Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2129784-Pathway-back-to-who-I-am
Rated: E · Prose · Personal · #2129784
A poem about memories
When I was a small child
I believed If I could swing all day
I could wish the bad away.
As I chose my swing
and setup for flight,
my heart felt lite as a feather
filled with delight.
As my body left the earth
and my invisible wings spread,
my dreams became reality
and came alive in my head.
I take time today
to swing as much as I can
It is a pathway back to who I am
I ponder the what if's and the why's
and Ask God's forgiveness for the sins in my life.
I ask for healing from my brokenness
and the secrets that I hide
I cry out for all I don't understand
as I look to the Lord and reach for his hand
Aware of my breath in and out,
as the swing moves forward and back,
higher and higher I am able to clear my mind
I transport
I swing and I pray.
I am peace, I am love, I am safe.
If I could swing all day like I did as a child
I could tame the wild and soften the smiles,
I could shorten the miles and climb the hills,
hear the whispers, and surrender my will.
I could see the light,
I could flip the wrong and make it right.
I read once that I have a choice for the greatest outcome for my life by the attitudes I choose.
My struggles introduced me to myself.
My God has always been there to carry me

I once heard someone say the world breaks everyone.
The good, the kind, the gentle, the faithful.
It's all part of the journey.
God tells us we don't have to live broken he can take our greatest difficulties and use them for his glory
© Copyright 2017 Lisa Grove46311 (lgrove0715 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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