Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2092570-Eross-Maze
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #2092570
Jade is seduced by the God Eros and his followers at her home town faire
Jade was not thrilled about attending the county faire with her family during the summer after her senior year of high school. She would have preferred to go to a party with her friends but her mother pull the “this is the last time we’ll get to see each other before you go off to college” card once again. She played the same card in July when Jade tried to get out of the family’s annual week long Fourth of July trip to the beach. Jade wanted to go to the beach but not the family beach. She wanted to go to Miami or Cancun with her friends. She wanted to do the wild and crazy things eighteen-year-olds do when their parents are not around; a little underage drinking, a few flashes of her breasts, and maybe even a few one-night stands. She lost her virginity in the back seat of a car on prom night so she wasn’t afraid of sex. She just did not get many opportunities to enjoy it with her family hovering around.

Jade stood back and watched as her father and brother stuffed every piece of fried food they could get their hands on in their mouths. She ate a few fried vegetables but drew the line at fried Oreos.

“You’re no fun, Jade.” Her brother whined. He was a few years younger than her and would be a freshman in high school when the year started.

“Now, be nice to your sister,” her mother chided. “She’ll be leaving us in a few days and you won’t be seeing her until Thanksgiving.”

“Big deal,” her brother grunted.

Jade’s mother took her by the hand and pulled her toward the pavilion crammed with long tables and folding chairs. A man stood at one end spinning a cyllindar and callin out different combinations of letters and numbers. People with money belts on their waists moved up and down the isles collecting money and supplying players with Bingo cards and dry corn kernels.

“Oh, no, mom,” Jade protested.

“Come on, Jade,” her mother insisted. “You love Bingo. Besides, maybe you’ll hit a few doubles and earn some mad-money for college.”

Jade groaned as her mother pulled her to a set of empty chairs. After a few moments of not paying attention Jade’s mother took over playing her card. Jade shifted on the uncomfortable metal chair and caught sight of a large black fabric wall billowing in the evening air. The lightsof the pavilion seemed to stop just before it. The wall parted like a curtain enough to allow a man to step out. He stepped on a small ladder and affixed a red lantern to an invisible rod on top of the fabric. When stepped down from the ladder, he met Jade’s eyes and winked. He motioned with his hand for her to come over. Jade stood and placed a hand on her mother’s arm. Her mother glanced up through what Jade termed the bingo haze.

“I’m going to walk that way,” Jade said pointing in the direction of the man standing beneath the red lantern in front of the dark fabric wall.

“Alright dear,” her mother said, turning back to her Bingo cards.

Jade stood and massaged her back. The metal folding chair made her butt sore but she resisted rubbing that until she was out of the pavilion.

The man standing in the red glow of the lantern smiled as she approached. The light gave his dark blue eye a violet hew and his golden hair a reddish glow. His teeth were white and perfect. He reached out to her with bare muscular arms and drew her into a welcoming embrace. The smell of him stopped her from pulling away. The scent of something spicy and male filled her nose. His hand slid up and down her back, caressing the bare skin exposed by her belly top. They massaged out the stiffness from sitting in the uncomfortable metal chair.

“Welcome to Eros’s Maze,” he said in a soft whisper. She stepped back when he let her go. “If you can show me your identification to prove you are of age in this land I will grant you entrance.”

“What’s in there?” Jade asked.

“Are you familiar with Eros?” He responded.

“The god of love?”

“More like lust.” He corrected. “In the corridors beyond you will encounter a variety of sensual experiences. Some more arousing than others but only if you are of age.”

Jade reached into the purse slung across her shoulder and pulled out her wallet. She opened it and showed him her driver’s license. He studied it and then studied her.

“It’s not a fake,” she assured him.

“I did not think it was,” he said. He touched his fingers to her chin and tilted her head up to examine her face in the lantern light. “You are so young.”

“Does that mean you won’t let me in?”

