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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2080029
chapter 3 of my novel
Chapter 3

Kalin was startled awake by the noises of activity all around him. Pain shot through his left shoulder as he began to pull himself up onto his elbows and look around. He fell heavily onto his back as an older man walked over to the cot he was laying on. The man began examining Kalin's shoulder and rubbed a pungent salve into the muscle befor he returned silently to the work he was doing previously. Kalin rolled over on his side and was shocked at the site of his surroundings.

The entire town was burned to the ground and rows and rows of cots replaced the busy crowds of people roaming the streets. People he had seen every day of his life were sprawled through the streets fighting to stay alive and men he had never seen scurried from one cot to another tending to the wounded and carrying water and food to people sitting around the edge of the cots. Kalin realized that the sun was high in the air and he had a clear view of the ocean through the burnt husk that was left of the Council House.

Kalin sat straight up on the cot as the realization of where he was hit him. He quickly turned his head to see that the only building that hadnt burned completely to the ground was his shop. The only problem was that one of the porch supports were broken and the roof section had collapsed. He lept from the cot and bolted to the building. Inside he was stopped in his tracks by what he saw.

His benches and fire pits had been moved to one side and replaced by a large table and cushioned chair. Even more surprising was who was seated at the table. Braydin and Archie turned as he came into the room and motioned for him to take a seat next to them as the King of Gailland finished addressing his council.

"What's going on here?" Kalin whispered to his brother, as he found a place on the floor to sit, "The last thing I remember is being chased like a dog through the streets by orcs!"

"Calm down Kalin, everything will be fine now. The king brought his soldiers and his healers to aide us and he assures us that the women will be found and returned." Braydin said as Archy shook out the taper he had just used to light his pipe,"He wanted to speak to us alone whenever you woke up. You've kept the most important man in all of Gailland waiting for three days while you slept." Archy and Bryadin both stifled laughter as Kalin's cheeks turned a scarlet hue.

The king stood and walked across the room to greet Kalin and his brother. "You two should come with me," he said as he motioned to the brothers "There is much we need to talk about." Then he quickly walked out of the building.

Archy motioned for the boys to follow and they hurried to catch up to the king. They followed him without a word through the ruined town they had grown up. They followed the road to their fathers lands outside of town. The king walked past the barn and through the pasture to the same hill Kalin spent hours on as a child.

"Your father was a good man," the king said as he sat heavily on a large stone, "And he was a very important part of me becoming crowned as king. Did you know that?"Both boys looked at each other dumbfounded as they shook their heads in the negative.

The king laughed and said, "Of course not, Roth always was a stickler for the rules. Please sit down and let me tell you about your mother and father." He sat quietly as he waited for the boys to become comfortable before starting his story. The king took a deep breath and began his story, "Long ago before you both were born your father was a soldier in my grandfather's army. I was a young noble serving as a captain for my grandfather along side your father. My grandfather sent me and my men on a mission overseas to scout an enemy force marshaling in the south. When we came to port we met with a little old man who led us to the campsite of our targets. In my youth I was ignorant and I ordered my men to sneak into camp to gather information on the enemies leaders and if the opportunity arose eliminate them. It was less than an hour before a young corporal found his way into the command tent under the guise of a messenger and slipped a blade through the ribs of their commanding officer. Most of my men died that day, but your father and a handful fo loyal soldiers banded together and escaped the camp into the surrounding wilderness, dragging me along behind them like a scared dog. After two days and nights of dodging pursuit we stumbled into a small village of gnomes who agreed to hide us after hearing our story. The enemy fell onto the village with tremendous force and killed everything that moved. The gnomes magic was no match for the force of trained soldiers. Your father rescued the last remaining member of that village, a gnome slightly older than himself, and brought him back to Gailland with us where we were treated as heros and given a special honor by my grandfather. We became the Brotherhood of the Stallion and have worked secretly with the other special groups around the kingdom to keep our borders safe from the invasion of outside forces. Within the next year my father and grandfather died in a fire and I became the king of Gailland. My first duty as king was to name an honor guard and naturally I chose your father and his horsemen to stand at my side and protect me and my family. Your father served me until he and my daughter wed and I allowed him to retire and gave him his small patch of earth where you two were born. My grandsons."

