Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2116535-Im-Still-Here
by Lily
Rated: 13+ · Other · Horror/Scary · #2116535
I'm Still Here is a realistic horror story with many plot twists and turn of events.

I'm Still Here

My name is Karissa. I am16 years old and I live alone. I think of my own life as a living nightmare. My parents both died when I was 10 in a car crash. Then, I lived with my godparents. They turned into murders. They planned it since I was born. They would ask to be my godparents and when my parents died they would try to murder me. They didn't want me on Earth because their little girl died during birth and they were jealous. Then I went to live with my grandparents. Their house caught on fire one night. I barely made it out and they didn't. So by this time I was 15 so I decided to take all their stored money, and use it to buy myself a house. It's a nice house. I go to High school for 3 hours a day and then do online school from 11 am- 3 pm. Then I get my own time to hang with my dog, or go to lunch or dinner or something like that. My dog is a corgi named Redo. She protects me well.

I woke up this morning to my dreaded alarm clock. 6 am... My least favorite part of the day! I woke up with Redo by my side, and she was sleeping peacefully. I picked up my phone and woke up to a text from my best friend, Paris. I replied, and told her I would meet with her in the cafeteria at school. I made myself a yogurt parfait and a cup of coffee. I fill Redo's bowls and clean up my dishes. I go back upstairs to my bathroom. I brush my teeth, wash my face, and moisturize. Then I put my hair in a waterfall braid and did some basic, natural makeup. I went to my closet to try to pick something out. I pick out a pair of ripped jeans, a crop top, and a bomber jacket with high tops. I packed my back pack and said goodbye to Redo and I was off to school. I got to school and met with Paris.

"Hi Paris! Are you available after school?"

"No, Eddy invited me to watch a roller derby match with him and some other girls and boys. Pretty boring, but he is so cute! You should come!"

"I don't know Paris, you can ask Eddy."

She motioned for Eddy and he came over.

"Hey Eddy, mind if Karissa comes to the match today after school?"

"Oh uh, I guess."

"Thanks, hugs and kisses!"

He walks away.

"Paris, he doesn't want me to go. It's fine!"

"No, it isn't fine! You're going Karissa!"

"See you later, Paris."

With that, I walked too my first class, which is English. I am good at writing so this class is easy. I take 2 English classes, one online, and one at school. I sit down next to my friend Lindsey.

"Oh hi Karissa you decided to sit next to me today?"

"I sit next to you every day Lindsey."

"You'd rather sit with someone else though. It's picture perfect to see Karissa."

"What do you mean by that Lindsey?"

"Don't act like you don't know Karissa. You're leaked, you're exposed."

"What do you mean?"

"Okay class, today you will need a partner so go ahead and choose," Mrs. Chelsea states.

I reach for Karissa and Anne waves to her. She goes and sits with Anne. I was left without a partner.

"Oh Karissa, it's okay! Pick a group of three since you are an amazing writer," she states again.

I go and sit next to Lindsey and Anne.

"Go find another group," Lindsey whispers.

"May I work alone, please?"

"Of course," Mrs. Chelsea states.

Well, all day I felt the only person not against me was Paris. Well, I thought that until I got a text from her while I was at home eating my lunch that she was mad I wasn't at the roller derby match. I heard a knock at my house door and I open it to Anne standing there.

"Is this a bad time," she asks.

"No, come on in!"

We sit on the couch.

"I want to apologize for today! Someone made up a crazy rumor your dating Sean."

"What? Who made that up?"

"I don't know... I'm really sorry!"

"Please, tell her it isn't true!"

"I tried and tried! She won't believe me Karissa. I'm sorry."

And, with that she got up and left. I started to cry. I opened my laptop and decided to start writing my essay for school.

"Ever wonder why people make up crazy rumors? Well, you're not the only one! Everybody will/has gone through it..."

I continued it until it was dinner. I decided to call Paris. It went straight to voicemail... Great! I called again and she picked up.

"What do YOU want," she asks.

"Hey I want to apologize... I want to tell you why I didn't want to go..."

"What could prevent you from hanging with your best friend?"

"Eddy is my ex-boyfriend!"

"Wait, what?"

"Of 3 years, until I caught him cheating on me. Now, you like him. I am fine with it, I would've gone, but it would be too awkward. I am sorry Paris!"

"I'm sorry, he asked me out today and I said yes!"

"That's fine. I don't want anything to do with him though. I'm going to eat now... Bye..."

I hung up and ordered my pizza. It got delivered to me and I sat on the couch with that, chips, and to be sort of healthy, cucumbers. I pigged out with Redo right by my side, not even begging! Forgot to mention, while I was pigging out, I was watching my favorite TV show ever... Pretty Little Liars! I cleaned my dishes and put the left overs away. I showered, and put lotion on and got in pajamas. I got into bed at midnight. I had to get up at 6, shoot! I closed my eyes as Redo jumped on my bed. Then, I got on my phone and went through my social media, then watched a few YouTube videos! By then it was 2 am... I am going to be so tired tomorrow!

© Copyright 2017 Lily (dancer_life at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2116535-Im-Still-Here