Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2127635-Moral-Values-Disappearing-today
by sady
Rated: E · Article · Teen · #2127635
the moral values are disappearing among the children today.


Everyone thinks of changing the world but no-one thinks of changing himself .Youngsters of modern society are losing their moral values. They are disrespecting the women by violence ,sexual asssaultment, eveteasing etc. They forgotten that they used to worship women as goddess Lakshmi , durga maa etc. Today the rate of rape , sexual assaultment all are increasing in scale .The women are unsafe in the society and even in family. She is even mentally physically abused by his father or brother whom she thinks the pillar of support. Today none of them has even a drop of mercy or kindness or respect towards his fellow being all are selfish they don't even raise their voice against the wrong. MORAL_VALUES_DISAPPEARING_TODAY_editoria

Men are looking at women as a object they use her for pleasure. According to nation crime records bureau 2013 annual report 24,923 rape cases were reported across India in 2012 about 98%of the cases were committed by someone known to the victim .How can a human do this to his fellow being don't he know that he is committing a sin by doing this evil action. If a person thinks a while before ill-treating women that the goddess he worship is an women ,the person who gave birth to him is an women ,so illtreating women is equal to disrespecting his goddess and mother then surely he wont illtreat her.Today youth don't have courtesy of respecting their own mother and sisters so we cant expect them that they respect the other women of the society.The advancement in the technology,modernization in the lifestyle,developing social media were the root cause of all problems occurring in the society .Mostly youngsters are accused for rape ,sexual assalutment etc.The recent murder case of Perfumer Monika Ghurde by a former security guard Rajkumar Singh(21) in North goa .He sexually abused her and murdered her to take his revenge and to satisfy his lust. Monika complained many times about Rajkumar to the organization which got him dismissed from job with 2 months of salary unpaid.which become the reason for him to take revenge by sexually abusing and killing her.Is that our culture teaches us to take revenge from someone by sexual assualtment or by murder. where the moral values gone is revenge is that much big that before it someone life doesn't matters .In olden days women are respected and worshipped but today women are illtreated misused and even killed for their selfish motives .There are many women who are harassed by words or physically or mentally each and every minute .Women are not free in Free India they are dominated and unsafe .Being a good human being our duty is to respect the women and her feelings and safeguard her from all evils of the society."The day a woman can walk freely at midnight on the roads,that day we can say tha India is achieved independence"-Gandhiji. Be a man and respect the women hood. Women are not expecting you to worship her they justwant respect , safety, gender equality from the society.

Sadia halima

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