Kalin and Braydin stared at the king in amazement as they let his words sink in. After a moment Kalin asked, "So you're telling us that we are Princes of Gailland?"

The king smiled and said, "Yes Kalin that's what I'm saying and like your father befor you, you must go on a mission, for king and country, to save your mother and defeat your fathers rival."

Braydins eyebrows came together as he said, "Who is this enemy? I wasn't aware that we were at war or even conflicting with anyone."
"We're not at war in any official sense. This is a personal attack to seek revenge against your father. Roth was the soldier who killed the enemy commander, General Jiube Hornklaw. Hornklaw was a beast of a man and he wed himself to an Orc matron, gaining himself command of some of the most savage warriors known to the world. He and your father were originally in the same unit and one night after too many drinks they got into an argument over gods know what. The argument turned into a challenge of honor and they had a duel. Roth beat back Hornklaw but once he gained the advantage he spared the disarmed cur and banished him for his brazen recklessness." The king sighed and looked off into the distance for a minute before continuing his story. "Hornklaw disappeared for three years, no knowing where he had gone. Then one day my grandfather received an official declaration of war from the continent of Klostinian, home of the orc host. That's when he sent me and your father on the scouting mission to find out why this declaration was made. Everything went according to plan until your father realized that Hornklaw was the commander of the armies of the south. He charged Hornklaw in a maddened rage and after a drawn out battle he slew his rival and helped me escaped."

"Why wouldn't he tell us about this?" Braydin asked.

"He was sworn to secrecy since the mission wasn't approved by the kings council. He couldn't tell you because you would have wanted to follow in his footsteps and run off to join the army."

"So why do you tell us now, Majesty?" Kalin said as he pulled up a handful of grass and let it float off in the wind.

"I tell you now because I fear this is the work of the House of the Dragon and their leader Sideous Hornklaw, Jiube's half-orc son."
. . .
The ship pitched back and forth as the bow crested another wave spraying the deck with mist. Men and Orcs scrambled over the planks trying to deploy as much sail as possible to distance themselves from their most recent conquest. Their commander was happy with their recent plunder and they knew that whenever they saw his crooked toothy grin something horrible was in store for the women and children they had captured.

Jessykah opened her eyes, her hands were bound behind her back and she was leaning against the gunwale of a ship probably somewhere in its cargo hold. She could barely see what was around her since the only light was what filtered trough the planks of the upper deck. There were women and children crowded around the room tied and bound in similar fashion. Some of the younger children were caged in kennels used for transporting livestock and pack animals. She tried to recognize anyone around her but after a few minutes she decided that the attempt was futile and she drifted back to sleep.

The captains boot heels rang sharply as the paced the upper deck inspecting the work of his crew. A small man in robes wearing a pair of gold rimmed glasses followed him scrawling illegibly in a book. Hornklaw stopped to examine a set of elaborate knots tied to the main mast. After a moment he turned to the small man and asked, "Who did this?"

The small man flipped quickly through his books and replied, "Smythe, sir." He then turned back to where he was writhing and continued his work.

Hornklaw's eyes became bloodshot as he screamed, "Smythe!"

A large Orc with bulging muscles and abnomaly large tusks dropped out of the rigging and stood saluting his captain. "Yes sir!" he shouted as Hornklaw looked him over.

"Did you tie off this boom sailor?" Hornklaw asked already knowing the answer. Nothing happened on his ship that he was unaware of.
"Yes sir!" Smythe answered never breaking his composure. Sweat was beading up on his forehead as he stood awaiting his captains response.

Hornklaw looked back over the knot once more, and then back to his deckhand. "How long have you worked for me Smythe?" he asked cooly as he examined the orc.

"Nine years, sir!" Smythe snapped back immediately.

"In those nine years have you ever tied a boom off in this manor?" the captain asked as he clasped his hands behind his back and leaned down to look the orc in the face.

