine sat down together and made a few dents in the food Brenda cook. Danny pushed his plate away and looked at Brenda "When did you have time to cook all of this food,


he asked her "Oh some of it was in your freezer and most of it I bright in this mooring on my lunch break but i cooked it all while you were on the beach running I know I had a lest an hour or two before you got back, so what did you think. "by the look of our plats I would say that you did a good job Danny trued to Katrine if you want i can help you to your room it’s all set up for you, said Danny, Katrine nodded at his request, " That would be good Danny I could uses a good night sleep but first I would love to take a hot shower, I smell like the ocean 

         Danny got up and help Katrine to her room, the room was panted a soft pale blue with a queen sized bed a night stand and one small dresser as in the room, it had its own bath room so the first thing Katrine did was turn on the shower to get the water hot, Danny left her alone in the room and told her if she needed help to call Brenda and she will help her into bed, Katrine looked around the room ad nodded "Ok this will work out, I think Danny and Brenda will be surprise in the long run, but right now I am in. said Katrine to herself and hoped in the shower to clean up.

         Downstairs Danny and Brenda where cleaning up the last bit of the dishes, Danny place the last dish in the dishwasher, He turned to Brenda who was wiping down the skin "Do you want some coffee? asked Danny Brenda nodded sure I get the cups down and you make the coffee, "You know Danny its very puzzling to here that Steve would take off like that and call you form god knows where to make sound like he was still in town, where do you think he is ? asked Brenda Danny put the coffee in the pot and turned it on, "If i know Steve it was a loan shark again but this one might have been too hot for him to walk away from, Steve has always been into to getting rich as fast as he can, have you ever seen his onetime shot on the pool table? Asked Danny "No have you? Yes I have and I am sad to say I taught him how to do it, Brenda looked surprise “What! You were a pool Hustler? When and why asked Brenda. Well I was just starting med school and I didn't want to ask my father for the money he was just starting his new job as chef of medical staff, so his bank was getting on him from all the lines he took out to help Steve pay off the bookies, so I was playing with the pool stick and on the table we had in the basement, I must have hit the ball a hounded times and every time all the balls when in the hole with one shot, it’s all in the angle of the Que.

    so I showed Steve the trick told him i will give him the ticket to life at ease, so he keep hitting the ball the way i showed him and each time all the balls went in, in just six weeks Steve was able to pay off his debts to dad and keep the lone sharks at bay, he was getting good at his trick and then the money was coming in truck loads. He told me he was leaving the businesses all together. he fund love and when in two months Katrine was on her way and nine mounts later Steve what to get Katrine and her mom but all Steve found was Katrine in the room crying, Steve was crushed but he keep Katrine and did his best by her, but bad habits are hard to quite, with the baby Steve went back to hurling , my thoughts are he finally ripped off the wrong man and now his on the run, Danny stop talking and looked over to the pot all the coffee was gone and it was now two am.

      Danny looked at Brenda and she was just sitting their listing to every word Danny said, she looked up at him, “Danny have you ever had to Hustle to pay any of your school debt,? Asked Brenda  Danny looked away and run his fingers over his hair still looking away " The only way Steve could see the trick work is for me to try it out in a real game, and not just a little game of pool but one of the high rollers, the pot was set at 2.5 million and I was wining every game we were high on speed and downing every bottle in the place, we were unstoppable, then came the big one, at midnight it was down to two players me and this SOB he was riding Steve all night and he took his shoot and missed by one ball, so it was my turn, I was so nerves and I tock the Que. and powdered hands to keep the Que. steady, I took a deep breath and hit every ball into the pockets,

        Steve yells to high heaven, we walked out with a prize of 2.8 million Dollars, Steve gave me all the but 2,000 of the prize money, I paid off my school debt and Steve don't know but I set up a trust for Katrine she can't touch it until she's eighteen, the day we got back into town that was the last time I saw him, and now this Steve is like a cold that keeps coming back when you thought it was finally gone. Danny looked at Brenda  and I never pick up a Que. again , Danny looked at the clock it was now three am , it's late let's get some sleep you have a long day ahead of you and I can stay with Katrine and make sure she stays off the leg" said Danny walking over to the glass doors and resting on the door frame and looking into the dark sea, Brenda walked over behind Danny and put her arms around him " ok it's late let's get some sleep" she pulled him off the door and then headed up the starts, Danny stop and walked over to Katrine’s room and slowly peak in, thought the darkness he can see by moonlight Katrine was sound asleep he step back and closed the door.

