Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2076104-Assumptions
Rated: E · Poetry · Inspirational · #2076104
A poem about assumptions oddly enough
Is it safe to assume
That humans have learned to fear the light?
Is it safe to assume
That we have adapted to taking shelter in the dark
With our faces alight with an artificial glow
Protected by a thin veil comprised of glass and electrons
And is it safe to assume that
We can find comfort in the pain of others
By looking past our own faults and pointing out everyone else’s
In person, but most of this is done behind backs and up on the Internet
Where it is protected from harm by that same thin veil of glass and electrons
Is it safe to assume that we’ve become heartless
That we’ve been reduced to nothing more than hollow husks,
Powered by the people that are in charge of our lives
And that our only functions is to do the bidding of our puppeteers
Which means it must be safe to assume that
We have largely lost the ability to think for ourselves
And we’ve replaced it with the superficial ability to behave like sponges
So is it safe to assume that we all have a role
From teacher to student and bully to peon
And that we cannot escape from a predestined fate
Is it safe to assume that we were all born equal?
Is it safe to assume that we will never be poor?
Is it safe to assume that our hearts will never be broken?
Is it safe to assume that we are safe from harm,
That we will never experience prejudice or hatred or anger from one another?
Is it safe to assume that we will all learn to spread our wings and learn to fly?
Of course it’s not
There aren’t any guarantees in this world
But it is safe to assume that we will all at least have some hope.
It is safe to assume that we can hope to make a change
And it is safe to assume that someone in the world
Is certainly going to try to help someone else learn to fly
It is safe to assume that not all the good has been stripped from the world
And it is safe to assume that one day
One day, things might get better
If we help one another and make peace instead of war
Then perhaps everything might just get a little better.
It’s safe to assume that I’ll do my part to bring some good into the world
And I will make an effort to make our suffering a little more bearable.
But I can only do so much on my own.
© Copyright 2016 Marcelles D. Raynes (1hdbread at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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