Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2045452-THE-ROADTHE-INITIATION-JOURNEY
by Mihai
Rated: E · Essay · Inspirational · #2045452

There are moments in life when you feel that the ROAD attracts you, you feel somehow that it talks to you, it calls you.

THE ROAD, that road who has been waiting for you for a long time, as you well know it, that road which you can hear whispering to you: '' I'm here, I am patient, you will arrive to me, sooner or later '', that specific road you can see flashes of, from time to time.

When you dream, you are free, you are unencumbered.

Your imagination grants you this freedom, and that is the actual moment when the JOURNEY begins.

It will come a day when the perspective of your life's well will change from looking up towards the light, from the depths and darkness, into being the light, and looking down at the long and hard road of climbing your way into open freedom.

The day will come when your thirst for knowledge, for understanding, for freeing and fulfilling yourself will be strong enough for defeating the fear of unknown, the fear of danger, the fear of not being powerful enough and astute enough in order to face all the challenges you will meet on the road, to face and overcome all the obstacles.

The ROAD is mistery, the road is hermetic for the uninitiated.

This is exactly the reason for which you will never find out if you would have succeeded or not, as you cannot understand the ROAD before stepping on it.

This is the true purpose of the INITIATION JOURNEY: to live your PERSONAL LEGEND, to turn yourself from the uninitiated into the initiated.

You have no guarantee that you will succeed.

You have no guarantee even that this is your true road.

You have no guarantee that walking on your road you will not lose your way, that you will not be deceived or mislead from the right path and from the destination that destiny has chosen for you and that at the same time you have chosen.

You have no guarantee that your true path will not be lost forever in the labyrinth of the roads of the world.

If you don't take the first step though, you will never find out what could have happened if you had begun your initiation journey.

You will have in front of you both before choosing to begin your journey and during the journey the possibility of choice:


During your journey you will make mistakes, you will suffer, you will lose things that you are so attached to, in the present, you will be engaged in confrontations, confrontations for which you cannot be prepared enough, as you cannot know yet what, when and how will happen.

The INITIATION JOURNEY of everyone of us is different from each-other's.

Your unwavering faith, the help that the Divinity grants you before you even ask for it, in His endless Generosity, Wisdom and Love, your faith and your love will be the water which will soothe your thirst, pain and dispair, your faith and your love will be the fire which will warm and protect you in the moments of loneliness and fear, your faith and your love will be your strongest weapons.

You will learn that you are much stronger than you believe, you will learn that the time to do what your are meant to do, the time to be what you always wanted to be, that time is right now!

Now is the time to begin THE JOURNEY and THE ADVENTURE OF YOUR LIFE!

No one will be able to explain to you what you must do and how you can succeed before you have already taken the decision for yourself.

At the end of your journey, you will discover your PERSONAL LEGEND:

‘’ When you’re on a journey to fulfill your Personal Legend, the whole universe conspires to help you achieve it‘’ - Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist.

I cannot tell you, no one can tell you what the extraordinary transformations you will go through will be like, how much you will evolve, but the result will be in such manner that your former self will remain a distant memory, a memory you will be able to look at with clemency, tolerance and a slight nostalgic smile. All these things will happen.

You will then understand that:

’’ At a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us and our lives become controlled by fate. That’s the world’s greatest lie. ’’ - Paulo Coelho – The Alchemist.

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