         The next morning Brenda left for the hospital and Danny was in the kitchen making some coffee to bring up to Katrine. Danny put the coffee a cherry Danish on a try and started to walk upstarts, he come to the foot of the stairs and saw Katrine lipping down. He stops and put the tray on the table and ran to help her.

         "Hey Now, you need to take it slow, said Danny and pick Katrine up into his arms and brought her over to the couch in the living room. He put her down so she was laying strait, he place a plow under her leg.  Katrine looked at in surprise

         "Um, thanks Danny. You are going to be late for work if you stay any longer, said Katrine

         Oh don't worry, I tock the day off.  Um Katrine do you mind if I ask you about Steve?" ask Danny looking at Katrine.  She looked at him

         "Ok, what do you want to know about him Uncle Danny she said?

Danny pulled a chair over and gave her the tray of coffee and Danish, and sat back with his own cup of coffee

         "Now you said Steve just left you on the beach, right or some were else and you just found you way to the beach and my door step, said Danny

         "Well not really, we were in a hotel for a few weeks and Steve was on one of his runs as he called it, she said

         "His Runs?" ask Danny

         Yah, that when he will leave and then come back with a lot of money and then we will be moving to a other state for a few years until he get called to do a run again" she said and sip on the coffee.

         "Oh, do you know were the runs were by chance? He ask

         "No, Steve every said, but this time it was different you know," she said

         Like how was it different, he ask

         "Well like i said he would come back with money and we would leave, but he never came back it was over three days so i try to call him but the phone was off, I went up to the desk and the guy ask if I was Katrine and I said Yes, he  handed me a letter and it was from Steve, telling me he had to leave and will be back, he left me 200$ and told me to find you on the beach and he had called you to let you know i was coming. " Katrine said and push the try away. Danny tock the tray and looked at her.

         Do you still have the note, “asked Danny

         "Yah, I do its up in the room, I can go get it,

         “No, you stay there, I'll go get it. Where is it?

         “On the dresser, it’s a small yellow piece of paper she said

Danny went up starts and find the paper were Katrine said it would be, he sat on the bed and open it.

                   “Dear Cherry Blossom,

         Sorry I have to leave you now, but don’t be worry, your uncle Danny will be looking after you until I get back. Here is $200 to get you to the beach house and some little play money too.

Be a good girl for your uncle and he has full control on you, if you act up he will see you are punish. I will let him know too.  I will call you soon


         Danny read the note again, he went back down stairs to find Katrine not on the couch but on the deck. Danny went outside and saw she was smoking, " Katrine what are you doing, you need to be off your leg if you want to get better." said Danny and pulled the cigarette out of her hand and lifted her up and brought her back to the couch.

         "Um, I just want to have a smock that’s all. She said

         "Well for one thing there is no smoking here and if I see you smoking again I will ground you. Steve gave me the right to punish you were I see fit. Do you remember that part of the note? He said and waved the note in her face.

         "Oh, right sorry. So what now Uncle Danny

         "He calls you Cherry blossom?

         "Oh yeah, he only dose that when he has to leave and won’t be back any time soon, or he had just meet a new girl and he wants me to be nice to her. It’s a stage name with him. I remember one time I was ask to be nice to one of his dates and well I didn't want to, i wanted to go out with a friend so I put a fake snake under her dinner plate with the head looking up at her. Well she yelled to high heaven and ran out the door, and we’ll let say Steve was not to happy, he punished me very harshly that night. Said Katrine and rub the back of her head in thought.

         Danny know his brother had a temper and can get out of control, he himself was a victim of Steve harshly punishments at time when Danny tried to stop him from gambling, Danny wanted to know more but didn't push it.  Katrine was indeed a tough kid and can take care of herself, Danny want to make sure she was safe.

         “Hey, um why don't you spend some time at the hospital with me and Brenda, you can meet some of my staff and we can keep an eye on your leg too. So let get you set up on the couch or if you like I can set up on the desk, it a nice day out and the air will do you some good, what do you say?" Danny ask

         "OK, I will meet your staff, and yes I like to stay on the deck today and take in the air." sad Katrine

© Copyright 2015 Joan Raven (joanraven30 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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