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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #2061165
After Hypnotising Yugito and Karui, Naruto goes after his final roommate: Samui.
Sitting back on his bed with a satisfied look Naruto was enjoying the start of his day. Karui and Yugito had joined him in his bed some time during the middle of the night, and the first thing the whiskered blonde discovered upon waking up was the pleasant sensation of having his cock being sucked and feeling his neck getting sucked and nibbled on.

He saw Yugito as the one responsible for the warm, wet sensation that covered the entirety of his prick. And he was happy, as he had given the blonde woman an order to wake him up like this every morning. Karui was the one who was licking and nibbling on his neck and he enjoyed the feeling of her naked, toned physique pressing up against him.

After several minutes had passed Naruto finally unloaded in Yugito's mouth; she drank his cum with every spurt that went in her mouth with fluttering eyes, treating his semen as if it were a rare treat. She never missed a drop, and shared the last load with Karui before the two of them sneaked out of Naruto's room before Samui would wake up.

Getting off of his bed Naruto yawned as he stretched his arms and legs to get them to wake up. Staying in one spot for a long period of time was a pain. Don't get him wrong, getting a blow job and having his neck nibbled and kissed in the morning is a pleasurable experience. But having to stay in one place for a long time made his limbs stiff.

Naruto ran a hand through his hair and decided a shower was in order. He grabbed a new pair of clothes a towel and headed off to cleanse himself.

Heading towards' the bathroom wearing nothing but his boxers, and a new pile of clothes and towel in hand, Naruto went inside the bathroom and locked the door. He then turned the shower on and allowed the water to heat up before taking off the last article of clothing and getting in himself.

He spent 20 minutes washing himself, and, once he he was done he rinsed the shampoo out of his hair, rinsed it and then got out after turning the shower off. Naruto got out and thoroughly dried himself before put on a fresh set of clothes.

Naruto picked up his dirty boxers and the wet towel and after putting the towel on a radiator to dry, he headed to his room to gather his dirty clothes and put them in the wash.

While he was in his room Naruto took the opportunity to take the Hypno-gun from its' box and hid it in the back of his trousers and with his shirt covering it. If what he had heard from Yugito and Karui the night before, they were going to take their morning run for a few hours, leaving Naruto and Samui alone in the house.

The teenager grinned pervertedly as he made his way out of his bedroom to put his dirty clothes in the utility room. Karui's and Yugito's morning run was long enough for him to get his third desired woman in the house under his complete control.


Several minutes later Naruto is sitting at the breakfast table eating a bowl of cereal. Hearing footsteps coming down the stairs, Naruto found both Yugito and Karui fully outfitted in their exercise clothing.

Yugito wore dark purple tracksuit bottoms, white trainers and a long sleeved light purple blouse with a dark purple down from the top of her blouse to the bottom.

Karui wore the same exercise clothes she had worn yesterday morning; dark blue tracksuit bottoms, a pair of white trainers and a short sleeve grey shirt with blue stripes running down the outer side of the sleeves.

“Going out for your morning run, girls?” He knew the answer already, but it never hurt to ask. They ARE his girls now after all.

“Yes, master. If Samui asks where we are just tell her we have gone out for our morning run and should be back in an hour or two.” Yugito replied in a low whisper, knowing that Samui would be waking up at any minute now.

Both Yugito and Karui grinned and winked seductively at their master before they departed the house. They didn't bother going for something to eat since they can get a quick snack while they're out jogging.

Taking out his M1911 styled Hypno-gun Naruto was curious as to what the disintegration setting does. Obviously it disintegrates something but what was just something he had no clue on. Letting his curiosity get the better of him, and because he wanted to see the results once he uses it on Samui Naruto turned the dial to the mode he wanted it on. All he has to do now was wait.

Ten minutes later Naruto had finished eating his cereal and was now watching T.V. He heard Samui walking down the stairs and into the kitchen to get some breakfast. Naruto quickly looked over the couch and just saw Samui in her dark nightie pass the doorway in the direction of the kitchen.