"No ,sir!" Smythe replied meekly, "I was in a hurry and thought that this knot would save me some time, sir"

Hornklaw nodded and turned his back to Smythe as he replied, "You 'thought' and that will be your downfall Smythe. If I wanted to organize my library I would have a crew of scholar, but since I'm sailing a ship I have a crew of limey thick headed orcs who are slightly more intelligent than animals!" Hornklaw spun quickly on his left foot and placed his nose inches away from Smythe's face and said, "The next time you consider thinking on your own I want you to run it by someone with someone with sufficient enough rank that they can behead you without my permission. Until then do your job the way I orders you to!"

Smythe was visibly shaking by the time Hornklaw finished berating him, and all he could say was, "Yes, sir!" and wait to be dismissed.

Hornklaw stared into Smythe's eyes for what seemed an eternity before looking over his shoulder and nodding.
"You are dismissed, back to work with you." Hornklaw said as he turned to walk away.

Smythe released as sigh of relief and began to reply to his captains order but the reply was cut short as Hornklaw spun once more launching a silver dagger from his waist into Smythe's throat. As the orc fell to the deck drowning in his own blood Hornklaw walked casually over and retrieved his dagger from the dieing orcs neck and wiped the blood off on the choking mans shirt. He turned to his record keeper and said, "Insubordination will not be tolerated on my ship. Now have him tossed overboard and get someone to cover his watch. He will never defy me again."
. . .

Kalin helpped the king stand up and they started back down the house the brothers had grown up in. "What happened to the gnome that dad rescued?" Kalin asked the king as an after thought. The king rubbed his chin and thought hard on the question for a while befor giving Kalin his answer.

"Your father really could keep a secret couldnt he?" the king paused to laugh and then continued, "Im not sure what ever happened to Archy, he and your father left together, but something tells me that you already know the answer to that question, young man." The king continued down the path leading to town with the boys following in disbelief. After a minute he turned to them and said, "Hurry along boys we have some people you should meet and others to reacquaint yourselves with." Then he chuckled and continued to walk.

Archy was drinking from a mug enjoying a story from Rhondelle when the king and the two boys entered the building. They both stood in greeting as the king crossed the room to their table. The king waved his hand acknowledging that it was no time for formalities between the old friends, and the two men regained their seats at the table. The brothers and the king both took a chair at the table. Archy poured them each a mug of ale and turned to Kalin and said, "You look like you've learned alot in the past hour, young master."

Kalin looked back at Archy and said "Yes I have learned much my gnomish friend. Now iI know why you know so much about the stones of the earth and metal crafting. Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"Your father asked me not to, more for my sake than his I believe, if you two would have known I could never have done my work for all the questions you would come up with." Archy replied between drinks from his mug.

"That makes sense I guess since it is true." Braydin said, "But now that its out in the open could you tell us about the brother hoods and how this all ties in? How many are there what is their purpose and stuff like that?"

"Yes Archy tell us what you know please." Kalin pleaded, "When we were children you always said information would be our best ally in any situation, so please do inform us on our current situation."

"I suppose you are right young masters," Archy said with a sigh, "Currently their are four brotherhoods remaining in the kingdom. They are the stallion, of which Im sure you have now heard, the rat, the jackal, and the raven. To the south there are three, the dragon, the serpent, and the krow." Archy took a long draw from his mug then continued, "A brotherhood is a secret organization of men hand picked by the krown to do a specific job. I happen to belong to two of the afformentioned groups. The stallions were an elite group of soldiers trained to protect the kingdom at all cost and eventually became the personal guard of the king himself. Over time the stallions numbers dwindled due to the many great wars that no one knows about here in the kingdom. The stallion is as lethal with his bare hands as he is with a blade. The rat is a group of rouges who gather intelligence for the crown and practice all types of subterfuge they are probably the most useful and numerous of the kingdoms brotherhoods. Rhondelle keeps his men working day and night to remain ever vigilant. They are the reason that the kings men came so quickly to aide us."

"Rhondelle is the leader of the Brotherhood of rats?" asked Braydin.

"Yes," Archy replied, "He was sent here to watch over your parents whenever they left, and it was a good thing too. If the king hadn't come when he did this small hamlet might be merely a pile of charcoal right now."

"What about the jackals?" Kalin asked excitedly.

