Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2075536-Victorias-Adventures
by Nikki
Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #2075536
Chapter One
It all started}d while I was making dinner and Bobby was watching T.V in the living room. He always yelled at the T.V but tonight it was different. When I finally decided to walk in after a loud thud, I saw the living room was a mess. The couch was flipped over, and there was blood on the walls. I didn’t know what had happened, but Bobby was gone.
“Bobby?” I yelled out, but it was no good. The house was completely empty. Or so I had thought. I felt a hand quickly cover my mouth.
“Shh.” A man’s deep voice sounded. “Do not worry. I will make your end quicker than your little boyfriend’s.” He laughed and I could feel his hot breath on my neck. My eyes widened and I screamed when I feel his fangs plunge into my neck. We stood there, him quickly sucking the blood out of me. My eyes were about to close when someone smashed the door open. The mysterious man vanished and I dropped to the floor, the two holes on my neck closing quickly.
“Victoria!” My neighbor, Thomas yelled and ran over. “Are you okay? Hey!” I blacked out for a while, only able to feel excruciating pain everywhere. Finally, after some time, I woke up in an empty hospital room, a sheet over my head. I could hear people outside talking about notifying my family. I didn’t understand at the time, but I do now. I pulled on my clothes and looked in the mirror. My once tan skin was cold and pale as milk, my eyes were a reddish brown, not my normal hazel.
I heard the voices walking down the hall and I slowly opened the door. I walked out of the hospital, and into the bright sun. I winced as the bright light irritated my eyes, and skin. I jogged into an old abandoned building and stayed there until night. That was a few days ago…

I walk around the dark streets, killing time. I look up when I hear a commotion, it sounds like someone fighting a few blocks away. I quickly jog to a plain white house and peek around the side of the large porch. My eyes widen when I see a man and a woman, the man biting into the woman’s neck, just like what had happened to me just a few nights ago. I almost call out but the man stops and pulls away.
“Should you be here, in my territory?” A voice behind me says. I jump and look back, my eyes landing on a dark figure crouched in the open window.
“I-I… I’m sorry, sir. I-I’ll go!” I stammer and take a step back. The man jumps forward, landing close to me. My eyes widen, and I freeze. “P-please I-“ I try to say when the man’s head explodes. I drop to the floor, hands over my head.
I feel something metallic press against my head. I look up to see a man with dark black hair, brown eyes and chestnut skin looking down at me, a rifle in his hand and against my head. “Who are you?” He stares down at me.
“I-I’m Victoria Barkly please don’t kill me! I haven’t hurt anyone I promise.” My hazel eyes water and my pale bottom lip quivers. The man frowns.
“Your eyes. They’re still normal?” I nod, confused. “Then you’re telling the truth. You’ve never fed on a human’s blood. But if I don’t kill you, what’s going to stop you from changing someone else? Or killing someone?”
“I refuse to do that! A-and you’re… You’re a vampire hunter, right? You only kill bad ones like him, right? So you have no reason to hurt me! I’ll… I’ll help you! I’ll help you find bad vampires!” I say quickly.
The man smiles. “Yeah. Sure.” He slowly removes the gun and I let out a breath of relief. “Follow me.” He starts to walk off, and I follow him slowly.
“Where are we going? Who are you?” I ask, my voice quiet. I didn’t know what I was getting into, but I knew it would probably gonna get me hurt.
“We’re going to my place. You can meet the others in the group. And I’m Derek.” He smiles kindly. “I think you’ll be liked by them. Tell me about yourself.”
“Like I said, I’m Victoria. I don’t know how I… Well… I do. “ I bite my lip. “Hey um, if I didn’t promise to help would you have killed me?”
“Probably. It is my job.” He shrugs. The man, the one I now know as Derek keeps walking. I keep quiet and follow him until we get to an old look apartment building. “We’re here. This is Headquarters for us.” He walks into the lobby, me right on his tail. “Hey, Jake.” He waves to a man at the counter.
Jake’s eyes widen. “Hey, wait! You can’t bring that thing in here!” He points a pistol at me and I freeze.
“Stand down, Jake, she’s a new member. In exchange for her life, of course.” He smiles and I sigh.
“Hi… I’m Victoria!” I wave at the guy and her lowers his gun with a sigh.
“Whatever. Just go on in.” He nods to the elevator. “They’re having a meeting.”

We walk to the elevator and Derek puts his hand on a scanner. “When we get in there, I want you to stay behind me. I’ll introduce you to everyone. Okay?”
