Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2062762-Screams-of-Hell
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest · #2062762
Contest entry :Write a story that includes the words: claws, shriek, flame. 300 words
Waking from a deep sleep, I hear a high pitched shriek. What the hell was that? I think. Living alone for the first time ever, I am frightened of every noise. I lay back down telling myself it is nothing, just my active imagination. As I fall back to sleep I am awoken again by the same sound. Getting up I go out into the hallway, this is insane! As I slowly walk down the hall to the stairs I get a feeling of being watched. It causes an involuntary chill to move up my spine. I look down the stairs, what I see makes me tremble with fear. What is that?! All I can see are claws and what looks like slime making its way up the stairs. I try to take a step back but my legs won’t move. I have lost my ability to move from the fear. The thing which looks like a huge slug keeps moving towards me. It has my only way out blocked, every time it breathes it sounds like a soul screaming from within wanting out. I have to get out of here. I know this thing is going to consume me, I don’t know how I know; I just feel it in my body. I run back to my room, looking out the window I decide to jump. I hit the ground so hard I know I had broken my arm. But I don’t care, I run to the barn and grab an old gas can. Running back to the house, I pour gas all around it and setting it on fire. The first flame leaping up starts another until the whole house is engulfed. I hear it screaming from inside, what I can only describe as the screams of hell.
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