Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2098360-LIFES-CLASSROOM
Rated: E · Poetry · Relationship · #2098360
We all start out in Life’s Classroom but some of us can’t wait to leave
Life’s Classroom

Was made from nothing but other people’s ideas and inhibitions; they surrounded him from the day he was born.

Everyone who came to see him were telling him what to think, where to go and pushing him here and there. But the Bard would have to wait twenty years to free himself from Life’s Classroom

The Classroom was not big enough for him; nowhere near big enough. He had to be on the other side.

All his life he had tried to get outside of life’s Classroom; school and parents had quickly pushed him back in.

The walls were high; not easy to climb. Slippery and hard; he jumped and was free.

Free to think, free to write, free to be away from the Classroom as far as he could get.

He did
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2098360-LIFES-CLASSROOM