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Rated: GC · Serial · Erotica · #2091228
A continuation
This is a continuation of A Royal Triangle: Same story, setting, and some characters

"Are you sure that your wife won't be here?" Jonas Nicholson asked, as he pinched the butt of his married lover.

"She never comes in here." Louis marveled at his luck. Jonas was the star of many people's fantasies, something he was played into in his movies. The first time they had made love, Louis was hooked. "Plus Hope much prefers the company of my brother."

"So she's basically your beard?" Jonas asked, wrapping himself around the Prince. Louis' cock sprang to life, pushing against the fabric of his pants. Jonas began to rub the throbbing erection, before releasing it and dropping to his knees.

Running his tongue along the head of the shaft, Jonas knew what his man liked. The moment Louis threw his back and moaned, Jonas took the shaft in his mouth. It was a perfectly timed, choreographed dance that they had perfected while travelling the world together.

Jonas took the shaft deeper into his throat. He began tickling his lover's balls. A trick that his latest costar had taught him one drunken night. Louis let out a loud moan, Jonas decided to send Adam a thank you note for that tip.

Louis pulled Jonas to his feet. Before their affair Jonas had loved taking his time getting out of his clothes. Teasing his lovers, but Louis hated wasting time with that, the sooner he was inside of Jonas the better.

Once the clothes were discarded, Jonas was thrown on to the bed. Louis climbed on top of him, bent his head down and kissed the man he loved. Jonas wrapped his legs around the Prince, willing his throbbing erection into his hole. There was nothing more passionate or sexy than the Prince when he was about to get what he wanted. Making love to him was never the same twice, Jonas had discovered early on. Many men would find a routine and keep at it but the Prince always did something different, and it excited Jonas to find out what he would do in his own home.

Louis kissed down his neck, until he reached Jonas' chest. He licked one engorged nipple and then the other. As his bottom bucked up and down, Louis stopped to appreciate the sight. Jonas had the body of a Greek God. His dark hair was matted against the pillow, his lips formed a sexy smile. His cock like the rest of him was perfect.

Then there was his ass. In one of the raunchy comedies he had filmed, Jonas had dropped trou and Louis knew he had to get that ass. He had made it his mission to make love to the beautiful man. Normally Louis would suck his boyfriend's cock and then move on to the main event, but his friend had told him that some bottoms liked to have their salads tossed.

Once again he kissed down Jonas' body. He buried his head in the ass that he had lusted after, and began to lick. Jonas squealed with delight as Louis began to thrust his tongue into his waiting hole.

After a while, Jonas moved on top of Louis. He took the Prince's cock in his mouth, while Louis continued to eat his ass out. As Louis balls tightened, Jonas released his load. He stopped sucking his man's dick, and sat on it. He knew that Louis' orgasm was imminent and that the Prince liked to cum inside of him. Indeed Louis was sending his orgasm into him within minutes.

Jonas fell onto the bed, a smile on his face and Louis' arms wrapped around him. It was just how he had always imagined it to be. A man who loved him and who he loved more than anything.

A cell phone went off. Both men checked their phones. Jonas was relieved to see that it wasn't his but was dismayed when he realized that it was Louis'. The look on his boyfriend's face sent him further into a panic. "What's wrong?"

"My Mother wants to see us." The fact that the Queen wanted to see him should have been exciting but something told him it wasn't.

They made their way through the castle. Louis never let go of his hand, maybe it wasn't anything bad. "I don't know what this is about but it can't be good. My Mother never wants to see us, unless something has gotten out of control. Whatever happens, I love you."

"I love you too."

When they entered the dining hall, Hope and George were already seated at the table. Louis sucked in a deep breath and asked, "What is going on here? Why were we all summoned?"

"It could be any number of things. Maybe Mother has finally decided to abdicate the throne or something." George answered, a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Doubtful. There is no way that she would have sent a servant to fetch us if that was the case. This is something bigger than that." Hope's eyes never left Jonas. A stab of guilt rushed through him. "I think it's obvious what's going on."

"We've been exposed?" George asked.

"Yes." The Queen threw a tabloid with all four of their pictures on the cover on the table.

© Copyright 2016 Author Ed Anderson (spaz11081 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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