Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2063490-All-Three-Are-Missing
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #2063490
A moon can't just disappear. Let alone all three. But that's exactly what has happened.

All Three Are Missing

     It was a very dark night. Private Investigator Kella was looking up. She was trying to find the moon in the sky. But she couldn’t find one. All three of them were gone.

     “They can’t be gone,” said Kella. “Where are they at?”

     “That’s why we are here,” answered Kella’s assistance Guddin. “It’s up to us to find out what is going on.”

     “Are we in the right place? It sure does look like we are,” said Kella.

     “We are,” said Guddin. “And whatever it is it’s coming from this house.”

     Guddin was pointing at a spooky old house that looked like it was about to fall completely down. It had fallen apart in parts of it. Kella was also looking at that house.

     “According to our records no one has lived in that house in over a hundred years,” said Kella. “Parents haven’t let kids trick or treat there in over seventy-five years.”

     “That’s probably why whoever is behind all this is using this house,” said Guddin. “The answer to all this is inside that house.”


     Kella and Guddin were inside that house now. And they had split up. “Are you sure it’s a good idea if we separate? Wouldn’t it be better if we stayed together?” It was Guddin that asked those questions.

     “It might be safer,” answered Kella. “But it’s faster if we check out this place individually.”

     Guddin headed up to the top level while Kella went to the underground. It was in found by Kella. But Kella wasn’t the only one there. Kella already had her hand weapon out. She was using the light above it to guide her way. “Who are you? And what are you doing here?” Kella was pointing her weapon at him.

The End?

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