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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #2049385
Onyx rides to the Forest of Sorrows on a mission from the Council of Magic.
The Council's Test

Onyx stood before the five members of the Council of Magic in their great audience hall. She did not like coming to them. They were the bane of her existence. She could have used her magic to destroy them all but that would accomplish nothing; except give the world more reason to demonize half-breeds. She shifted in place and ran her hand up and down the length of her staff while the Earth Master of the Council explained to her why they summoned her.

"Lady Onyx," the Earth Master addressed her. He stood to give himself the higher ground. "We wish for you to ride to the Forest of Sorrows and submit an application one of the Guardians, which will allow you to participate in a quest to free Gulon the Elven wizard."

"Why me?" Onyx asked. She did not have any grudge against the elves. In fact she rather liked them, but their views on half-breeds were the same as all of the other so-called pure races.

"You demonstrated great mastery of the five elements when you defeated Ido," the Earth Master admitted. "You are one of the few we know who has the skill to participate in this quest."

"So, I am good enough to do your dirty work but not good enough to take my mother's place on your Council," Onyx surmised. She eyed the empty space of the Fire Master, which her mother once occupied. Her mother was expelled from the Council after revealing her pregnancy. They had not been able to find a better Fire Master since.

The masters regarded Onyx contemptuously. It gulled them to have their short comings pointed out by anyone; let alone someone they regarded as a blemish on their society. When none of them spoke Onyx straightened and turned on her heel to go.

"If you complete the quest you may have your mother's seat," the Earth Master spoke up. The other masters gasped in unison and argued his decision. He silenced them with a look. "There is another prize you may be interested in?"

Onyx paused and regarded him over her shoulder. She turned back to face him.

"The Elixir of Life," the Earth Master stated.

"What interest would I have in that?" Onyx scoffed.

"As a half-breed your transformations will begin to weigh on your body," the Earth Master stated. "If you were to drink the Elixir you would be able to shift without fear of the negative side effects on your human anatomy."

Onyx pondered his words. It was true the shifting was beginning to take its toll. At the age of eighteen she was already experiencing joint pain from hyper extending her limbs into those of a panther. In a few more years she might break bones or dislocate something.

"Alright," Onyx agreed through bared teeth. "I will do as you ask."
After her meeting with the Council of Magic, Onyx returned to her palace. The palace once belonged to her mother's family. She inherited it after her grandmother passed away. A stable boy took the reins of her horse to lead him to the stable.

"Give him a rub down and re-saddle him," Onyx ordered. "I will not be remaining here long."

"Yes, Mistress," the stable boy bowed before leading the horse away.

Onyx went to her room to pack the provisions she would need for a long journey. She packed only what she could carry herself. She had no intention of taking her horse into the Forest of Sorrows. Once she was ready, she mounted her animal and began her journey.

She traveled for a fortnight before reaching the border of the Forest of Sorrows. Her mount nickered and tossed his head at the sight of the dark, dreary place. Onyx felt an overwhelming sense of foreboding resonating from the trees. She recalled a childhood nightmare in which Ido would chase her through a dark misty forest. He would pounce on her in his hybrid form and wrap his large fury hands around her tiny throat. She would wake gasping for air and sobbing. Onyx shook herself from the memory. Ido was in prison and she was not a child anymore. A movement along the tree line caught her attention. Her pupils thinned into those of cat's eyes and she scanned the area.

A silver haired elf emerged from the shadows of the trees and fixed her with a piercing gaze. Onyx dismounted and approached him. She used her staff as a walking stick and held her free hand out to him to show she was not concealing anything. The elf held up his hands palms out when she was only a foot away.

"Welcome stranger," he greeted in a soft voice. "I am a Guardian of the forest. How may I assist you?"

"I am Lady Onyx. I am here to apply for the quest to rescue Gulon."

"Who sent you?" The Guardian asked.

"The Council of Magic," Onyx answered.

"Ah, yes, the human masters of the elements." He regarded her feline eyes. "But you are not all human."

"No," Onyx confirmed. "I am half-shapeshifter. My father was the leader of the Dire Panthers."

"Ah yes, Lord Kyo," the Guardian nodded. "So, you are his love child."

"I am," Onyx agreed. "Is that a problem?"

"Of course not." The Guardian assured. "We accept all applications. Just set up your camp and I or another Guardian will summon you when the Elven King is ready to address you."
Onyx removed her tent and bedroll from her horse's back. She set up the tent and gathered wood for a fire, which she start with a spark from her hand. In her panther form she caught a few small animals and spitted them over the crackling flames. While they cooked she brushed her horse and removed his saddle. She did not tie him to anything. He would not go anywhere without a signal from her. After her meal she settled into her bedroll by the embers of her fire. The tent was more a formality in case of rain. Onyx preferred to sleep outside.

Word Count: 1,021
© Copyright 2015 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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