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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2073016
A weight gain story including Ella, drama class and a storm
It was a dark, wet night in mid-January. The wind howled through the
streets of the town, rattling windows and throwing paper as it forced
its way through alleyways and streets alike. It was the same wind that
rattled the window of Ella James’s room, making her yelp in surprise
and drop her foundation bottle onto the sheets as the sharp knocks
struck the glass. She got up from her bed and looked out at the
desolate night, the rain began to pierce the sky and the streets
turned to orange lit mirrors.

She sighed and made her way over to her chest of draws where she
picked out the clothes she’d need for drama class tonight. She pulled
her tights over her feet and jumped as she pulled them up; it seemed
harder than she remembered. She then threw on a t-shirt (the arms of
which were tight on her upper arms and on her midriff) and made her
way out to the theatre. The rain poured down, hitting her umbrella
hard, the wind threatening to carry it into the heavens.

She arrived at the theatre 10 minutes later, her hair soaked and
shivering. She walked into the youth theatre room and sat down on a
chair in the corner, she wasn’t a very confident girl so she avoided
having to sit next to people the best she could. Tonight though would
be different. Ella reached into her pocket and took out a bag of
sweets. She popped a few into her mouth just as people started to
arrive. She shoved them back into her pocket.

The normal haze of members started to mill in, taking seats the other
end of the row of chairs. Then an unfamiliar walked in; he was about
6ft tall, about 17 or 18 years old, black hair, blue eyes, he had a
nice face, yet the way he held himself made Ella think he probably
didn’t see it. He sat next to Ella, leaving just a chair as a gap and
to her surprise he turned towards her “hi” he said in a strangely
posh, louder than expected voice. It seemed his voice didn’t match his
shy looking exterior.

She pulled herself together and said “hi… I’m Ella” in the loudest
voice she could manage. He shifted slightly in his seat as the head of
the youth theatre walked in. Later that night Ella clambered into bed,
after drama she was exhausted and she took no time in falling asleep,
but her dreams were strange that night. Little did she know that this
would be the start of something big.

She awoke the next morning; it was a grey Tuesday morning. The wind
had died down and no remanence of the night’s storm appeared to
remain, save for the slight damage that Ella had noticed to her
window. There weren’t even any puddles on the street outside.

Ella woke up at 7:35 leaving her only 25 minutes to get ready. She
cursed and tapped her alarm with the palm of her hand before wriggling
out of bed. Ella padded into the bathroom in order to do her hair,
makeup and her teeth for the day ahead. As she looked into the mirror
she noticed a slight puffiness to her cheeks which she put down to
lack of sleep but more concerning to her was that her eyebrows looked
unplucked which they hadn’t been since she’d started high school. She
spent 15 minutes on her makeup, after which she had to throw on some
clothes and run out the door to catch the town bus.

Ella got onto the bus out of breath, paid her fair and sat down at the
front. The journey was slow as traffic was particularly bad that day
and Ella started to feel hungry, she reached into her handbag to see
if she’d got any food with her. She scratted around and managed to
find a chocolate bar at the bottom of her bag, which she fished out
and ate gratefully, her stomach satisfied.

The bus pulled up outside of her school, the dull grey building hazed
by the similarly dull sky, she walked down the driveway towards the
main doors; the distasteful attempt at bringing some colour in by a
past student council. It was a normal day all told, one of those meh
days we all have from time to time. At lunch though, Ella had sat down
at her normal table in the lunchroom and started her lunch without her
friends who hadn’t turned up. Today’s lunch was a rather large one for
Ella; pasta with bolognaise sauce, a bowl of chips (fries) and a piece
of cheesecake… but hey, she was hungry or at least that’s how she
rationalised it.

After school she was on her way to the bus when her stomach growled
again. Confused she crossed the road and walked into the corner shop,
emerging minutes later with a bag of chocolate, Doritos and a bottle
of Pepsi. She rationalised that she’d eat them over a few days, maybe
take a few bars for on the way to school in the mornings. She caught
the bus back home, unlocked the door and ran upstairs. She had an hour
and a half until her parents arrived home; she kicked off her shoes
and put on a DVD, all the time absentmindedly munching on chocolate.
She found herself falling asleep at about 5:30, her parents still not

She awoke again at 10:37, she stretched and made her way downstairs.
She saw a note stuck to the fridge which read;

We got home a little late and found you asleep, we left money for a
takeaway on the dresser by the door, if you haven’t already filled up
on the chocolate we found in your room.
Mum x

Ella shuffled through the menus on the corkboard of the kitchen,
finally deciding on a large pizza, wedges and some garlic bread.

Ella awoke the next morning sprawled across her bed covered in pizza
crumbs. Her stomach gurgled as she eased herself up, her arms feeling
weak. She glanced at her alarm clock; 7:45. She rushed to the bathroom
and started doing her makeup, as she was doing so she noticed that her
face shape seemed different somehow, puffier than she remembered it.
As she was brushing her teeth she noticed a pair of dimples in her
unexpectedly round cheeks. She shrugged it off as her watch beeped
8:00, raced into her room and quickly got dressed. Her jeans fitted
tightly and her top wouldn’t stay down for long before riding up her
midriff, but as she was rushed she didn’t question it much.
The day was much the same as the day before, pretty standard lessons,
dull lunch as still none of her friends turned up (but this time she
had a larger lunch of pizza, wedges, garlic bread and a slice of fudge
cake, which was double her normal lunches) and a slow bus-ride home
with a quick stop off at the shop for snacks. She arrived home to a
note from her parents saying they were going to be late again and
there was money for a takeaway in the same place.

That night Ella pigged out on chocolate, pizza, wedges, ice cream,
Pepsi, sweets, garlic bread and caramel popcorn. She went to bed
stuffed and quickly fell asleep, not hearing as her window opened and
shut or as her dreams merged into reality. She woke with a start the
next morning; she stretched her arms noticing something like
‘remember’ written on her arm. She thought back to her dream but she’d
forgotten. She looked at her clock, 7:50.

She had no time to put any makeup on, she glanced in the mirror
quickly to check her appearance was okay… that was when she noticed
spots on her face, around her chin and on her cheeks. She’d never had
spots before, even when she’d just started puberty, but today was
different. She hurriedly picked up her jeans off of the floor glancing
at the label quickly but it was enough to make her blood run cold.

Suddenly she was in a panic, she ran into the bathroom and jumped on
the scales; 271lbs. She was stunned, 142 lbs in 2 days? That wasn’t
possible! She looked in the mirror again and this time had to hold
back the tears. Her once curvy body was replaced by one that could
only be described as fat. Her stomach oozed out over her waistband and
hung slightly, her thighs had exploded into tree trunks and her ass
had grown big but flabby. Her arms looked like a normal girl’s legs
but with rolls at the elbow, which led to a pair of fat hands with
plush fingers. Although she couldn’t see her feet they too were very
chubby, fat toes forcing each other apart as she stood, dimples at
every joint.
As she walked downstairs she noticed a smell, after a quick inspection
she found it was her underarms. She wished she could run back up but
she was already late. She walked out of the door.

End of part 1
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