Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2122619-Revenge-of-Princess-Peach---Chapter-2
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2122619
Also, most of my stories here you can also see at my DeviantArt account.
Princess Peach opens her eyes to see herself, and Toadette, in a stone prison, behind bars. She tries to move, but she realized she was bounded by chains and shackles. And Toadette is tied up with a rope, hanging upside-down. Both of their clothes suffered small tears and smudges. Then, Peach began yelling at the top of her lungs.

"NOT AGAIN!" Peach yelled out loud while pulling her arms against the chains. "CAPTURED AGAIN, LIKE ALWAYS! WHO KNOWS WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MY REALM!?"

Toadette does not respond as she is staring at the Princess, struggling to release herself... but then she turns her head at her.

"This... this... this is all YOUR FAULT!"

"MY fault, Princess!?" Toadette glares at the princess. "If it wasn't for your... your... uh... ENTRANCE, We wouldn't BE here!"

"Once I break these chains from my wrists, Toadette..." Peach growls at her. "I am going to cram them all into your MOUTH!"

"Not until I do it first!"

"Yeah, like EVER! You're hanging upside down of all things! And its not even chains! THAT is what I call pathetic!"

"But YOU’RE in chains! Those are harder to get rid of!"

"And how do you get rid of rope, then!?"

Toadette then remembers getting the fire flower from the garden. But her hands are stuck in the rope. She tries to get one out, but it was... no use.

"Peach! Peach!", screamed Toadette.

"What is it now!?"Peach folds her arms as she looks at her.

"I got a fire flower, but I can't get it! Maybe you can reach it and get me out of here!"

"Alright..."Peach reaches to the ropes where a green leaf is sticking out, she pulls on it to reveal the flower in her hands. She squeezes it to launch fire at the ropes, burning them down and releasing Toadette onto the dirty floor.

"Don’t worry, Princess! I’ll get you out of there!" She runs around, searching for a way to release her as well until she is stopped by Peach kicking her with one of her unbounded legs.

"Just unfasten these damn shackles!"

"Uh... okay."

Toadette did what she said and frees her from the chains. Princess Peach pushes her hands off the ground and stands up, she wipes the dust from her dress with her hands. "Toadette!" She lowers her arm with an open palm. "Give me the fire flower!"

"O-Okay, Peach." Toadette lends the fire flower to her.

With the fire flower, Princess Peach unleashes a burning blaze at the metal lock, softening it. There, she kicks the lock, opening the gate; but as soon as she did, an security alarm is activated where they both hear a computer voice.

"WARNING! WARNING! PRISONERS ESCAPED! PRISONERS ESCAPED!" The prison room then glows a deep, flashing red as the buzzing sound grows louder.

The two began to run to the exit, they are stopped by a giant gorilla wearing spiked, metal collars on its limbs, welding a barrel on with its hands.

Peach then quickly reacts. "Duck!" and both her and Toadette lower their bodies and avoided the barrel thrown by the beast. Peach then uppercuts the ape, knocking it down, and they continued running through Bowser’s fortress.

"This place is scary, Peach." Toadette observing the stronghold being made of large stones and lava flowing from giant statues of Bowser's head.

They both stopped to see a swarm of black orbs with the face of a monster, they flew with smaller flames following them.

"Flame Chomps!" Peach and Toadette turn back as the flame chomps shot fire at them.

"Where do we go, Peach!?" Toadette struggles to catch up with her as she begins breathing more deeply.

"The exit, genius!" Peach is moving her legs at a very fast pace, turning to hallway from hallway.

The fire monsters have launched more of their fireballs at them, one of them hit Toadette's right braid and catches on fire.

Toadette screams as the fire reaches her cap, but Peach grabs the burning braid and tears if off of her cap.

"Ouch!" Toadette looking at Peach with her hands on her hips.

"That's less painful than what would happen of I DIDN'T got rid of it!"

They kept running from the chomps until the fire breathers no longer have fireballs following them.

"Ha! They have no fire any more!" Toadette looks behind at them while running.

"That's what I'm afraid of." Peach also looking at them.

The metal orbs then began flashing faster and faster as they flew faster at the girls. Peach then grabs Toadette and they lowered their bodies. The orbs then, all at the same time, explode with clouds of flames expanding. The explosion caused them to be sent flying into a wall. Their clothes now bear black spots and smudges from the on going attack. Princess Peach was first to stand, who then turns her head at Toadette.

"Get up, Toadette!" Peach's eyebrows push downward near her nose.

"Okay..." Toadette slowly pushes herself off the ground and stumbles at bit, "Is their a w-way out of this... dungeon?"

"All we have to do is find a door far more bigger than any other," Peach swings her head for a moment as her hair flows, "That is both the entrance, and the exit."

They went east through another corridor, it was another area built with large stones, decorated with spikes and purple carpets. It leads into a vast room with a pool of lava. Fireballs can be seen jumping in and out of it and platforms float over the molten rock.

"Another of Bowser's twisted challenges, I assume..." Peach said as she turns her head to look at the room.

"Do we really have to go through THIS!?" Toadette shivering more despite the increased temperature.

Peach turns to Toadette and her eyebrows push downward again, "Obviously! We have no choice!"

They both jumped into a moving stone platform and it moves into three flames jumping out of the lava. They ducked as the lava bubbles flew over them, barely hitting them. The platform reaches the next and a yellow block with a question mark floats over their heads.

"Ooh!" Toadette looks upward with a smiling face, "A mystery box!"

Peach's eyes widened as she looks at her, "No. No! Don't hit that bo-"

It was too late, Toadette jumps and hits the box. Out of it, a purple mushroom with eyes and a skull on its cap emerges from the top and begins moving toward Toadette. Peach rushes in and grabs her away from the fungus.

"That was a poison mushroom, you idiot!" Peach yells as she holds Toadette.

"Sorry, Princess Peach! I guess nothing nice ever comes from here." Toadette is put back onto the floor by the princess.

They jump into another corridor where is gets darker every time they run. "Peach," Toadette said, "This is getting scary..." It then becomes pitch black. They then hear a faint sound; it gets louder and louder until they hear metal clanking and beeping sounds. The light turns on and they turned around to see a large blue robot hovering over a green orb; it had two arms and a giant key on its back. It thrusts one of its fists at the girls. They jumped out of the way as it hits the floor instead and ran under it, the robot turns around and pursues them.

The machine fires its lasers at them as they ran through the hallways. They hit walls, statues and even the floor they were running on. It begins to fly faster and faster; then, it lifts its fists high in the air and drops them fast onto the floor, smashing it and causing a quake that forces Peach and Toadette off the ground. They land next to a great door with a large lock on it. Toadette runs to and pulls the handle.

"No! It's locked! Not now! Not now!" She keeps pulling it, but is was futile.

"The castles in lock down! Of course it's going to be locked!" Peach picks her up and then drops her as she sees the robot getting near.

"Princess Peach! What do we do now!?"

The princess walks to it and takes off her crown; Toadette's eye looking directely at her. The robot soldier's "eyes" began to glow once more and fire out two lasers at Peach. She holds the crown right at the machine where the lasers hit it. They were reflected by it, and they go straight back to the one who fired them. The machine is hit and it begans to malfunction. It then ceases movement and falls onto the floor, becoming a pile of junk.

"Wow!" Toadette jumped up and down with joy, "That was awesome, Peach! You were like... awesome!"

Peach walks to the remains of the killer robot and grabbed the key, "This must be guarding the way out of here." She then walks to the door and turns the key; the door is opened and the two run outside the castle.
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