Archy chuckled and began refilling his mug, "I belive Rhondelle has introduced you to them already."
"The men in the alley." Kalin said in realization. Braydin shot his brother a questioning look but Kalin waved him off so that Archy could continue.

"Very astute young master." Archy said taking some bread that was recently brought to the table on a platter with cheese and sliced meats. "The brotherhood of the jackal are a small group of men saved from the gallows and given direction in their life. The jackals are a band of cutthroats the likes of which the world has never seen. Rhondelle screens the prisons for 'gifted', for lack of a better term, people and when he finds a murdering dog that is to his liking he saves him from the gallows and delivers him to the jackal himselffor training. Sain Blacknife leads this group and is probably the scariest person I have personally ever met. Rumors say that his ability with a dagger is legendary but that is only rumor few people have seen him use his daggers that are still alive today. The jackals always hunt in the shaddows and make their kill in silence."

Just then a voice broke the tension Archy had created with his bardic ramblings. A tall pale man with shoulder length black hair stood next to the table. his face and arms were covered in small fine scars, and his eyes gave the boys a chill as the man looked down on them. "Not quiet always old friend," Sain said to Archy said in a melodic voice, "Sometimes the kill we make must be loud and public that way it will lure our true target into the open." He reached down onto the platter and took a piece of meat before sitting next to Braydin at the table. After thoughtfully chewing his food he said to no one in general, "Palaquin should be along shortly."

Just then a strong wind blew through the building and a light flashed brightly in the chair next to Kalin. When the light dissipated a little old man sat laughing in the chair. The old man spoke between breaths as his laughter subsided. "That never gets old Archy, I have always loved a good teleportation entrance."

Archy laughed, choking on his ale and said, "I hate it when you do that Palaquin, you old crow!"
"Come now," said the old man, "You never had much of a sense of humor. Are these the boys you told me about?"
Archy nodded as the boys stared at the old man in amazement. "These are the sons of Roth." Archy checked to make sure the ale he had spit out earlier hadn't soiled his robes before saying to the boys, "This is Palaquin, leader of the brotherhood of the raven and probably the most powerful practitioner of magic in the kingdom,"

"All the world, Archy, All the world." Palaquin said as he slammed his fist into the table spilling Archy's ale once again.
Archy gave the little old man a disgruntled look and then continued, "The raven are the kingdoms biggest secret. People don't even know that humans can even practice magic let alone that their is a group of well trained practitioners right here in the kingdom who can heal or destroy a person with flick of their wrist. Where the jackals are the most fearsome the ravens are the most dangerous and helpful of the brotherhoods."

Archy paused to refill his empty cup and offer a mug to the two newcomers to the table before continuing. "We don't know much about the brotherhoods to the south other than the brotherhood of the dragon is headed by Sideous Hornklaw and they have a vast amount of riches and resources. He wants to wage an all out war on the kingdom and is completely able to do so. The brotherhood of the dragon is more an army than a select group. Its an army of savage men and orcs all under the command of a twisted and diabolical leader. The continent of Triagian is not like here in the kingdom. Its people live like beasts without laws or consequence for their actions. There the strongest is the leader until he dies or is replaced by one stronger. The people are ruled by fear and fear alone. They are savage and merciless. This is all we know of the dominions of Klostinian."

"This is the extent of our knowledge of the region and that's is the reason for your current mission." Archy said as he looked around the circle of men, "Boys these men seated here are your father's closest and oldest friends. They have each been to Klostinian and survived the mission with your father and the king. They are the original brotherhood of the stallion, and they are here to help you with your endeavor."
"Wait just a second!" Braydin said, "Kalin and I are not going across the ocean alone to do battle with a massive army in the hopes that my mother and the rest of the women of the town are even still alive. I dont even know how to get to Klostinian even if we were going to go."
"You're absolutely right, Braydin." the king said to the ill tempered sailor.

Braydin nodded to the king and began, "Thank you, now..."

"These men are going to assist you in every way possible." the king said cutting him off, "They have each assigned their best member to aide you in your cause. You two and Archy are the only remaining members of the brotherhood of the stallion and you are somewhat raw so the two of you will go together and Archy will aide you before you leave, as much as he is able. I have given your navigator a map to Klostinian and directions to friendly ports between here and there that the other ships might dock in along the way. It is a three month voyage so the sooner you get started the sooner we rescue your mother. The mission is simple go down there find out what you can, save your mother and the others if you can, and then report back to me with your findings. You should both go and become accuainted with your team, Archy has purchased you both armor and magically modified your weapons while we were away."

