Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2047853-Tomorrow
Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #2047853
A poem that describes the paradise of tomorrow...

I want to ride to tomorrow; a place where my dreams become
Reality and the days pass like swallows flitting daintily for flies
Their wings outstretched farther than the miles of Greenland
That surrounds the land of tomorrow. I would pass the petals
That blow so readily in the wind, their blue tips and pinked
Frame never wilting but still as natural as the world that man
Used to know; a world encased in oceans so blue and lands so
Emerald green, the tips of the grass would blow in the steadiest
Rhythm within the tender breeze that can only have occurred
Under the watchful eye of our creator. Tomorrow would only
Be wetted in careful proportion, no floods would plague the
Golden fields and the sun would beat upon my neck at a godly
Temperature; perfected for the people that with full hearts
Tend the land for our consumption. Tomorrow would be a place
To forget yesterday, a place where freedom would be taken in
Appreciation by those that walk the beauty that is the land of

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