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Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Emotional · #2099313
A "book" of my poetry. Some of it is dark, so keep that in mind.
1. Love
Painful, jealous
Breaking, crying, lonely
Hurting all the time

2. Love
Joyous, Cheerful
Kissing, cuddling, dancing
Falling in love again

3. ABC's of Heartbreak

Always long dark nights
Because sadness creeps in.
Curtains of tears splash onto the floor,
Depression taking over.
Even joyful songs,
Find a way to be sad.
Gone were the days of happiness,
Hurting heart full of dread.
Juggling life and all this stress.
Kindness is limited,
Lines have been crossed,
My mind is now numb.
Nothing hurts more,
Other than death to,
Possibly lose someone you love.
Quietly I cry,
Right or not it still hurts.
Sobbing now,
The truth comes out that
Understanding and love are
Vital to healing.
Wishing to find my strength,
Exactly where I put it,
Yearning for your love but
Zipping my mouth closed.

4. I lie awake,
Not sure when the next pain will take,
My body and mind.
Only a few days painless, and the rest, a struggle.
Sometimes physical, sometimes mental.
So many hospital visits,
For little things,
My anxiety has taken over.
Blood draws and IVs,
Painful injections,
All over something so minor.
Why must you take over my life?

5. Always about
Money, never
Rich ones are
In and poor ones get the
All for one is what it's about,
Never being shared with the ones who need it most.

Each and every mouth spews
Lies and hatred,
Eliciting anger and fear. Our
Country needs help, not hindrance,
To be the land of the free.
Ignorance and arrogance don't help.
Own up to your faults, and
Never promise your citizens something you won't do.

6. Demons in my head,
Blood on my sheets,
Hallucinations everywhere around me.

I feel loathing for myself,
I hate what I've done,
I feel worthless and like a piece of shit.

Pain takes it away,
Only for a few minutes,
Unless you keep going.

Treating your skin like a canvas,
Various tools as your paintbrush,
Blood as your paint,
Your hatred and depression as your muse.

© Copyright 2016 Kai Rajaniemi (rrajaniemi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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