Archy cleared his throat and then began, "About that, remember all the money you were saving Kalin?" He gave Kalin a sheepish grin, "I think you will like the investment I have made with it. You boys should go now and I will be along shortly to instruct you on your weapons and armor. The others are waiting on the ship, they will be expecting you." He stood and nodded to the king, "Majesty!" Then he turned to the rest of the table and said, "Gentelmen!" Archy turned and walked briskly over to the office and picked up a bundle laying beside his staff and his hat before exiting the building.

Braydin said "Well Kalin, I guess that's our cue. We'll be seeing you fine men upon our return and we thank you all for the help you are providing us. If it is possible we will bring back the others and provide the kingdom with the information you all seek about our enemies. Good day to you all and may Cornin shine on our cause." He stood and motioned for Kalin to join him.

Kalin stood and nodded to his brother, then to the men at the table. As they were walking out Kalin turned back to the table and said, "Don't worry about us we will do the brotherhood and our father proud. When we return with your information majesty, we will return with your army to defeat the enemy and claim Klostonian as property of the kingdom. That you can count on gentlemen." Then quickly he turned and followed his brother outside.

Sain looked at the other three and said, "I like those boys, Roth did a good job with them."
Palaquin nodded in agreement and said, "I have a good feeling about those two, they are destined for greatness. I have kept my eye on the older one for sometime now and he shows great leadership and nerves of steel. He gave up a simple life of fishing to defend this little town from pirates and raiders. His ship is probably the most sea worthy and battle tested vessel in the whole of the kingdom. The younger one took on three armed orcs and a score of men using nothing more than his bare hands and a smithing hammer during the raid. I believe with some training and more than a little luck the brotherhood of the stallion may be restored to its former glory and we can finally end this 'secret war' that has plauged us for so long."

Sain and the king both nodded in agreement with the strange old man and they all three intoned a prayer to Cornin, the god of luck and good fortune who watched over sailors of the seas, before standing and leaving the building.

Rhondelle looked up from his mug and realized he was sitting alone at the table. He shrugged and emptied the rest of the pitcher into his and leaned back in his chair to relax a wile in this moment of solitude.
. . .

The smoke was nearly thick enough to muffle the screams of the townsfolk as the orcs tore through the town restocking their provisions for the sea journey they were about to embark upon. Many people in the town fled and many more died. The brotherhood of the dragon washed through the streets like a black wave of death, finally reaching its peak at the town center, crowding around the magistrates office. Orcs and men stood shoulder to shoulder filling the streets with bodies. The attackers had cut a swath of destruction from the docks to the magistrates office and not a building or person stood that would be more than a pile of rubble and ashes in a matter of minutes.

The door to the magistrate's building opened and a large barrel bellied man stepped through the door. The man though portly had a very powerful frame and his eyes were free of fear as he beheld the mass of orcs at his door. His large and caloused hand came to his face to stroke his braided mustache as the othere worried over the knotty oak club he carried with him. Two men of similar build exited the building behind him. they were younger and did not carry the extra weight of the origional man. They too each carried a knotty club of oak.

The three men stood staring at the orcs waiting for a threat or callenge to present itself, but one never came. After a minute the rear of the crowd became to part as someone approached from the docks. Like the curtains of a great playhouse the enemy parted way for their great leader to approach and conquer this town in the name of the brotherhood of the dragon. For what seemed an eternity the three men waited for Sideous to make his way to the building. He walked slowly as if he were strolling throught the woods on a quiet spring evening, his boots clicking loudly on the cobbled street was the only sound heard aside from his cape billowing in the strong east wind blowing in from the sea. Sideous came to stand at the base of the buildings stairs.

"Who dares attack my beautiful town of Oakcrest?" the older man asked as sideous stopped before him.

"I, Sideous Hornklaw, have claimed this town as property of the brotherhood of the dragon and here by demand provisions for my army from its peoples." Sideous said in his most stately voice.

