Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2117656-The-curse-of-creativity
Rated: E · Other · Arts · #2117656
Creativity is the best gift you can be given, learn to embrace it
Growing up I always felt out of place. I learned very quickly, that I think completely different than most people. It has always been hard for me to pay attention to lectures and meetings, within minutes I am daydreaming. I also do not retain knowledge like I should, but that's ok. I know who I am. Living in a world ran by like minded people is difficult for a truly creative person, but we can't let our frustrations distract us. WE are the people who question the way things are done. WE are the people who create life altering inventions, and WE ultimately make the world a better place, because we embrace change. Take a look at Walt Disney, I'm sure people thought he was crazy when he shared his ideas with them, but with the partnership of his brother he created a world that would become a billion dollar idea. Next time you are feeling like an outcast remember, creativity is a gift you've been given and never be afraid to share it.
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