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Rated: E · Non-fiction · Religious · #2067233
Psalms 81:6-7, 10c. “Now, I will relieve your shoulders of its burden; I will free your hands from their heavy tasks.” He said “You cried to me in trouble and I saved you …only test me. Open your mouth wide and see if I wont fill it. You will receive every blessing you can use.”.

Help me lord, I cried. It is too much. I can’t do this. I can’t be a single parent. There is no way, my mind rebelled. I can’t be both Mom and Dad. I can’t pay ball the bills, keep the house clean, buy the groceries, do laundry, maintain the car and computer discipline the kids, help with homework, spend time with the kids, go to church do good news club do sleepovers and anything else that my mind didn’t conjure up in that moment of panic. When would I have time for you, Lord, or any moment for me? HELP!
But what is this? A lifeline. A promise that says you will help. When I cry out, you will save me. Thank you, Lord . And thank you that you are a father to my children. Help me to remember that more often.

Heavenly Father, I thank you that you are my helper. That you free me from my heavy tasks and lift my heavy burdens when I ask. Help me to remember that I am not doing this on my own, that you are by my side. That as long I ask for help, help will come. And you have and continue to bless me.
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