Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2039779-No-Sweeter-Innocence-Than-Our-Gentle-Sin
by beetle
Rated: GC · Short Story · LGBTQ+ · #2039779
Jaime gets a knock on his door, late at night.
Summary: Written for the prompt: You choose which character POV you wish to write. You have a 1500 word maximum to write the sex scene. This is a class about sensuality, so please leave the vulgarity out of your story. Do not spend a lot of time adding backstory. Focus on the intimacy aspects between your couple; take them from foreplay through climax.

After his ill thought-out declaration of love and Luka’s abrupt departure, Jaime had despondently changed into his sleep clothes of sprung sweatpants and faded old t-shirt, brushed his teeth, and turned off everything that needed turning off except the hall light. Just as he was about to turn that off, too, there was a knock at his door.

His spirits lifted instantly, for who else would it be, at this time of night, but Luka?

Then, Jaime’s spirits sank as he realized: Why else would Luka come back to my place twenty minutes after he left, except that he forgot something?

Shuffling to the door, Jaime bounced up on his toes to look out the peephole, just in case.

Luka’s broodingly handsome, agitated face greeted him.

Summoning a wry smile, despite his depressed spirits, Jaime opened the door, already speaking. “What did you forget? Cigarettes? Your Zippo? Your pho—”

That was as far as Jaime got, because Luka, with a needy moan, grabbed him, pulled him close, and kissed the rest of the words from his lips.

After a few moments of surprise, Jaime responded fervently, sliding his arms around Luka’s neck and bouncing up on his toes once more. Luka moaned again and backed them into Jaime’s apartment, kicking the door shut behind them.

At this point in their relationship, Luka had kissed Jaime—and Jaime, Luka—about a thousand times: heated or chaste, sinful or sweet. And yet, none of those times had been like this. Luka’s hands were all over Jaime’s back and behind, feverish and obviously trying to be everywhere at once. His kisses soon turned to a worshipful exploration of Jaime’s throat and neck, where playful nips and bites no doubt left behind marks Jaime would blush to see, later.

“I love you, Jay,” Luka panted between kisses and nips. “I love you so much. I need you. And I’m sorry for leaving so suddenly, before. I got scared and I just . . . I just ran.” He paused, taking a breath that shook and shuddered. “Not that I got far. I’ve been pacing up and down the hall trying to get up the courage to knock on your door and once again, hope for your forgiveness.”

“Oh, God, oh, Luka. . . .” Jaime gasped as Luka pressed his hips forward into Jaime’s. He was hard and standing at attention, and he held Jaime tight against that hardness. “There’s nothing to forgive. I understand, I do. Love can be . . . scary.”

Luka snorted and chuckled wryly, straightening up to look down into Jaime’s eyes. His own were dark and smoldering. “But it’s not, Jay. Not with you. And that’s what scared me. That everything I feel with you feels right and natural, even though it’s all happening so quickly. That scared the living daylights out of me. Until I realized . . . I was scared because I wasn’t scared. Pretty ridiculous, huh?”

Relieved and happy, Jaime smiled and cupped Luka’s face in his hands. Faint, dark stubble rasped against his palms and he shivered. “I don’t think it’s ridiculous at all.”

Luka returned the smile absently, then he was kissing Jaime again, slow and thoroughly. So wrapped up in the kiss was Jaime, that he barely noticed Luka pushing his arms up and removing the ratty t-shirt, till it forced them to break the kiss as the collar passed between them. Then Jaime was blinking up at Luka, wide-eyed and a little dazed.

“I want you, Jaime.” Luka tossed the t-shirt at the couch then leaned down to steal another quick kiss, his hands settling on Jaime’s bare waist. Then those kisses wended their way down to Jaime’s throat and collar bone, where they lingered. “So much.”

“I . . . I want you, too, Luka. But you know I’ve . . . never. . . .”