Seeing his opportunity Naruto quietly got off of the couch and followed the woman, while taking the Hypno-gun out from under the waistband of his trousers. Standing at the doorway, Hypno-gun in hand, Naruto saw Samui had her back to him.

She was rummaging through the cupboards to find something to eat for breakfast. She had a bowl and a carton of milk sitting on the counter above her.

Seeing his opportunity to enslave her, Naruto aimed the Hypno-gun at the unsuspecting woman and pulled the trigger. The beam shot out of the barrel of the gun and hit Samui on the back. The beam living up to its settings started to disintegrate Samui's clothes leaving her in her birthday suit!

She stopped moving and sat there hypnotised and clothes disintegrated waiting for her master to give her first orders.

Naruto licked his lips as he admired her ass.

“Samui.” Naruto said, began getting the blonde woman to straighten up. “From here on out when we are alone, or are around people who have been hypnotised like you, you will refer to me as 'master'. However, you will retain your original personality and carry out your activities like you did before you were hypnotised by me. Understand?”

“Yes... When... Alone... Around... Other... Hypnotised people... Master...” She mumbled out sounding as if she were in a daze. “Original... Personality... Carry... Activity... Before...”

“If I touch, rub, grind, or grope you anywhere on your body, you won't mind it. If I ask you to do anything lewd or perverted you won't protest. You will happily do it.” He paused when he took notice of her lack of decency. That would be a problem if she realises she's naked. He would have to change that. “You are never embarrassed at being naked in the house among your fellow slave sisters and master. But you will keep yourself clothed when you are expecting someone to come by, or if there are other people who are not your slave sisters or master in the house. You will also be clothed if you are going outside of this house. Nod your head if you understand?” He asked.

Samui nodded in confirmation. “Good. When I count to three, you will snap out of your trance and everything that has happened with you in this state will be deep down in your subconscious, with you being unable to recall any of this happening.”

Giving the woman's ass another look, Naruto backed out of the kitchen and went behind the edge until only his head and a part of his torso was visible. He counted to three and quickly made his way to the front room and after hiding the Hypno-gun in a safe place he waited.

Wait. He didn't state if Samui should remember about her state of dress. He wondered if she would panic upon finding herself naked when she remembered being in her nighty, or shrug it off after making her not being embarrassed when she's seen naked. A moment later Naruto didn't hear anything except for the noises of the fridge and cupboard being opened and closed. He guessed she shrugged it off.

5 minutes later Naruto heard the sound of running water from the kitchen. Smiling the teen got up off the couch again and made his way to the kitchen. Leaning against the doorway, Naruto's eyes raked over an ignorant Samui's figure while she washed her plate and spoon not knowing Naruto was in the room with her until she turned around after rinsing the dishes and leaving them on the dish rack.

Her eyes went wide a bit; the only gesture she showed she had been surprised at seeing him. “Master. I didn't hear you come in. How long were you standing there?” Samui asked, thanks to the conditioning she had been put under during her hypnosis, she was not at all bothered by Naruto's eyes leering at her massive breasts or her snatch.

“Long enough.” He evasively answered. “Say, are you doing anything today?”

Samui frowned in thought before shaking her head. “No. Why?”

Naruto pushed off the door way and give the busty, blonde woman with bob cut hair a smile as he motioned her to follow him and she did so obediently. Samui followed Naruto as he had asked her to do. The second she reached the top, the blonde woman was taken by surprise when Naruto grabbed her by the arm and roughly tossed her to the floor. She grunted as her hands and knees met with the carpet covered flooring.

She was quick to look over her shoulder with surprise evident on her face and let out an uncharacteristic yelp upon feeling Naruto hand making contact with her ass.

Samui let out an involuntary moan as Naruto used both hands to squeeze, rub and massage her ass cheeks. “I always wanted to slap this fat ass of yours. And grab on to these big-fucking-tits too.” He leaned forward as he moved his hand from her ass to her breasts. Samui let out another involuntary moan when Naruto grabbed the tits roughly.

