Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2123138-Anilagatari---Chapter-2
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2123138
The two adventurers head out to the great metropolis.
Eve dashes through trees to tress, trying to find the metropolis and the sword that rests there. She trips on an rock and falls on the grass. She gets herself up and tries to run again, but she was stopped by Lilith, who grabbed her arm.

"Don't go so damn fast next time! I almost lost you there."

"Alright! I'll go slower, already!" Eve pulls her arms out of her clutches.

They both walked more and more through the jungle, they can see all of its feral inhabitants watching them, as if they'll strike at any moment. Still, no light reached the jungle terrain, monsters lurk, and no sign of civilization.

"How far is this city?" Eve said to Lilith as they walked.

"A few more miles, I guess."

"This is taking forever. You're an vampire right? Can't you fly us there?"

"Not while carrying you around, you might be too heavy for me."

"No I'm not! I don't even eat that much! Besides, all this walking's killing me."

"Alright, kid. I'll fly us to that damn city." She reveals her large bat wings over her black coat and picks up Eve by the shoulders.

She begins to fly over the jungle with much effort on carrying Eve. She flew through the great jungle; they soon flew over mountains. Beyond those mountains was an large industrial city. She keeps flying until something from nowhere hits them at high speeds. This makes her drop Eve who is now falling towards the ground fast. The vampire woman then swoops down and grabs her back before she could hit the ground to her death. Lilith then looks back, and see the being who had attacked her.

It was an harpy of sorts, with black feathers and cybernetic limbs. She also have an large jet-wings with rocket engines emitting blue-hot fire. Her human skin was brown in color and her eyes were purple.

"Who are you?" Lilith said while holding Eve.

"I am Daifuran, General of the Keunmaen Army. You are invading city territory!"


"You don't question the rules here, miss. You either fly out of here, land, or I will eliminate you!"

"Oh yeah? Make me then!"

Lilith, while carrying Eve, flies into her. Daifuran gets her laser gun out and fires at her, making the two women fall to their perpetual doom. She then tries to fly again, this only slows down their fall. She tries flying more and more, slower and slower they fall, but then they land on the rocky ground when she was about to finally fly. They get up and see the great city before them. Buildings reached the sky, beings of many different races walked past them. Humans, elves, beast-people, dragon-people, and even flying animals. There are robotic guards everywhere, defending certain buildings from rogues.

"This must be it." Eve said, straightening out her back from the fall.

"Yeah." Lilith said, doing the same. "Now its time to loot this city!"

"But. Where do we go in this place?"

"Remember how I said there was an ancient ruins under this city?"

"Yeah. We're going to find it?"

"Exactly! We just need to find someone here who knows it."

They walked around the city and talked to the complete strangers there. None of them know about the ruins so far. They then walked into an library. It was an large place that looked like as if it was built thousands of years ago. Books were neatly placed in shelves, spiral staircases lead to higher levels. Next to them was the counter, where an woman older than both of them sits. Eve talks to this librarian.

"Hey. You happen to know of an ancient ruin underneath this whole city?"

"Hmmmm." The librarian looks up the internet. "There seems to be secret underground pathways underground here. They are said to be near the city hall."

"City Hall, eh?" Lilith walks in front of Eve, "We'll find that entrance ourselves!"

"Are you mad?" The librarian said, "Such an place is off limits, you could all be executed!"

"Doesn't matter. We're adventurers, and can kick their ass any time!"

"Yeah!" Eve said.

The two women walked out back into the city. They see an train come by and they ran towards it. Eve enters the train firsts and asks the driver.

"Hey, is this train free?"

She was then pushed back by the drive, who then said to her:

"What. You thought this was free? This whole damn city is NEVER free!" The driver then takes off without them.

"Damn it!" Lilith stomped the ground with her lowered eyebrows. "We should've know that! Come on, Eve, let's find another way."

They continue onward. They have asked countless people on the whereabouts of the city hall. More and more they asked until one of them responds.

"Its straight ahead. Right over there in front of you."

The girls then ran to the large building that looks like it came from the past. But as soon as they did, large robots came and captured them. The mechanical guards takes them inside through the lobby. The girls struggled to get out of their clutches, but it was no use. The robots enter an elevator and go up to the highest level, then they walk through an corridor to an door. They enter the office and throws the women on the floor. Before them, was the Mistress of Keunmae.The Mistress was an Dark-Elf with light-purple skin. Her hair was silver and she wore an black suit with an blue tie. She looks at them with an grin on her face.

"What brings you two ladies here? I am Upasa Darklight"

Eve gets up and speaks to her, "Uh, w-w-w-we are uh... uh... uh...."

Lilith gets up and speaks to her as well, "We're trying to find some ancient ruins here! We heard there's an legendary weapon underneath city hall!"

"Oh, so that's it, huh?" Upasa got up and walks towards them, "I heard there was treasure there. How about this, if you can find that treasure for me, I let you go."

"And what if we don't?" Lilith was towards her face to face.

"I execute BOTH of you!" She pushes her face at hers.

"Alright. And we can keep whatever else we find there. Fair deal!"

"Now, I heard the entrance was sealed away somewhere around this building. There's an door that even I can't open."

"Interesting. Perhaps its in the basement. Come on, Eve. Let's find that entrance!"
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