The large man looked over Sideous and began to laugh, "You honestly think that we, Holders of the Oak, have been conquered and claimed. Why would a half breed ever even assume such things?" He laughed louder and this time his companions joined him. "If you do not marshall your forces and march back the way you came then you and your army will pray dearly for upsetting this group of islanders."

An orc from the man's left screamed, "How dare you insult the lord of the dragons!" In a rage he charged the stairs and was met with a single swing of the large man's club. The wood connected with the orcs head caviing in the creature's nose and one of his eyes was ripped from the socket spraying black blood into the surrounding crowd. The orc's head shot back and his neck cracked with a wet tearing sound, and the impact carried his body aloft, flying through the air back into the crowd nearest the stairs.

Sideous took a step back and placed his hand on his sword, "I see you are not to be underestimated." he said as he motioned for his men to attack. Before they had a chance to surge forward and fall upon their enemy, the large man raised his hand.

"Wait just a minute there pigface," the man said, "There is no reason for all of your fine soldiers to die for some food and supplies. We will gladly sell you the provisions you need."

"We will buy nothing from you, we take what we want and kill anyone who stands in our way!" Sideous snapped at the human.
The man nodded his head and curtly replied, "If you attack you will all die to a man, that includes you mister pomp and swag. Allow me to demonstrate." He nodded to the younger man to his left who lifted his club to his mouth and blew through the handle. A highpitched wistle sounded and shortly there after it was answered by a large firey explosion in the harbor.

Sidieous' eyes grew wide as he watched one of his ships burn to the waterline. The man shrugged at the orc's commanding officer and said simply, "To a man." Sidieous nodded.

"I know when I am out matched old man. I concede the day to you and your people." and the half orc turned to walk away.

"From this day forth you will forever remember the name Thaddius Oakhaft and he holders of the oak, and" the old man was cut off by an arrow protruding from his throat and two more immeadiately followed into his belly. Within seconds the three men and the building face were littered with hundreds of arrows.

"Pompus windbag." Sideous said as he returned to his ship,"take whatever you need and kill the other villagers."
The orcs cheered as they ran through the streets murdering villagers and stealing their food, clothing and anything else they might find useful or entertaining. Smoke once again rose into the sky darkening
. . .

The brothers reached the ship as the porters were finishing the loading of the ship. Braydin and Kalin followed Archy onto the ship and were met by the others from Kalin's shop shortly after. Archy crossed over the worn wooden planks that made up the deck of 'The Braying Mare' as Braydin began barking orders at his men, instructing them in the preperations needed to be made for the journey over the sea.
A small group of people stood together talking near the mast of the ship and greeted the cadre as they came aboard the ship. Kalin recognized the short man dressed in black, but he could not remember from where. The short man seemed to be the more dominant personality of the group as he walked up to where Kalin stood and said, "It's good to see you on your feet sir. I was worried for your health after the other night."

Kalin observed the small man closer now. He was almost a full head shorter than Kalin and his head was shaved bald save for a jet black strip of hair down the center of his head, resembleing the mane of a horse. He dressed in loose black pants and a loose black vest that crossed over its self at the base of his chest and had a deep hood that was currently hanging from his shoulders. Kalin noticed that the man wore no shoes and a pair of fingerless gloves. Kalin locked his gaze on the mans peircing grey eyes and after a moment he asked, "Do I know you?"

The short man laughed and said, "Yes Kalin we have met once before briefly. I am Cade Openfist I was the one who you followed to the alley. I work for Sain and im going to accompany you on your jorney." He then pulled his hood up over his head and turned to rejoin the others.
Kalin looked over the others standing by the mast. There were two young men and a young woman standing to Cade's right and another man to his left. The two men on the right were dressed identically in bright blue tunics and dark denim pants and their features were almost identical. They both had a slight build and seemed very graceful in their movements, each wore a pair of daggers on the front of their belts. The girl was a pretty girl about Kalins age with long raven hair wearing a floor length purple robe and a pair of gold rimmed glasses. She held a book under her right arm and on here beld were many small pouches and a few vials. The man on Cade's right was a weathered man of about middle years who carried rolled maps and papers tucked under his arms and he wore simple grey uniform of the kingdom fleet marked with the kings crest on his right shoulder.