And when she felt the teen press up against her full and round ass, she felt his erection lightly grind against her butt cheeks through the fabric of his trousers.

“Oh. Ohh, that feels...” She moaned with fluttering closed eyes.

“What? Good? Of course it does. What woman doesn't like getting her tits fondled and a dick grinding against them? And speaking of my dick...” Naruto released one hand on her tits and went to pull down his pants to free his cock from its confinements.

Pushing his trousers down to his knees Naruto grabbed his shaft, pulled the foreskin down and ran the glans against Samui's vaginal lips with the woman letting out a pleasured moan. Biting his lower lip in anticipation Naruto inserted his dick in Samui's vagina.

A pleased moan was let out as Samui felt the bulbous head slip through her inner folds, and moaned even louder as she felt it slid deeper into her. Her eyes wide and mouth dropping open Samui couldn't believe how good getting a cock put into her felt. The two blondes stayed in that position for the longest time, savouring the delightedness of the feeling of being full in a pleasurable manner, and getting his dick squeezed and massaged brought them.

Samui was tight Naruto thought but not as tight as Yugito. Licking his bottom lip he reached up with his now free hand and grabbed her unattended tit and used the large fun bags as leverage as he started to thrust in and out of her. Every time her hips went up and his shaft was nearly out of her warm inner walls, he could feel the vagina tighten up and figuratively try suck him back in. Then he would thrust back in, pulling her by the tits for more force as their hips slapped together repeatedly.

Samui widened her eyes even more if that were possible, her tongue drooping out of her mouth as she let out a silent moan from the dicking she was getting. The pleasure was overwhelming her senses. All she could think about was the big, thick and meaty cock pummelling and reshaping her tight pussy. Seeing as she won't be able to keep herself up with the amount of pleasure running through her Samui simply dropped and laid there allowing Naruto to use her body as his own personal cock sleeve.

A panting Naruto smirked at the submissive act. The woman didn't last five minutes! Karui and Yugito lasted longer than this big titted slut! Forcing Samui to lie flat against the ground Naruto laid on top of her, with his legs spread around her thighs. This would give him better leverage for thrusting, not to mention Naruto would be able to feel her ass slapping against his pelvis every time he slammed into her.

And that's exactly what he did. Naruto used his thighs and ass to thrust down into Samui. The angle and speed caused the woman to let out loud squealing sounds and as Naruto went faster and faster, so too did Samui's squeals get louder and louder until she was almost let out loud scream like squeals.

“Your ass and pussy are mine!” Exclaimed a victorious sounding Naruto. “You hear me slave!?” He demanded, lightly slapping Samui on the cheek when she didn't reply. With that Naruto drew his hips back and began to figuratively pound the woman into the floor.

Samui was completely out of it, her eyes rolled up to the back of her head as her face took on the typical 'fucked stupid' look during sex. She is delirious from pleasure. All she COULD feel was pleasure and nothing else.

After a while Naruto felt a build up of pressure in his balls, the tell tale sign that he was about to cum. A moment later he felt Samui's inner walls clench around his dick. Knowing from personal experience that Samui was about to cum too he thrust into her more fiercely. Her entire body ten sedand her pussy convulsed moments later.

The result of her pussy clenching on him tightly, and then cumming, had made him cum as well. Taking a moment to catch his breath and to enjoy the moment, Naruto pulled out from Samui and fell back on his ass with a tired sigh.

Blinking the teen wondered what time it was, and knowing from personal experience that Samui had an alarm clock in her bedroom, he went inside said woman's bedroom – after pulling up his trousers of course – to check how much time was left until Yugito and Karui would come back. 10Am which meant Naruto had around an hour or two until the two of them would come back.

With a sigh he decided to pack-strap carry Samui to the shower so he could clean her of sweat and other bodily fluids.

“I think I should have thought this through.” Naruto said in regards to Samui's unresponsive state.
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