Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2073050-A-View-of-a-Nice-Day
Rated: E · Monologue · Philosophy · #2073050
I wanted to provide a slice of life view of an experience I had and to share it.

View of a Nice Day

The light of the sun warmed my skin as I stood outside looking at the world. The clouds moving slowly in the sky remind me of how little control I have of the world. The sunshine makes me smile and the air is crisp and raw. This is the world at the moment and I am present in it.

The world is busy. Traffic and work and personal obligations drown the days. It is nice to remember to breathe. Slowly inhaling and feeling the air inside my nostrils going deep into my chest. I hear the sound of the breath and it makes me smile as I then hold it and just allow the air to fill my lungs. Then, after a moment of silence, I allow the air to escape my body. It slowly leaves, warming my skin as it moves from my nose into the cooler air of the day.

I look down and see a solitary stone. There is nothing special about it. It is grey and ragged with points jutting out about. It is not too large so I could pick it up and explore but I decide to allow it to remain in its resting place.

I think to myself what force of man or nature put this stone in its particular place at this moment. I think about the mountains and how much energy it took to create them. Standing majestically from afar, I go back to thinking about that small stone. Did someone place it here? I do not see any other such stones around it so I wonder did someone take it and place it right here so I could see it today and ponder its existence. Perhaps all of creation, moved in space and time, placed this rock in its location so I could look upon it.

I think about its origin. Was it part of a larger rock? Did it not form with the other rocks in its time? Is it the germ for a mountain to be built here a millennium to come? The rock is full of questions and I only have my imagination to tell me what has happened to bring it into my view and my mind. It makes me smile as I envision the earth in its primordial state, with lava and rock being spun forth and all things shifting, bringing this rock to reality within such chaos. For centuries the earth cooled and the mountain and the valleys formed and all things are becoming as we now view them. This rock is in its place as a result of the upheaval and movement of time and energy. All of this occurred simply to allow me the luxury of looking upon this ordinary stone and being able to envision its journey that it went through in order to be here now.

I turn my attention away from the stone and look to my left and I see a small stream flowing past me. The water always reminds me of home and I can smell the freshness in the air as I make my way to the water’s edge.

I hear the babbling going through the air. It is its own melody of sound. The noise is gentle not harsh. I hear the edge of the water against the edge of the embankment and I smile with a youthful joy that all is right in the world. The water will keep flowing whether I am standing by it or not.

I reach down and cup my hand in the water. It is so cold. I forget how much moving water can be cold even on a nice day like today. My hands dangle in the water for a moment allowing them to bathe in this wonderful sensation. After a couple of moments, I notice that my hands are slowly turning red. The blood is flowing and I can feel my heart beat in the fingertips. I slowly cup my hands and bring the water to my lips. I place my tongue in this small pool of water in my hands and allow it to play within for a moment. There is a sense of honor and joy for nature as I allow it to slowly enter my mouth. Down into my stomach this cool elixir enters my body. I can taste the freshness of the water on my tongue. My stomach revels in its coolness and its relief from my thirst.

I look around the embankment. There are many stones here. Perhaps they are the family of my solitary stone. However these stones are smooth and shiny. The sunlight in the water dances upon the stones and give them a brilliance which accents the light. The playfulness of the water, the sun and the stones are all dancing in the daylight.

I am transported from the hustle of life and placed in the simplest of places. I feel a sense of innocence and childlikeness that daily life so often clouds so I am feeling free. My shoulders relax, my face muscles have a true smile upon it and I realize there is so much more to life than work and being on the go. There is a beauty in simplicity and I feel free even if only for a moment. I am one with my surroundings and all is good in my life for this moment. It is a good day in my view.

John Bennett 1/24/2016

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