Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2109806-The-Day-Everything-Went-Quiet
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Tragedy · #2109806
This story is about a girl who wakes up to a loud buzzing noise in her left ear.
It all started on June 14, 2007 when I strangely woke up with a loud buzzing in my left ear. It filled my head with an overcoming pain. It felt like someone was ripping the insides of me and flipping them inside out. I tried to stand up but when I did so my whole leg turned numb. At this point I knew something was not right and it wasn't just in my ear. I yelled as loud as I could for help. My dad came bursting in the room in fear on what was going on. His face was nearly green and it looked like he had just witnessed a full on murder. Before even thinking about the situation he ran to the living room and grabbed the phone. I just assumed he was calling my dearest mother who lived a few streets away. Even though I could barely hear out of my left ear my right ear was still half way working. I was able to withstand the pain in my left ear and leg for just a few seconds. All I heard out of the conversation was my dad yelling and someone on the other line who was trying to get my dad to calm down. Quickly my dad got off of the phone and ran back into my bedroom where I was. "I called 911 and they should be here as soon as possible to come help you," he said. "What is happening to me dad!! Am I going to die?,'' I questioned. My dad gave me a concerned and stern look and just as he opened his mouth the ambulance came speeding down the streets. Everyone peeked out their windows and doors to see what all the fuss was about. My dad scurried out of the house to show the paramedics where I was. They all ran in with the gurney and carefully scooped me out of bed on to it. I was terrified at the sight just thinking of what was happening to me. When I got fully secured into the truck my dad hopped right on with me. They put the sirens on and the lights so I knew it was important and needed to be cured quickly. With no longer than 3 minutes we got safely to the hospital. The door swung open and my dad jumped out of the truck. The paramedics quickly grabbed me from the ambulance and rushed me inside. They where running down the halls trying not to push anyone down. I remember briefly that they put me in room 325. A nurse hurried in the room and right away hooked me up to this large machine that was connected to a bunch of wires. She asked my dad to step out for a moment because they had to do an x-ray. "Wow, all this for a loud noise in my ear?,'' I said. "Oh no honey, this is not no loud noise in your ear. Your dad told me that you had a small surgery in your leg and ear when you where little. Apparently, it all is coming back and having an allergic reaction. If we don't heal it quickly it can cause you to go permanently paralyzed in your whole left side of your body," she explained. "The only downside is it will leave a 98% chance of you being deaf in your left ear," she finalized. After she fully explained what had happened she completely shut me up from there on out. I let them do whatever they needed to do and when it was done even though I was deaf in my left ear I was better and not dead. It took a series of medicine to get me to fall asleep but eventually they used the strongest thing they had which was laughing gas. It felt like I was drifting away with the wind. I never knew it could work so fast. To me it seemed like the procedure was only a matter of minutes but when I woke up it was pitch black outside. In reality it had been hours. My dad had found his way back in the room and was thankful to see me awake and better. Later that night I was able to go back home and live a normal life. The doctor said that I had to come in for a visit every month. It was a little weird and took time and adjustment to get used to only being able to hear out of my right ear. Within a few weeks I didn't even remember the day it happened. Surprisingly my hearing got a lot better and didn't give me headaches when I talk. I could say I have a pretty great life... THE END!!!!
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