“I will,” he answered. “But I fear you may not be ready for what you are about to experience.”

“I am not a virgin,” Jade informed him. “I’ve read plenty of steamy books and stories and I have seen my share of porn.”

His body shook with laughter. “You are more innocent than you think.” He leaned down and press a kiss to her forehead, one to each cheek, and her mouth. “Just remember, you do not have to do anything you are not willing to.”

“How many tickets?” Jade asked.



Jade pulled a twenty out of her wallet. It seemed a bit expensive but it was less than what they spent on fair food and less than what her mother would drop on the Bingo table. She placed the twenty in his hand.

“Do I need a map or a flashlight?”

“Does any maze ever provide a map?”

“Right.” Jade smiled. “Would you guide me?”

“I must stay here to collect entrance fees and to make sure no one underage wonders in.”

“Couldn’t they just sneak in through the exit?”

“No, my brother is standing watch on that side.”

He pulled the one side of the entrance curtain back. The soft sound of pulsing musing reached out to Jade. She stepped through into a corridor of amber light. The sounds of the fair were blocked out when the curtain fell back into place behind her. The amber light came from lanterns attached to a canvas ceiling. The spicy male scent she smelled on the man outside was stronger inside. It was joined the smell of musk and fresh sex. The scenes on the walls of the corridor were various depictions of one or multiple people in the throes of passion. The soft sounds of moaning and heavy breathing caught Jade’s ear as she turned the first corner.

A woman lay naked on a reclined piece of furniture. The amber light over her seemed bright than the others around it. Her head lay back on a pillow as one of her hands caressed her full, soft breasts, the other slid half of a double sided dildo in and out of her between her spread legs.

“Is this for real?” Jade asked allowed. Her own sex clenched wanting the other side of the toy.

The woman raised herself up on the elbow of the hand cupping her breast and looked at Jade. “Come touch me and find out.” She invited.

Jade moved to her as she resumed her reclined position. She laid her hands on the woman’s shoulders. The skin felt human and she the woman’s warm breath on her as she leaned close to examine her face. Her fingers slid up the smooth shoulders to the neck, and back into long thick blond hair. She pressed her lips to the other woman’s mouth and parted them to accommodate a probing tongue. She tasted sweet and warm. Her hands slid under Jade’s top and fondle soft small breasts. They slid down to Jade’s skirt, up and under, and down her shaven thighs, taking Jade’s cotton panties with them. Jade cried out as the other half of the toy slid into her. The other woman lay back and bucked her hips to set the rhythm. Jade fell in and rode the building wave of pleasure. She felt herself tighten around the smooth rubber shaft inside her and arched her back as she moaned.

“Eros awaits you,” the woman whispered as Jade dismounted. She went back to fondling and pleasuring herself as if what she and Jade just did never happened.

Jade picked up her panties and tucked them in her purse. The woman’s moans of pleasure faded as she continued down the cloth lined corridor. At the next bend she found a man seated in a chair with a padded kneeling bench between his feet. He took hold of his thickened shaft and point the swollen tip at her. Jade felt saliva pool in her mouth. She settled herself on the bench and took him in her mouth. She did this before but something was different. She actually enjoyed the flavor of him. She used her tongue more than normal to taste as much as she could. The chair creaked as he leaned back to enjoy her. No matter how far down she went she did not feel the urge to gag.

“Almost there,” he warned.

Jade hummed with pleasure as warm, salty, fluid filled her mouth. She swallowed it down and licked up any left behind. When she stood he sat back in the chair with a full erection.

“Take the next right to find Eros,” he said. “Do not make him wait any longer.”

Jade nodded and continued through the corridor until she came to the next right. She found her self in a large square with three other pathways leading out in the shape of a plus sign. In the center a man reclined on a king-size bed. His back rested against a head board padded with over stuffed feather pillows. Like the other two people she met he was completely naked. He sat up as she approached. She paused when he held up a hand.

