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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2051564
The meeting with Lord Wicard begins, but neither side refuses to yield to the other
Part 3

         Wicard sat across from Aner, neither had touched the food in front of them. Wicard raised a brow and spoke sternly. "So should we just begin without your associate, or do you plan to make me wait even longer."
         Aner tried to hold his nerve with Wicard staring him down. "Please be patient, I know he is doing his best to get here post haste."
         Wicard leaned forward and glared at Aner. "I am beginning to think this whole meeting was a huge waste of..." Before he could finish the door flung open. Wicard turned and saw Iturri walk in. Iturri straighten the formal outfit he was wearing with a sigh. Wicard leaned back in his chair and groaned. "Am I to assume this is the guest you mentioned?"
         Iturri spoke up first as he approached the table. "Please forgive me, I am not used to these formal occasions, but I figured I should make myself presentable." His hair had been combed back, he had bandages covering his scarred eye, and he was wearing formal clothes as opposed to his usual wool tunic. "Forgive me Aner, but I insisted Orell allow me to borrow some of your clothes." He said as he took a seat.
         Aner smiled at him. "Think nothing of it, thank you for joining us. Wicard meet Iturri, he is the man I wanted you to meet before he had this meeting."
         Wicard bowed his head slightly in respect but never broke eye contact with him. "Iturri...what stake do you have in this meeting?"
         Iturri met his gaze and remain composed as he smiled. "I am a simple werewolf, here to defend my kin. Nothing more."
         Wicard jumped to his feet. "What is the meaning of this!? What brings you the right to bring a wolf in my presence?"
         Aner didn't budge as he responded. "Their kind is welcomed in my land, and I feel they have the right to defend themselves. So if you could please refrain from shouting we can get this meeting with over."
         Wicard sat down and took a deep calming breath. "It has been two years since you have taken over as ruler of this land. You have not only closed off trade but you have shunned my citizens as if they were criminals. I would ask you why that is?"
         "You are mistaken, the only people we have turned away are those dealing in wolf fur trade. As for shunning your citizens, we only ban those who come here to hunt werewolves." Aner explained.
         Wicard was visibly frustrated but refused to raise his voice. "My kingdom has been trading furs in your kingdom for years, yet you deny them the only work they know."
         Iturri spoke up this time. "Forgive Aner for denying your people their life's work. Should we allow thieves to continue to steal because it is all they are good at?"
         Wicard glared at him. "Who are you to talk, your kind does nothing but hunt in the woods. What would you know of giving up what you devoted your life towards?"
         Iturri was going to stand but Aner put a hand on his shoulder. "I have seen many things Wicard, but nothing is more saddening then watching these wolves give up everything they know to escape prosecution. I see them in the streets, building homes, working the anvil, and many other tasks foreign to them so that they can support their families. Are we so inferior that we cannot adapt like they have?"
         Wicard clenched his fist. "Escape prosecution? These monsters commit crimes then flee to your borders to hide like the cowards they are, and when my men come to make them answer for their crimes you chase them away like criminals themselves!"
         Iturri slammed his fist on the table. "Do they commit crimes, or do they act out in self-defense? Or do they simply take the blame for the crimes of those claiming false truth. I have seen wolves from all corners of the land come to my door, would you have me all these women and children are criminals in disguise?"
         Wicard was on his feet as he screamed. "Why are discussing this? These are monsters we are talking about, you have seen what they can do. Do we just allow them to run free and wreak havoc where ever they please?"
         Aner slowly got to his feet and stared Wicard in the eyes. "I have seen more innocent people put to death at the hands of men then by wolves...Yet you do not see me cutting down people in the streets because of something they might do."
         Wicard stared him down and sighed. "You will not be swayed will you?"
         "That I will not, I will not allow you to persecute wolves in my lands, nor will I endorse it." Aner told him.
         Iturri listened to his brother speak with pride, but then a sound caught his ear. He could hear fighting on the other side of the door. He stood up and put his hand on the table. "Does it really matter if he can be swayed or not? It is not the reason you're here."
         Wicard stood up and stepped back from the table. "What are you trying to say?"
         Iturri glared at him. "I didn't think about it till now, but you brought quite a few men with you. And if what you say is true it seems you bring in plenty of coin for killing wolves."
         "You accusing me of something you filthy beast!" Wicard yelled at him.
         Iturri pointed at Wicard. "If you could take control of this land, you would be in reach of all the wolves who came here seeking shelter. You do not come here as a peacemaker, but as a conqueror!"
         Aner was taken aback as he turned to Wicard. "Is this true?"
         Wicard sighed. "I didn't want it to be this way, your father and I were good friends. But you just had to side with the wolves...now I will turn this castle to rubble and slay every wolf I can get my hands on!" The doors behind them burst open and six armed men surrounded them. "What do you say now wolf!"