“I know.” Luka’s kisses trailed left, running diagonally till they were pressed over Jaime’s accelerated heartbeat. “I know.”

“I don’t know if . . . if I’ll be any good. . . .”

Jaime could feel Luka smile over his rabbiting heart, then he was gasping and shivering as Luka’s tongue flicked gently across his nipple. “You’re already amazing, Jay: so sexy and responsive.”

Jaime’s hands flailed uselessly about Luka’s head before touching down on his straight, sable hair, carding it with fingers that shook. As Luka’s lips closed around the small, pointed peak of his nipple, Jaime moaned softly, his fingers clenching in Luka’s hair.

A few moments later, his moans turned into a long, wavering cry as Luka applied his teeth in sharp nips and torturous tugs. His right hand left Jaime’s waist, allowing his fingers to pinch and play, until Jaime had broken out in a fine sheen of sweat, and was as hard as Luka had been minutes before.

Luka,” Jaime breathed as Luka left off his delightful torture to kiss his way to the center of Jaime’s chest.

“You’re so beautiful,” Luka whispered reverently, looking into Jaime’s eyes as he slowly knelt and, fingers hooking under the waistband, took Jaime’s sweatpants with him. After easing the threadbare fabric over Jaime’s erection, he let the sweats puddle at Jaime’s bare feet, and leaned in to kiss Jaime’s stomach, occasioning a giggle. “Ticklish?”

“Nope,” Jaime lied, still giggling as Luka nuzzled his abdomen. “Not ticklish at all.”

“Lies. All lies.” Luka kissed Jaime’s belly button and taking a breath—one that Jaime took with him—leaned back a little and took a good long look.

Jaime somehow resisted the urge to cover himself—he really had no idea how he matched up to Luka’s other lovers in the size department, or how he matched up to other guys in general—but couldn’t fight off the deep, no doubt blotchy blush that covered him from head to foot.

“I know I’m probably not much to look at,” he began on one shaking exhalation, and Luka silenced him as expediently as possible: by slowly running a finger from the base of his erection, to the tip.

So shocked and turned on that he almost came, Jaime choked out a shocked caw, like a startled crow, and Luka grinned.

“There’ll be none of that, Mr. Soto. You’re perfect. Especially like this,” Luka said softly, each word ghosting gentle puffs of moist, warm air over Jaime, who closed his eyes briefly, once more fighting the very strong urge to simply come.

Then, just as he was opening his eyes, he was squeezing them shut again as Luka’s large hand wrapped around his length, warm and tight—engulfing—and began to stroke. All the while, Luka murmured endearments and appreciation.

“You have such a gorgeous cock,” he praised, and Jaime laughed, brief and embarrassed.

“Um. Thanks?”

Luka’s response was to lick the tip of the aforementioned gorgeous cock, and Jaime cried out again, his hands grasping at Luka’s shoulders to balance and steady himself as Luka kept licking and sucking and teasing.

“Luka,” he warned in a low voice. “I think I’m gonna—”

“I know, Jay. I want you to.” Luka kissed the glans, feather-light, running his tongue along it before closing his mouth around it. Jaime bit his lip and closed his eyes, trying to hold it off, but knowing it was in vain. Luka’s mouth was so warm and wet, the suction pure bliss, the swirls of Luka’s tongue ecstasy. He could feel his orgasm, bigger than life and brighter than day, tingling its way from the base of his spine and the prickly-heat burning in his balls.

And Luka’s hand picked up stroking, hard and fast, now. “But—but what about—about—you know?” Jaime huffed out, almost beyond the ability to think, let alone speak.

Luka smiled and pulled off of Jaime with a deliciously obscene slurping sound. His gaze was still smoldering, yet playful. “That can wait till later. For now, I just want to make you come.”

“B-but what do you get out of it?”

That smile turned wry. “Considering how much I’ve fantasized about sucking your cock, this, right now, is a dream come true, for me. Now, enough chit-chat, ljubav. Come. Now.

