Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2064983-Power-of-Prayer--A-Surprising-Vision
by Danza
Rated: E · Other · Inspirational · #2064983
Here I share my testimony of a silent prayer that led a church member to have a vision.
I have a testimony I've been wanting to share with the media for a long time. My grandma is the oldest member and has been the one that's been attending our church the longest. She is well known and highly respected in the church and everyone just absolutely loves her. When I was a teenager in church I was really into God and I was involved in a couple of the youth group events. One night we had a fun night at church. We stayed overnight and worshiped the Lord. After listening to a special guest we worshiped and praised the Lord. Then we were told to have a little alone time with God and I got down on my knees as the music played put my hands together and placed my elbows onto the seat of the chair. I prayed and prayed in silence and I asked god to show me to direct me to the right one in my life. I wanted him to reveal to me who I was supposed to share the rest of my life with. I told him I was confused and I asked if he was there to show me he was listening to my prayer and somehow show me a sign. Behind me standing was an firefighter active in youth events at church. After worship and praising god we went to have a little fun time. It was in another room full off games. You could imagine it kind of like a festival. Lots of people were already playing. And I was just about to join in on the fun. But before that I was called over from that guy I mentioned was a firefighter. He was sitting at a table and he told me. When we were in worship I had this really weird vision. He said it was clear as day. He visioned me in the future being very much like my grandma and that it looked like my husband was some type of pastor or preacher or minister something to do with the lord. I was so shocked and felt so happy this happened. I knew god was there and was listening to my prayer. Sometimes life gets me so down. I question my faith and ask myself is god even real and I look back at this gift of testimony and it helps me realize that god is real. I am so glad I was chosen for this testimony so I could reach out and share the word.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2064983-Power-of-Prayer--A-Surprising-Vision