I nod and bite my lip. “Okay…” I say quietly and the elevator dings and opens to a floor dominated by a few long tables and chairs, all but two or three of the chairs are empty.
“All right, you’re up, Charles. What’s the total-“ The man speaking stops and stares at us, his eyes zeroing on me. “Vamp!” He yells and suddenly everyone points a weapon at me.
I squeak and jump behind Derek and he laughs. “Calm down, guys, this is Victoria. My new partner. Come on.” He walks out of the elevator and takes a seat. I gulp and slowly follow, everyone watching.
“What do you mean, your new partner?” A blond woman asks. “She’s a vamp! We don’t work with them, we kill them!” She fires a shot at me and I quickly drop to the floor to dodge the bullet.
“Hey!” I yelled. “Didn’t you hear Derek? I’m his partner, so don’t shoot at me!” I get back up and glare at the woman. Her eyes widen and she frowns, but drops her gun. “Thank you.” I sit by Derek, who smiles.
“Way to go!” He says and ruffles my hair. “I want a easy assignment. Wanna test her out. Jill, you behave and you and Jake can come.” The blonde woman nods.
I giggle and the older man who we interrupted when we walked in clears his throat. “Okay. Derek, we’ll need to talk about this. Charles, Jill, get Jake and babysit this…” He coughs. “Woman.” He and Derek get up. “Meeting ended.” They walk out and people leave.
“Alright, vamp, come with us.” A tall man says and walks over to me. “We’ll go to the training room. Jill, get Jake.” She nods and walks out. The man takes my arm an/d starts to pull me to the stairs. We walk down two flights and end up in a large basement like area. “This is where we train.” I look at all the exercise equipment and weapons on the walls. “Go and hit the punching bag.”
I nod and walk over to it. I poke it and sigh. “Do I ha-“ He nods and I groan. I punch it as hard as I can and it flies off the chain holding it up and hits the concrete wall, cracking the wall and tearing a hole in the bag. Whatever is in the bag comes out and starts to go all over the floor.
“Okay guys-Whoa.” Derek says as he and the other two people walk in. “What the heck happened here?”
I quickly point to Charles. “He made me punch it! It wasn’t my fault!” Charles puts his hands up and Derek laughs.
“Good to know you pack a punch, Victoria.” He smiles.
“You can just call me Vicky!” I smile back and Jill coughs.
“Okay, you guys are best buds now, we get it already. Can we just go?” She crosses her arms over her chest.
My eyes widen and I stare at my dirty, faded blue sneakers. “W-where are we going?” I ask quietly.
“We’re gonna show you the ropes. Show you the tools of the trade, and the facility.” Derek says. “Then we’re going on patrol or find a low level job.”
“The facility?” I cock my head to the side. “What’s that all about?”
“You’ll see. Look, I vote we show her the weapons on the way to the facility, then go on a job. Okay?” Jill says and Jake nods.
“Alright, meet us in the van in five minutes” Derek walks out. “Come on, Vicky.” I nod and follow him. The others follow us, each getting onto different floors. We get back into the elevator.
We stand in awkward silence, listening to the crappy music. “So um...Jill doesn’t seem to like me much…”
Derek shrugs. “You’ll get used to it.” We walk out of the elevator and I follow him to a black van. I get in the front passenger's seat and look around. There’s a black duffle bag and in the very back there’s a cage looking screen, like in police cars.
“You guys take your job seriously, don’t you?” I ask and he nods. The others get in and Jill sets the bag in her lap.
“Okay, these are what we use to kill your kind.” She pulls out stakes, holy water and guns with silver bullets. “This is the vampire/werewolf kit. Here we take on all the supernatural baddies. I’m the close quarters and hand to hand combat specialist. Jake’s guns and Charles is the doctor. He’s also good with blades though.” Jake smiles.
“But don’t worry, we won’t be using them on you,” Jake says and Charles nods.
“We’re here!” Derek says happily. We stop in front of a large, white facility, surrounded by high fences. “This is the Supernatural Research Facility! SRF for short.”
“Whoa…” My eyes widen and I look around. “Amazing!” Everyone nods and guards check Derek’s credentials. They open the security gates.
“Ten feet high, made with titanium, and electrified. No one’s getting in or out of this place!” Derek says excitedly, looking at the fences. “There’s some of the best and brightest doctors and scientists from all over the world here. I’ve booked a trainee tour for us. This is going to be fun!” Jake laughs.
© Copyright 2016 Nikki (nikkievans at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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