Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2121736-Consume
Rated: E · Short Story · Inspirational · #2121736
A short story about a bad experience.

Today I got out of the house in a dress that fit my body perfectly. So perfectly, in fact, that it showed every bit of curve and every gram of fat that I had gained around the edges over the years.

I was crossing the street with my weight showing and crossed by a taxi driver who felt the urge to open the window and tell me how much I love fast food. He was an adult and had a job and a client waiting inside. And the fact that I was fat drove him so mad that it was more important than his job. He wanted to shame me.

He couldn't resist.

I ignored.

He insisted.

Today I was supposed to hide the way I look. Just like any other day, I had to choose clothes that covered my body the best they could. Difference is... this is the day I decided not to care. But some others do and that makes me incredibly sad. And even sadder is that the most important things aren't their thoughts, but what they say about you and the way they say it.

I saw a taxi driver who walked past a fat, confident girl and tried to take her down. Because how could someone be confident if they're not thin, beautiful, perfect?

A taxi driver looked at me and only saw my body. And I do accept that looks matter - I may not like it, but I accept it. But it was so simple to take only the flesh and treat it as a person. And addressing a person as if it's just meat.

Today I looked at the taxi driver and saw ignorance. And then I looked back at myself and saw the flesh and it was so hard to remember that I am more than that. And I know there are so many people who can't see past it - and they should.

We are not human because of the body we have, but because we have a conscience that allows us to think and feel and act accordingly to that. And because he didn't... maybe he was more flesh than I was.

I want you - the fat, the thin, the ugly, the handicapped, the beautiful - to look at yourself and see a person, not a piece of meat which was lucky enough to grow a personality. And if you want to look in certain ways do it because it makes you feel good, happy and because it's something that you want. Not for them.

Never do it for them because they will consume all the flesh you let them and they won't ever stop.

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