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The vows I wrote for my wedding
We married on a warm Saturday afternoon. The sun lightly kissed our skin and breeze rustled the tree leaves in a very melodic way. This day, years in the making was finally here. Unlike most brides, I felt no trepidation or anxiety. I was perfectly at peace. Sitting under the apple tree in my crisp white dress I composed my vows.

For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish for as long as we both shall live. These vows are not enough for a lifetime worth of love. We have already survived the worst, the sickness, and the poorer. We have conquered more together than these vows account for. On our wedding day I feel calm and certain. I know who you are late at night after a few too many beers. I know who you are when you are working 80 hour weeks and are unable to hold it together anymore. I know who you are when money is tight. I know who you are when you have too much joy to contain. You have been there for me unwaveringly through college, chemo, the birth of our son, and the death of a friend. You know me better than I know myself sometimes. You have helped me grow into a person I didn't know I was capable of being. Watching you change and grow has given me a deep respect for you. It is with this respect and love I make the following promises.

I promise to be your best friend and to always give you the benefit of the doubt. I promise to remember just because I can win an argument doesn't mean I should. Your opinion is just as valid as my own, and marriage isn't about keeping score. Unless it's most games of scrabble won than I am totally winning. I promise to make sure it's hunger before I yell at you. I promise to find home in your arms. I understand a marriage is not about the big things but, about all the little things adding up. I promise to accept change is inevitable and to help you grow into the wonderful man you are going to become no matter who that maybe. I promise to always try to be as excited about hunting as you are and to always make space for your antlers in the garage. I promise to communicate with you fully and fearlessly. I promise to be your cheerleader and your port in the storm. I promise to remember sometimes our marriage has to come before our children and that 5 months is not an acceptable time period between dates. I promise to love you when the dishes aren't done, the kids are screaming, and you're soundly asleep. Most importantly I promise to love you when you can't love yourself.
Our love is so much more than words can describe. It is more than a day and a pretty white dress. Love is a daily battle and there is no one I would rather fight it with than you.

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