And with that, Luka swooped down like a dark-light vulture, all but swallowing Jaime, or so it seemed to Jaime, whose hips jerked forward as climax rolled through him like a freight train at the sight of himself sliding down Luka’s throat.

Then, even that wonderful, amazing visual was erased by fireworks and explosions behind his eyes and throughout his body. He came in burning pulses to the rhythm of his own heartbeat, unaware that he was crying out again, and that tears were rolling down his face.

For eternity, there was nothing but pleasure so intense it was almost pain . . . and then, Jaime was floating . . . in a place of white light and softness. . . .

When the light began to fade, and he came back to himself, it was to the sensation and knowledge that he was being carried.

“Wha? Wha?” he asked blearily, half-speechless and clutching at Luka’s neck with tingling, rubbery arms as the other man—his lover!—carried him across his living room.

Luka looked down at Jaime, grinning, and kissed him completely speechless once more. By the time he was done mapping Jaime’s mouth, leaving behind an unfamiliar, but intriguing bitter-salt taste, they were in Jaime’s darkened bedroom. Luka placed him gently on the bed and turned on the bedside lamp. By its light, he looked tall and strong, handsome and dangerous. His blue button-down shirt was somewhat askew and he was tenting out the front of his cargo pants formidably, a wet-spot forming on the distended front.

Jaime reached out shyly, and brushed the tips of his fingers across that distention and Luka shivered in the midst of unbuttoning his shirt. Licked his lips and hurried the rest of the buttons out. The shirt then got shrugged off and left where it’d fallen. Luka quickly unbuckled his belt and went to work on his pants.

In seconds, he was stepping out of them and his boxers (Looney Tunes themed boxers, and that made Jaime giggle) and gazing at Jaime with hungry, wanton eyes. At least till it registered that his lover was laughing.

“You know, that’s not usually the response I get when I drop trou,” Luka said laconically. “You’re gonna give me a complex.”

Jaime’s laugh tapered into giggles once more. Giggles that slowly faded as he took in his naked boyfriend. Luka was long and lean, broad-shouldered, but with a runner’s enviable musculature (and indeed, he did run, every morning before work and after work, as well). Hairy, but not too hairy. Jaime wanted to run his fingers through Luka’s dark chest hair and, sitting up, he did. Luka sighed.

“Yeah,” he breathed, stepping closer to the bed and Jaime, who ran his own hungry, wanton gaze down Luka’s sternum and abdomen, to the seemingly huge, erection that curved slightly, but proudly upward.

“You’re not circumcised,” he noted breathlessly. Luka’s eyebrows shot up.

“Is that a complaint?”

“Not remotely. I think I like it.” Jaime blushed, his hand drifting down Luka’s front to brush wondering fingers down his shaft. Luka shivered and swore. “I think . . . I think I want you inside me more than just about anything, right now.”

“God, Jay . . . say it again,” Luka breathed, tilting Jaime’s face up till their eyes met. Jaime smiled uncertainly, blushing harder than ever. But he mustered his courage and swallowed his apprehensions because he did want exactly that.

“I want you inside me, Luka. Please?” Jaime’s voice faltered on that plea—he knew that he had practically nothing to offer in bed, being completely untried, and he knew that Luka must know that—but he never looked away. Despite his fears, he never looked away.

Luka let out a held breath and smiled.

“Yes, he said, taking Jaime’s hands and kissing them, before pushing Jaime back down onto the bed. Jaime’s eyes widened as Luka knelt next to him on one knee and caressed his face. “Oh, yes.”

Then Luka was kneeling between Jaime’s instantly spread thighs, kissing him tenderly and reaching between their bodies to stroke the sensitive strip of skin behind Jaime’s balls. Jaime moaned softly and his eyes fluttered shut as, in spite of just having come, he started to get hard again under Luka’s devouring gaze.


© Copyright 2015 beetle (beetle at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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