Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2088773-FEAR
Rated: E · Documentary · Horror/Scary · #2088773
This is about something that once happened to me and every bit of it's true.

I have this fear of not knowing where I am which basically freaks me out but even though I sometimes do get lost, I always make it home safely. One time I went to see a band play live and the place they played at wasn't too far from where I live, or so I thought. I had a lift there but I didn't have one back and after the show I found myself stood on a deserted road at midnight. I thought surely a taxi would drive by at any minute but one never did, so all I could do was walk. I didn't know the route home so I walked in the direction that I thought I lived and the bad thing was is that I could've ended up anywhere. I found myself walking down street after street just following whatever came next and I began thinking I was never going to see home again. It was cold and pretty scary but all I could do was walk deeper and deeper into the darkness. Whilst walking along these streets I was aware that all around me were hills and if I were to make a wrong turn then my life could be over, because realistically anything could happen. I soon found myself walking along a motorway where cars would zoom right by almost hitting me and just when I thought it couldn't get any worse it started to rain. My legs were hurting and I'd walked for hours hoping that I'd see something that I'd recognise but I never did. As I walked along the motorway I noticed a house stood on its own with the lights on and my first thoughts were to go to the house and ask for help but the house was up in the hills and I'd have to cross muddy fields to get to it, so I just carried on walking along the motorway which seemed like my safest option. As I was walking along the motorway a police car pulled over to which the policeman driving asked me what I was doing and so I told him that I'd just been to a concert and I was on my way home, to which the policeman asked if I'd seen a man carrying an axe walking in the opposite direction to which I said no, and so the police car just drove away. So there I was in the middle of nowhere, cold, damp, aching, lost and now there's a mad man on the loose, could this day get any worse? I thought about giving up but I knew that I couldn't and I knew that if I was on the right road home then soon I'd reach a road which is in total darkness and is about one mile long and it's nothing but twists and turns so avoiding being hit by a car is virtually impossible. My only other option to avoid this road would be to journey into the hills and take a path that would lead me home but going into the unknown after midnight is not something I'd wish to do but I had no choice so up into the hills I went. I remember walking along this muddy bank and everywhere was pitch black, I was going deeper and deeper into the forest and although I was now safe from the traffic, I was now facing a knew danger where anything could happen. My mind started playing tricks on me and sometimes I'd hear branches breaking behind me which would really freak me out, and so I'd start running. I've heard a lot of rumours about what's in these hills so fear was everywhere and not being able to see what was in front of me, running just wasn't the smartest option because soon I ran into a fallen tree which sent me hurtling through the air and tumbling down a bank. As I lay looking at the stars and thinking how pretty they looked, I soon became aware of the full moon to which I freaked and began thinking of werewolves. So I got back on my feet and began my journey home once again. This was the longest night ever and I just wanted to cry but I knew that just over the hills was my home. It took me ages to get over those hills and no matter how scary it was it was worth it. After what seemed like a lifetime trudging through the mud I finally came to a road which I recognised and just knowing I was going to make it back felt amazing and once inside I thought what just happened?

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