         Iturri looked at him with yellow eyes. "I will enjoy tearing you in half." He quickly grabbed his chair and swung it at two of the men to make an opening before he grabbed Aner and run through the door. They tried to chase them, but Iturri was already running around the corner when they ran out of the meeting room.
         "They escaped my lord..." One of the men called out.
         "Doesn't matter, secure the city before they have a chance to counterattack. Make sure no one leaves the city!" Wicard cried out. He rubbed his chin as he sighed. "With Lord Aner running around things may get complicated..."

         Iturri finally came to a stop and looked around the next corner and huffed. "Seems we have found ourselves in a predicament."
         Aner was furious, but he took a deep breath before he spoke. "We have to alert the guards, we have to lock down the city and contain this matter."
         "Lord Aner!" They both turned as Orell ran up to them. "It is terrible, Wicard's men have forced their way into the city. The soldiers are doing what they can, but we are badly outnumbered."
         "How are your men outnumbered, I thought you had a decent sized army?" Iturri asked.
         Aner just clenched his fist and groaned. "I have had to post more men on the border to keep the hunters at bay. I was foolish to invite Wicard past our border."
         Iturri put a hand on his shoulder. "You couldn't have known he was going to betray your trust." He turned to Orell. "What we need to do now is get everyone out of the city."
         "Are you suggesting we abandon the castle? It has been in Lord Aner's..." Orell began to say before Iturri gave her a look. "And your family's possession for generations." Orell explained.
         Aner shook his head. "Iturri is right, the safety of the people takes priority. We can always regroup and take the castle back later. For now let's get out of the castle." Aner turned towards the courtyard but Iturri turned to another hallway. "Where are you going Iturri?"
         "Wicard will want you out of the way for a swift takeover, so I am going to do everything I can to distract them. Get as many people as you can out of the castle and I will meet you on the streets." Iturri explained before he ran off.
         Aner just shook his head and ran with Orell through the castle. Everyone was already panicking and fleeing the castle. Aner directed them to the courtyard and joined up with the guards who were still in the castle. They all ran out to the courtyard, but they could hear the cries of Wicard's men chasing behind them. Aner stopped in his tracks and turned towards their pursuers. "Don't let them follow the civilians!" The soldiers came out of the castle and charged Aner's men, they fought back valiantly but they were not as well equipped and men started to fall.
         "We can't hold them back my Lord!" One cried as he used his shield to hold off two attackers.
         Aner stepped back, his hand barely able to hold his sword. "Just a bit longer men, we have to stay strong!" Aner groaned as two more of his men fell to the enemy's blade. A loud growl came from the castle as Iturri burst through the entrance and jumped the enemy soldiers. They barely had time to react as Iturri's powerful teeth and claws tore through their ranks, this allowed Aner's men to finish them off.
         The surviving men fell to their knees with exhaustion. "At this rate we won't make it to the gate!" One of them said.
         Iturri walked up to Aner and took human form. "You should put that thing down before you hurt yourself." He said to Aner pointing to the sword.
Aner ignored him and looked out over the city where pillars of smoke marked the pillaging and battles. "What do we do now, we cannot fight this force with the men I have at hand."
         Iturri looked over the city and stepped past him. "Do you forget, you do not have just men at your side, but wolves as well?"
         Aner just groaned in frustration. "I told you Iturri, the wolves who live here choose to live a normal life, and they are not warriors like you!"
         Iturri looked back to him with a stern face. "I have led wolves from all walks of life over this border...I have even seen children bare their fangs to protect what they hold dear. Warriors they may not be, but don't underestimate their will to survive!"
         "Even if they can help us fight, how can we reach them? The city is crawling with the Wicard's soldiers." Aner asked.
         Iturri smirked. "You just have to follow your instincts." Aner was confused until Iturri took his wolf and threw his head back as he howled as loud as he could. Aner had to cover his ears as the howl rang in his ears, but it wasn't just loud, Aner could hear the pitch change in an almost song like tune as it carried over the whole city. Iturri fell silent as he stared over the city, then from down in the streets howls began to ring from all directions. "Never doubt the will of the pack."
         "What did you tell them?" Aner asked.
         Iturri pointed to the gate at the other end of the city. "I told them to take any survivors and escort them to the city gate, and to aide any soldiers they pass along the way. We should meet up with them, if we hurry then we can force our way through." He explained.
         Aner smiled and nodded. "Then let's not keep them waiting. Men we move out!" The men forced themselves to their feet as they charged out of the courtyard and into the city with Iturri leading the charge. As they pushed forward soldiers tried to impede them. Iturri didn't stop as he lunged into their midst with jaws agape. Aner's men charged in behind him and slashed their way through the soldiers and pushed forward.
