Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2039951-Gratitude-Atop-Point-of-The-Mountain
Rated: E · Poetry · Nature · #2039951
Gratitude on the mountaintop...
Gratitude Again
To Mountainside
Down, Throughout, Surrounding, Encircling Within,
At Surface and at Core.
I love you Mountain!

Simply. Expansively!
Viewed from Point-of-the-Mountain, Here,
And Valley Floor, There.
Ancient Emergence of Elements Compounded,
Not unlike Flower from Seed, You've sprung...

Unearthed for walking talking humans, mammals, -more...
For me Playing Wildly, pounding upon with tan bared feet
No way to defy your gravity, -except Air.
Paragliders Abound as in awe, I stare

A sight for technological world-weary monotony, are you!
Wistful Wind-whipped Weeds and Reeds-
Sing to me!

From hollowed out Husks,
Green-gray tufts, Purple Black and Brown,
Ten shades of tan,
Pink, pink-white white Wildflowers Waving

As sun-filled wands of delight,

Scented sage, hills of sand, sifting, lifting,
Your cool-blooded mud sustains me
As I sleep now, body above,
Soul sunk deeply within.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2039951-Gratitude-Atop-Point-of-The-Mountain