Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2104362-After-the-Ceremony
Rated: GC · Fiction · Contest Entry · #2104362
Brandon and Frank celebrate their union with a short break before the reception and cake.
The ceremony was beautiful. Brandon couldn't have hoped for a better service or well, maybe one minor factor he wished was different but for that day, he wasn't going to think about it at all. He just wanted to enjoy his first days officially a married man and with his husband, Frank.

"That should be the last of the pictures for now. The photographer said she'll see us at the reception." Frank tugged at his bow tie, loosening it a little as he settled on the nice lobby chair. They had the ceremony in an architectural building that Frank had chosen with the reception held in a separate location, at the hotel where people would be staying, including them for the night.

"Good. Never thought I'd dislike a camera." Brandon checked his watch, not sure where they stood in the very set schedule for their big day. He fondled the platinum ring he now wore, pleased at the feeling of the light weight and what it indicated.

"You never liked pictures." Frank teased, smiling at first until he stalled. "Besides, my mom wants plenty to pick from. She's ordering extra sets just in case..."

"In case what?"

Not looking at him, he finished the comment. "In case your parents ever want them. I mean, it's no pressure and if you never talk to them, then she'll have extras but just in case, some day, if or I mean when you are comfortable to come out, there will be albums. Sorry."

"I will tell them some day." He didn't like thinking about the fact they had all of Brandon's family and none of his own there to celebrate with them. Not that he had a big family but his parent's hadn't even met Frank yet.

"You will, I know. For now, we've got half an hour before they expect us at the reception." Frank moved closer, putting his arms around him for a moment before letting go. "Which reminds me, we have to get moving. Come with me."

Brandon knew all of the details from the months of preparation they'd endured in order to have the somewhat traditional wedding. Yet, he was surprised and had to follow his new husband around to the hired limo that lead them to the location of the pending reception. They didn't go where he thought, instead he was lead to a small room away from the side that held all of the special events.

After shutting the door, Frank smiled. "We don't have much time but I thought we should get away before dinner."

He looked around but had no idea what they were doing in the room and not following from what he remembered of their schedule. "What are we doing?"

"Someone told me that after making it through today, we'd be too tired tonight, so I managed to get us a little private time so we can," Frank had a big smile and blushed as he ran his hand across the edge of the very small bed of the less decorated room. "To be together as man and well, man."

Brandon smiled in return, flush from the suggestion and maybe having the suit on for so long. Though they didn't have time, the idea of removing some layers appealed to him from the suggestion. Considering the clothes, however, he had to ask, "Do we have time?"

"Be quick."

Taking the cue, he didn’t bother with a verbal response. First, he got rid of his own bow tie and jacket, working the buttons as he closed the distance between them. The first kiss in ceremony had been fun with the applause but behind closed doors, lips touching had a more pleasant, un-orchestrated approach that felt even better.

It didn't take any sounds or directions. They'd been together for years and the actions spoke well. Brandon moved with ease, getting them on the bed, enjoying the comforting trust experienced.

Frank reacted to each move, pressing his body up into him as the settled into their positions on the bed, with Brandon firm on top. He had to trouble rising to the challenge of speed that he'd suggested, which helped too. Moans and physical reactions helped bring them together in steady rhythm.

"Almost." Brandon gave the warning, hoping the heated pleasure and pressure was shared in the limited hold of conscious thought he had before pushing to meet the end.

Warmth echoed through the end when he pushed their bodies together a last time, ecstasy washing over his senses. They lingered intertwined in the comfortable aftermath had a subtle joy that made Brandon almost wish they had waited just for the fact that they would have been able to linger in bed longer.

"We should get dressed. There is dinner, pictures, our first dance and cake." Frank moved first, ending their connection as he moved from the bed to where his suit had been abandoned.

"It might be our second dance, considering." Brandon had to laugh when the comment came out and he relished being there with his husband. They had the ceremony done, next came the rest of their lives together.

(word count = 856)
© Copyright 2016 A.D. Writes (adwilson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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