         Orell and Aner were at the back of the group. Orell watched Iturri charge head first into battle and couldn't help but be impressed. "Your brother is quite the warrior, no wonder the wolves look up to him so much."
         Aner watched his brother fight so hard to protect his people and he couldn't help but be ashamed. He was no warrior, and true to what Iturri said about wolves he was useless with a sword. He was beginning to wonder if he had any right to rule over these people after what he let transgress.
         As they got closer to the gate more people began to join their group. Soldier, civilian, and wolf alike were charging forward as they tried to escape the attack of the enemy. Aner could see the wall up ahead and he called out to Iturri. "We are almost to the wall, we just have to get past there and we should be safe!"
         Iturri nodded as he howled loudly as they charged down the last street leading to the gate. But when it came into view he came to a halt. Standing between them and the gate were almost a hundred men.
         Wicard was at the front with a big grin on his face. "Did you really think it would be that easy? I knew you would try to scurry away to your woods like the beasts you are. But as you see my army stands between you and your escape. If you feel you are brave enough, then please step forward!"
         Iturri snarled as he prepared to lunge at Wicard, but he felt a hand on his side. "No Iturri, this is my city to defend. I cannot ask you to fight in my place."
         Iturri took human form and turned to his brother. "What do you plan to do exactly?"
         Aner just walked past him. "I will let you know when I figure that out." Wicard saw him stepping forward and stepped forward himself. Aner looked him in the eye and heaved a huge sigh. "Is this truly what you want? Is the death of the innocent all you desire?"
         "Still you defend these beasts, I am not sure what lie they fed you to make you believe they are innocent but I will not stand by and let them gain power. What happens when they finally unify, will they simply forget the last twenty years of oppression? Eventually they will turn on us...and I won't let that happen." Wicard was almost within arm's reach of Aner now. "What do you have to say to that?"
         Aner just shook his head. "You are deluded man, afraid of what you do not understand."
         Wicard glared at him and pulled his sword. "And you are a fool, who will die with his miserable ideals!" Aner pulled his sword and swung it in defenses, but one good hit and Aner's sword went flying. Aner stepped back but Wicard would not let him escape as he charged forward with intent to kill Aner. Aner felt his whole world slow down as he watched the blade going for his stomach, but then he felt a hand on his shoulder. Whoever was behind Aner pushed him if the ground. He covered his face as he hit the dirt.
         When he looked up he saw Iturri standing where he was, a sword now through his stomach. Aner went wide eyed as he got to his knees. "Iturri no!" Everyone watched in awe as Wicard pulled his sword free and stepped back as Iturri fell to the ground. Aner crawled to his side and lifted his head up. "What were you doing you idiot! Why would you give your life for mine! IDIOT!"
         Iturri looked at him and smiled. "Because I finally figured it out..." He looked up at the sky. "Everyone keeps telling me I should act more like a leader, but I realized that I am no leader."
         "You fool...you made a home for your people, raised them up from oppression. Is that not what a leader does?" Aner asked him, tears in his eyes.
         Iturri sighed. "Perhaps, but there is more to being a leader then that. You have to think about how your actions affect others, you have to be there when they need you, and you have to show mercy even when you heart thirsts for blood. I was the one who needed to help my people break their chains, but I am not the one to lead them into the future."
         Aner could feel the blood pooling under Iturri's as it soaked into his pants. "What does it matter if you are not the one who leads them in the future?! That is no reason to throw your life away."
         Iturri looked at him and put a hand on his chest. "It is, if it means protecting their true leader."
         Aner felt his heart skip as Iturri looked up at him. "I...I can't, I am no ruler...I allowed all this to happen, I don't have the strength to defend or lead them!"
         Iturri smiled. "Of course you can...anyone can train themselves to be a warrior, but only those with a strong heart can lead."
         "But Iturri..." Aner tried to say.
         Iturri cut him off. "Believe in yourself...in who you are...Be the wolf you were meant to be, and lead our people to prosperity...All I ask it that you continue our line in my absence, to honor our mother." He took one last breath before he closed his eye and went limp in Aner's arm.
         Wicard watched as Iturri passed and spat in his direction. "A worthless beast dies a worthless death. I hope he burns in whatever hole the gods drop him in." Aner held Iturri's body tight as he sobbed. Wicard rolled his eyes and he walked over and kicked Aner. "You are seriously weeping over this wretch, is there no depth of foolishness you won't sink to?" He tried to kick him again but this time he caught Wicard by the ankle. "What...let go of me you bastard!"
         Aner let him pull with all his might before he let him go to tumble to the ground. He laid Iturri's body down and stood to his feet wiping his eyes. Wicard got to his feet as Aner turned to him. He looked up and the cold yellow eyes shook Wicard to his core. "I am going to tear you apart..." Aner said through a snarl.

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