“Remove your clothes,” he commanded. He was not harsh or brusque just firm.

Jade pulled her top off to free her bare breasts, which were swollen from the arousal of her previous encounters. She bent forward to slid off her skirt, allowing them to hang down for him. Once she was naked he gestured to the bed. She move to it and attempted to pull herself up. His firm hands gripped her waist and lifted her effortlessly onto the soft comforter. She slid back against the pillows.

“Welcome to the center of my maze,” he said gesturing with his hand to direct her attention to the room at large.

Jade scanned the canvas walls. Painted on them were male/female, male/male, and female/female engaged in every sexual position the human body would allow. Her sex quivered at the idea of being the woman in those positions. She wanted to be with this man long enough to try them all. Her nipples stiffened as he caressed her breast. He positioned her so she sat between his legs and leaned back into him. His lips brushed a scortching trail from her shoulder to her ear as he pinched and pulled her sensitive nipples.

“You have already met my priestess and priest.” He whispered. “Did you enjoy pleasuring them?”

“Yes.” Jade gasped as his fingers continued to toy.

“Did you pleasure my guard?”



“We were outside,” she squeak as he pinched. “Someone could have seen us.”

“So you know how to be discrete.”


“If he came in here now would you pleasure him?”


“Caster!” The man who Jade took to be Eros called.

The man from the outside came in and knelt before the bed. “Yes, Master Eros.”

“This woman wishes to please you. What would you have her do?”

“If it pleases you, I would like to give her pleasure.”

At the nod from Eros, Caster climbed onto the bed and crawled to lay between Jade’s legs. She laid her head back on Eros’s shoulder and moaned as Caster’s tongue lapped at her. Her moans deepened as he speared it inside her. Her back arched as she crested into another wave of pleasure.

Caster knelt back on his heels. His lower face covered with her release. His tongue ran over his lips.

“How does she taste?” Eros inquired.

“Sweet, master,” Caster answered. “You will like her.”

“Leave us.”

Caster left the bed and disappeared down one of the four corridors. Jade looked after him until two of Eros’s fingers slid through her wet folds. His other hand continued to play with her breast.

“I’ll make you a deal my sweet,” he whispered in her ear. “I will take you in every position possible on these walls. If you do not stop me, I will keep you as my mate.”

Jade nodded her agreement. He laid her back against the pillows and suckled each nipple to a throbbing stiff point. Licking his way down her heated stomach he buried his face in her folds and drank deep of her. When he was sure she was read he introduced his smooth firm erection into her soft clenching flesh. Each time her walls pulsed and clenched around him he changed their positions. All of her cries were in pleasure. She never begged him to stop.

“We are in the final position,” he informed her through clenched teeth.

He shoved deep and hard inside her. His grunts harmonized with hers as he filled her with his release. She felt him slip out of her and the thick mixture of his and her release coat her inner thighs as she slipped into sleep.

When she opened her eyes again she lay in the same bed but in a luxurious master bedroom. She turned to wake Eros but found his side of the bed empty. It was still warm so he could not have been gone too long. The sound of a flushing toilet drew her attention to a door way across from the bed. Eros emerged naked and aroused.

“Good morning, Jade,” he greeted. He climbed back into the bed and pulled her against him.

“Where are we?” Jade asked.

“My home,” Eros answered. He nuzzled her hair out of the was and slid the tip of his tongue along her neck.

“Where?” Jade breathed.

“Does that matter?” His hands cupped her breasts, which were larger than they used to be. His thumbs slid around her ever perky and swollen nipples.

“N-no,” she moaned.

His hands slid down her flat firm stomach and spread smooth sinuous thighs. His erection stuck up before her and pressed against her heated sex. He hummed with pleasure as she rubbed up and down its length.

“Do you want it?”


Jade forgot everything as Eros drove her to the edge and over.

Word Count: 2,500
© Copyright 2016 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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