Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2076340-Dimensions--Chapter-1
by TEP
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2076340
Crystal gets pulled into another dimension. Can she get out of it safely?
Crystal glanced out the window of her small room which had barely any space, even though there were only three big items in the room. The sun was setting, which turned the normal pastel blue sky into a bright, vibrant orange. Her emerald green eyes glistened in the sun's light that started dimming as it hid behind the hills a small distance infront of the house. She looked down at her laptop to see, like normal, nothing was happening. She groaned in annoyance, knowing that the routine will never change. Nobody cared about the 17 year old. She was just the bystander watching the world go round while most likely world changing thoughts and ideas bloomed and formed in her head. She was too quiet to share them and too creative to not have them. But, nobody cared. Nobody noticed. They all cared about who was wining in the presidential race so far or who was the biggest celebrity while she cared if there was an update on her favorite fanfiction or a new episode to her favorite show... Yes, she did have friends. But, she didn't like talking to them out of school. Too much work, she would say. She sighed, putting her earbuds in and standing up. She pulled on her gray Flat Cap and shrugged on her blue jacket. She headed outside of her house and down her driveway, hopefully going to the store to get some food.. Cheez-Its and Pepsi sounded good, in her mind. She sighed and looked at the snow that fluttered down from the sky towards the ground where it piled up to her ankles. Cars sped past the girl who was making her way towards the city. Her brown hair flew behind her, lifted by a sudden gust. The air was cold and bit at her gloveless hands as she glared up into the sky, wishing it was somewhat nicer. She sighed and walked into the store. She was greeted by the warm air blowing into her face as she quickly closed the door behind her, saving the warm air so her red cheeks would eventually return to their normal color. The store was big and people walked quietly as they discussed what they wanted over the phone or with the family with them or just plainley, talking to themselves. Music played quietly from the ceiling... Why was it always One Direction? Smaller girls, around 10 or 11, squealed as they heard, yet another, song by the brittish boy band. Crystal murmered, "I hate this band..." as she started heading towards the chips isle. As she got there, a family stood, looking at the chips while the children argued. "I. Want. Sour Cream and Onion!" One spat at the other. "I want Barbeque!" The other replied as the parents sighed. To Crystal, Sour Cream and Onion sounded better. She hated Barbeque chips.. Just.. gross. She went past them and said "I am so sorry.." To the mother and she just replied with a laugh. Crystal beamed at the laugh and proceeded to get the Cheez-its from the shelf next to the pringles. She fought back the urge to quickly grab them and walked out of the isle. She looked over and saw the two boys eventually reach a compromise and get original. After seeing that, she went into the pop isle, grabbing a 2-liter of Pepsi then stopping to gape at the Cranberry Sprite that sat on the top shelf. She quickly shook off the urge to buy it on impulse, and walked to the check out. She grabbed a small container of Tic-Tacs on her way. After checking out, she went back to walk home. But, just as she went to go inside the warmth of her home, the door turned a bright purple, almost like a purple. Her eyes widened and a hand came out of it. It grabbed her hand and pulled her in. Good thing she was still holding onto her bag of Cheez-its and Pepsi.
© Copyright 2016 TEP (barisanders42 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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