The origional brotherhood introduced the members of the party to one another. The twins were Marko and Thorn of the brotherhood of the rat, Cade was the best member of the jackals, and Airicka was the ravens best man so to speak. The members of the mission party shook hands and Kalin and Braydin thanked them all for their help with the mission and Braydin assigned them all quarters on the ship. As their new friends were getting compfortable and their fathers old friends were leaving the ship Braydin, Kalin, and Archy went into the captains quarters.
"I have something for the two of you, " Archy said with a grin as he opened a wooden crate that he had placed in the corner earlier in the day. He reached into the box and pulled out the sword and dagger that Kalin had made to match the one he gave to Braydin years before. He handed it to Kalin and went back to the box. He produced a set of chainmail armor made of a steel and bronze mixture giving it a dull lackluster shine. He handed the mail to Braydin and produced a breastplate grieves and bracers all made from the same material, and finally a helmet with a faceguard and a tall horse hair mane which resembled Cade's haircut. "Make sure you two wear these whenever the fighting starts. Yours is in your room waiting for you Kalin," the little old gnomes face took a serious cast as he handed the helm to Braydin. "If anything happens to you boys I will have lost all of the remaining family I have so please be careful out there. This is gnomish armor, I made it specifically for you and I have magically enhanced it to protect you from magical attacks just in case you bite off more than you can chew."
"Dont worry Archy we will be careful and with our new friends and the tools you have given us it will not be long before we are home and all of this business will be finished and forgotten," Braydin said as he placed his free hand on Archy's shoulder.
Archy looked at the two youths that he had watched grow into men, "Finished but not forgotten, young sirs, not forgotton. May the gods smile on you and your collegues on your journey." The little man pulled the wide brimmed hat from his head revealing his bald pate. He wiped his forehead with his sleeve and replaced the hat and turned to leave.

Kalin said, "We will miss you Archy, I wish you could come with us."

"This is not my fight, but I almost forgot to tell you about your weapons. They have been reforged and enchanted, Ive placed instructions in the scabbard make sure you read them carefully. Ive added a few touches to your ship as well Braydin. The navigator and your first mate both know the 'ins and outs' of the improvements, you should check in with them before you leave." Archy shook his head and smiled at the boys, "Now I really must go my mouth is so dry, if I dont get some ale soon I will surely be spitting sand. Farewell my friends."

The brothers watched the little man dissappear through the door and heard his footsteps fade down the deck of the ship. "You should go and get settled in Kalin," Braydin said to his brother, "Its going to be a long voyage." Kalin nodded and without a word left his brother alone in his quarters. Braydin fingered the engraved designs on his helmet for a moment before placing it on his desk. He retrieved the shining whistle from his desk drawer and turned quickly and exited the room.

Three sharp whistles rang out through the harbor and all movement on the ship and docks stopped to pay attention to the source of the sound. Braydin stood on the bridge of the ship in from of the tiller with his long hair and coat blowing in the wind. Whenever he was certain he had everyones undivided attention he began his orders barking at his men to gain their positions and setting the sails and canvas for the trip. Then after the ship was set and fitted to his liking he said at the top of his voice, "Rest well men and remain ready! We set sail today not in defense of our families but in vengance to retrieve them and to destroy the ones who have stolen our loved ones and violated our homes! We knew this day would come and now it is here and we will greet this day with bravery and determination as we leave this harbor to do what we can to throw down the savage army of Klostonian hethen monsters!" He raised his sword into the air and screamed, "Helmsman set a course for the Isles of the Oak! Today we sail to War!" Braydin turned and walked back down to his quarters as his men cheered and the sails billowed as they filled with wind. The ship jumpped forward and the mens cheers were heard long after the ship was out of sight.
Archy stood on the dock watching the ship dissappear over the horizon smiling at the men that Roth's sons turned out to be. He lifted the mug that rested in his left hand in salute to those who were about to undertake the most perilous mission in all of the kingdoms history.
© Copyright 2016 Charles Clayhorn (ccameron at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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