Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2086029-Scent-In-The-Gate
Rated: E · Assignment · Children's · #2086029
A young girl gets injured and is taken into the arms of a friendly witch...
She was a plump round lady with vigorous arms and a.... Well it wasn't a smile like I would of thought... She had angry complexion eyes like daggers, She had a fiery breath, eyes widened with anger and frustration. Her delicate blue eyes turned into a fervid blood red, as she stomped past the customers in her shop... She clenched her fists and stared at me... My heart started thumping in my chest, it only took a matter of time before I couldn't hear anything but the sound of my beating heart... I could picture her belting at the top of her lungs... And giving me a massive wallop across the face. She was getting closer and closer... The closer she came the further I backed up. I slipped of the pavement into the road... I must of banged my head because all I could see was blood streaming down my face. I must of blacked out, I was so confused it all seem so blurry... All of a sudden a black figure with a mystic hood picked me up and took me into a massive room...

I woke up and I was in a beautifully decorated room with purple garlands and silver table tops, all of a suddenly I heard the pitter patter of bare feet coming towards where I was sat. I quickly closed my eyes, hoping they didn't hear or see me. A tall lady with a pointy hat came towards me. “wake up love" i sat up and i was scared but instead of seeing an old lady with a witch like figure. It was a young girl with thick black eye-liner and a massive smile smacked on her face. "hey, I'm Evelin, I saw you on the street you were bleeding heavily and i brought you in" Evelin said.
"where am i" i mumbled...
"this is my lair" she said
"Lair" I said confusingly
" I'm a witch or at least I'm in the running to be"
"oh, wait what, i don't believe you for 1 second"
" I go to Coral Springs High, School of Witchcraft" she said in a posh sophisticated voice, i giggled...
"prove it" I insisted, all of a sudden she flicked her wrist and a beatiful vase flew of the side table
"whoah" i said in awe
"pretty cool huh" she boasted
" defiantly" i said nodding approvingly...
© Copyright 2016 Ella Folkes (ellaisawriter at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2086029-Scent-In-The-Gate