Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2128685-Depression
Rated: 18+ · Documentary · Personal · #2128685
It's a true experience that happened in my life and it made me stronger.


Depression makes you stronger and a lot of people go through it. A lot of people don't talk about it because it might seem like a sign of weakness. When I went through depression I knew that it only made me stronger and it wasn't something to be ashamed of. It was a regular thing we talked about when I went through it. My family was very supportive and we were talked about everything. I always felt like I was the strongest in my family and I never wanted to show them that I was weak but then after I admitted what I was going through my family was completely understanding. They knew I was going through it before I did. It all happened in my freshmen year in college. I stayed in a dorm with two other girls (that were best friends before we even moved in together). I was the third wheel and never got invited to do anything. I am a momma's girl and being somewhere that I'm not accepted for 5 days a week really put a dent in my self-esteem. There were a lot of nights I would cry to my mom on the phone and the days I didn't have class I would spend in bed. I remember one of the very last night's staying in the dorm I cried to my parents with my roommates in the same room and they didn't even care. My dad wanted to come get me that night but my mom explained to him that I needed to finish my semester. I am the baby in my family so everyone is over protective of me. Since that moment I have felt very strong but once you have had depression it is very easy for you to fall back into it. It has taken me a year and a half to become my normal self and I just want to thank my family and specially my fiancfor sticking by me. During that time my fiancand I just started dating before I went to college and when I went through the depression I actually broke up with him. After I came through my senses he was right there waiting for me and it made us so much stronger. This is was such a good learning experience for me and I was so happy that I got to have it at such a young age because I feel like it would be harder as an adult. I was always the bubbly, happy, little girl and when I went through that it showed a side of me that I never want to feel again and it turned me into a more mature, happy, and adult and it taught me to never take anything for granted. My family and I are not very churchy but my mom has always told me "everything happens for a reason" and "God will only give you what you can handle." I am thankful for what I went through and I am not afraid to tell my family and friends that I went through depression. I am not afraid to speak up about it because there are people out there that need advice just like I did.

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